Careers: Interviews
A Chat with noted data scientist, author, academic, Steve Nouri: Top 21 Influencer in Data; Top 20 Data Pro; Top 20 Industry Key Opinion Leader; Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on Analytics.

Chat themes: Steve's LinkedIn 30K maximum, 500 million views, 741K followers, Journey to the top, how Steve's utilizes LinkedIn for community building, pioneering data science community buiding; co-founder of Hackmakers working with the UN and other communities on global hackathons; founding and goals of AI4Diversity with localization, regional hubs, distributed crowd-based programs, more than 300K followers and 4000+ volunteers, focus on diverse viewpoints; future of people centric AI/ML with data science, ethical considerations and programs, regulatory and policy timing, model-based versus data-based AI, where it could go wrong, large language models/multi-modal AI, what is happening with AGI (artificial general intelligence); recommendations for the audience

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Steve Nouri.

Steve NouriSteve Nouri is a data science leader who has evolved the way people look at AI and innovations. An author, academic and technical leader by profession, he aims to inspire people through the latest technology trends.

He has recently founded AI4Diversity, a non-profit global initiative with more than 4000+ volunteers that engages and educates diverse communities about AI to benefit global society.

He is a member of the Forbes Technology Council, Australia's ICT Professional of the Year, and an accomplished influencer on LinkedIn with 500 million views the last year. He Co-founded Hackmakers which is a global hackathon/ tech accelerator program to encourage innovative solutions for impact. Hackmakers collaborated with the United Nations and UNESCO with originating virtual competitions for global goals.

Steve is also involved in advising venture capitalists, startups and public policy makers in developing international standards towards a more ethically responsible AI.