








About NPA: Leadership - Board of Directors

Elections and Call for Candidate Nominations

The Network Professional Association® (NPA), seeks nominations for candidates to run for election or appointment to the NPA Board of Directors. The NPA Board of Directors is responsible for strategic development and executive management of the Association. NPA member nominees must be members in good standing at the time of nomination. Non-members, e.g. technology, management and other industry professionals, may be nominated but industry board seats are limited to two positions. Self nomination/applications are accpeted. All nominees are to be ratified by the current Board of Directors before acceptance.

The NPA Board of Directors is a working leadership board and members serve one or two-year terms without compensation in order to support the needs of the Association representing the international networking professional.  Board members commit to maintain regular contact via electronic mail and conference calls to engage on a wide range of action items and issues affecting the Association.  Board members are expected to contribute to the NPA with their time and skills in a variety of management and technical capacities in addition to their leadership position.

Board of Directors Duties

Three Primary Board Duties
Thanks to past president, Howard Belasco, for the following words of wisdom.

The Duty of Care
The duty of care requires the director to do what would be expected of any prudent person: read relevant documents, prepare carefully for board meetings, pay attention to what is going on, and ask questions to clarify actions that are being taken. The duty of care permits the delegation of certain responsibilities to staff, consultants, committees and task forces, but requires the director to stay informed of their activities and take appropriate action when indicated.

The Duty of Obedience
The duty of obedience requires the director to act within the scope of legal authority, including the Association's articles of incorporation, by-laws and mission.

The Duty of Loyalty
The duty of loyalty requires the director to give undivided allegiance to the Association without regard to personal interest, business interest, or the interest of any other region or organization. It is a breach of the duty of loyalty for a director to use inside information for personal benefit, or to benefit his region, chapter, business or any other organization. This constitutes conflict of interest and is cause for removal from office.

Detailed Duties for NPA Board Members

  1. The NPA Board of Directors is responsible for strategic development and executive management. 
  2. Directors are expected to contribute to the collective decision-making process, coordinated but not controlled by the Chair. 
  3. Board Members volunteer for and/or initiate multi-disciplinary projects, through from inception to completion as necessary. 
  4. The meeting schedule is a minuimum of four meetings (one per calendar quarter) held web conference/telephone.
  5. Attendance at meetings, teleconferences, committee meetings and special project meetings is required with a 75% or greater attendance required. Board members must be able to dedicate time to the business of the Association which can include face-to-face meetings, conference calls, conference attendance and committee work. Candidates should be aware that board meeting attendance is mandatory and missing two consecutive meetings without prior coordination can be cause for removal from the Board.
  6. Multiple comunications per day may require a response, some within one working day.  Skill-stretching work outside of your immediate experience is likely to be required.  A minimum workload of five hours per week is expected.
  7. Board members must read and agree to uphold, all governing documents of the Association, such as the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Association Policies and Procedures, and the Mission and Ends statements.
  8. Board members are subject to the requirements of the security policies of the Association, such as the NPA/Internet Privacy Policy and NPA Information Security Policy
  9. Board Members agree to work for the Association without compensation.
  10. Board Members can be held accountable for their actions in relation to the decisions made by the Board of Directors. This accountability includes the financial responsibilities of the Board.
  11. Expenses for NPA related activities are reimbursed provided they are agreed in advance.
  12. The NPA maintains Errors & Omissions Insurance for all NPA leadership

Board of Directors Candidacy Submission

Candidates must supply short biographical information, a photograph, curriculum vitae or resume, and a position statement.  Board member candidate nominations and persons interested in being considered as a candidate should send an initial interest inquiry and contact information to:    NPA Chairman of the Board

Candidates are asked to complete the below Questionnaire

  1. Give at least two reasons you are qualified to represent the NPA membership on the NPA Board of Directors?
  2. Please paint your vision of the NPA.  What is the missing focus of NPA today?  What is NPA's position in today's technology world?
  3. How can you contribute to the mission of the NPA?
    (Ethics and professionalism, Publicity, Certified Network Professional, Network Professional Journal, NPA web services, Awards For Professionalism, Member Benefits and Events, NPA Administration and Finance, Community Growth and "Professional Champions" are all important areas of operation in the NPA.)
  4. Which objectives should NPA consider for focus this year and next?
  5. How can our volunteer NPA be motivated to achieve?
  6. How have you demonstrated ethical values and professionalism in your life to date?

Look here for the on-line application

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