About NPA: Leadership

Barry Sellers, Richmond, Virginia US

- 2009 -

Barry Sellers has served as a member of the NPA Board of Directors for 9 years for the Network Professional Association (NPA) and most recently as Treasurer/CFO. During  his tenure, he has championed, revamped, documented and implemented the NPA Certified Network Professional Certification and is currently working on the Associate Certified Network Professional Certification that focuses on professionalism and ethics, which will be a requirement for the Certified Network Professional Certification. He has held all of the officer positions on the Board of Directors including Chairman over that time. Prior to his time on the Board of Directors, he was the founder and president of the Shreveport Chapter of the Network Professional Association (1993 -1995). He served as the head judge for the Network Professional Association Awards for Professionalism (2002 – 2008). He was awarded the Distinguished Fellow of the Network Professional Association (DFNPA) in 2005,
Barry has been an invited member of the Network Computing Magazine editorial advisory board since 2004. He has served as a Judge and Presenter for the “Best of Networld + Interop” contest (2005 – 2008)

Barry holds the following certifications: Certified Network Professional (CNP), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Master Certified Netware Engineer (MCNE), Enterprise Certified Netware Engineer (ECNE), Certified Netware Engineer (CNE) Certified Netware Administrator (CNA),  IBM Certified Warp Server Instructor (CWSI), IBM Certified Lan Server Instructor (CLSI), IBM Certified Warp Server Engineer (CWSE), IBM Certified Lan Server Engineer (CLSE), ITIL Essentials Certificate (ITIL), IT Project + Certification, Network + Certification and A+ Certification

He has a Master of Science Degree in Computer Systems Technology from Louisiana State University Shreveport and a Bachelor of Science Degree from Louisiana State University

Barry’s community involvement has been with the following institutions: St Andrews School – IT committee Member, Architected deployed new infrastructure; St Joseph’s Villa – upgraded all of the workstations to XP; Big Brothers, Big Sisters – Consulting work on the infrastructure upgrade; Capital One Community Program - Consultant and Volunteer; Greater Richmond YMCA - Consultant and Volunteer; Shreveport Pro Bono Project - Network Consultant and Volunteer; Caddo Magnet High School - Internet and Computer Education Committees; Arthur Circle Elementary School PTA - President, Computer Committee Chairman; Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity (LSU) - Vice-president, Founding Member; LSU Service Council - Founding Member

He is currently working at Capital One Financial Services in Richmond Virginia as the Enterprise Infrastructure Architect (1997 – today). Prior to that he was the Network Coordinator for Louisiana State University Medical Center (1992 – 1997)

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