Careers: Interviews
A Chat with Christopher L. Magee, Anuraag Singh and Cherif Gamra: leading researchers, about global innovation trends, predicting specific trends and the analytics

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Christopher L. Magee, Anuraag Singh and Cherif Gamra.

Chris MageeCo-founder and CEO, TechNext Inc. Christopher L. Magee is Professor, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Co-Director, International Design Centre, Singapore University of Technology & Design. He has more than 35 years of experience at Ford Motor Company beginning in the Scientific Research Laboratory and progressing through a series of management positions to Executive Director of Programs and Advanced Engineering. Prof. Magee is currently engaged in research on technological progress with emphasis on quantification and prediction. His interests in engineering education have focused on creativity, design and socio-technical systems; he has co-published two books and about 100 publications. Prof. Magee is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of ASM and SAE and a participant on major National Research Council Studies. Prof. Magee received his B.S. and PhD from Carnegie-Mellon University in that city. He later received an MBA from Michigan State University.

Anuraag SinghCo-founder and CTO, TechNext Inc. Anuraag Singh was a Fellow, MIT System Design and Management and a part of the MIT Work of the Future Task Force. He worked for Honda R&D Japan in Tokyo at Think Lab, which helped create long term strategy for the company. After completing his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Delhi, he joined as an automotive interior designer at the Honda R&D automobile headquarters. While at Department of Science & Technology Center for Policy Research, he did innovation policy research, particularly innovation assessment and incubators, for the Government of India.

Cherif GamraCOO, TechNext, Inc. Cherif Gamra. After completing his Bachelor of Science at the University of California Berkeley, Cherif Gamra worked as an Analyst, Associate and Vice President in Investment Banking in Paris, London and New York with Montety & Feral, Citigroup and Macquarie Capital. Cherif worked on sell-side and buy-side transactions, debt and equity raises and IPOs for a variety of companies. Before joining TechNext, Cherif worked in Private Equity in Shanghai on restructurings and mergers before transitioning to a SaaS Company in New York as Director of Strategy & Financial Planning directly reporting to the Board of Directors and the CEO.

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