Careers: Interviews
A Chat with Pat Pataranutaporn: Researcher; antidisciplinary technologist/scientist/artist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) about the intersection of biotechnology and wearable computing, specifically at the interface between biological and digital systems; Keynote at Translucia Metaverse – Metaverse Unlimited Forum 79K participants

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Pat Pataranutaporn.

Pat PataranutapornPat Pataranutaporn is an antidisciplinary technologist/scientist/artist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is part of the Fluid Interfaces research group at MIT Media Lab led by Professor Pattie Maes, which specializes in designing on-body technology for human enhancement. Pat's research is at the intersection of biotechnology and wearable computing, specifically at the interface between biological and digital systems.

Pat had worked with global collaborators such a NASA TRISH, IBM Research, Bose, Harvard, UCSB, ASU, NTU, and the Futuristic Research Cluster of Thailand (FREAK Lab) to examine the symbiotic relationships between human and technology. His interdisciplinary research ranges from investigating human-AI interactions, developing wearable lab on the body with programmable bio-digital organ for space exploration, developing machine learning model to detect linguistic markers related to mental health issues, developing, and designing mind-controlled 3D printer.

Pat's research has been published in IEEE, ACM SIGCHI, ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM ISWC, ACM Augmented Humans, Royal Society of Chemistry, etc. He also serves as reviewers and editors for IEEE and ACM publications. Pat's artistic projects had been exhibited at National Museum of Singapore (Singapore), Essex Peabody Museum (USA), London Design Festival (UK), Transmediale Festival (Germany), National Taiwan Science Education Center (Taiwan), IDEA Museum (Arizona), Mesa Arts Center (Arizona), Autodesk Gallery (California), and more.

Pat and his team's projects have been featured on FastCompany, Time, Disruptive Innovation Festival, National Geographic, The Guardian, and UNEP. Pat believes that innovation must converge aesthetics, functionality, and community to create a sustainable future. Pat is the co-founder of several tech startups, and Freaklab (Futuristic Research in Enigmatic and Aesthetics), an open research lab in Thailand focusing on designing the future and beyond.



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