








Quality of Life

When we started planning our new website, we wanted to create a community that reflects the diverse interests and unique talents of NPA members. And we know that people who have chosen the field of Networking for their careers have all kinds of interests beyond what they do at work. So we're starting this section, called Quality of Life, as an experiment, with forums just waiting for your contributions. Here are some of the categories of activities that give dimension and meaning to our lives. Please share your experiences and ideas with other members and let us know in the following categories:

Travel - Have you traveled to exotic places and want to share insights, travel tips, great hotels or travel deals? Post 'em here or ask for advice from other members if you're planning a trip.

Gadgets - Has anyone purchased Apple's iPOD for PC? How does it perform? Is Winamp the best music player? How about PDA's and phones? What do you want for Christmas? What should I get for my dad, the man who has everything.

Media, Music and Art - Concerts, artists, movies, songs, TV. Are you a Hitchcock nut - maybe you'll find someone with a common interest.

Sports - Need players for a local soccer or softball team. What better than asking a bunch of techies, eh?

Humor - Any good jokes or stories? Keep 'em clean and PC please, if that's possible.

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