








About NPA: The Organization

Jim Belasco says, "I joined the NPA in 1994. For me it was about getting knowledge on technologies outside my immediate domain and meeting some really smart people. Since then it has been because I really support ethics and professionalism in the industry. The cost is minimal. The rewards like most things depends on your involvement but simple: Attend, listen, share, lead, publish."

The purpose of The Network Professional Association is to support your IT/Network career, help you improve your technical knowledge and skills, and learn what it means to become a more ethical professional. For over 25 years, the NPA has been a community for the IT/Network computing profession, promoting ethics and professionalism in government, academia, and industry. As a member of the NPA, you are taking an active role in defining the future of the IT/Network industry.

Mike Seden says, "I became a member because I wanted to be affiliated with other like minded professionals in my career path."

About the NPA

The Network Professional Association® (NPA) a Global Organization of IT professionals. Established 1993, the non-profit Network Professional Association is the leading organization for Ethical Network and IT Professionals. To be identified as true professionals, the NPA's international membership adheres to a code-of-ethics, continual demonstrated professional development, adherence and knowledge of the latest best practice standards, and strives for continual growth. The NPA founded the widely acknowledged and the industry’s only international Awards for Professionalism which honors individuals for their outstanding achievements in network computing and meeting the values of professionalism. The impartial strength of the NPA is a result of vendor neutrality and self-regulation.

The CNP is the consummate professional credential of the NPA. Ethics in life and business, career growth, proven experience, validated certification, advanced education, NPA membership are all steps towards achieving the CNP – Certified Network Professional credential which also recognizes excellence in IT.

A member of the NPA believes in the values of this professional association, its focus on the CNP credential and the professional status of ethical network and IT professionals through advocacy. Members receive a certificate of membership, benefits derived through chapters and programs, and opportunities to volunteer, publish and develop. The Association’s focus is to support and promote the role of the Ethical Network and IT Professional. Information about current activities and benefits may be found by visiting the NPA website –

The Difference
Advocate for the Ethical Network and IT Professional - source of continuous professional development, activities and opportunities to grow and prosper in your career. The NPA as a Professional Association is more than a user group as we represent and advocate for the Ethical Network and IT Professionals found in government, academia, technology, business, and industry, non-profits, and media. NPA is here to facilitate your career development, and interests while serving the mutual needs of the IT network computing industry at large. The decades-old NPA sets itself apart by adherence to a Code Of Ethics, self-regulation, and vendor neutrality. The NPA focus is to promote professionalism by supporting and building the ethical individual and our profession.

The NPA is a self-regulating, non-profit professional association composed of Information Technology professionals that sets standards of ethics, technical expertise and professionalism.

The mission of the Network Professional Association is to advance the Networking Industry towards an ethical profession.

Ends Policies
We will grow the membership of the NPA. We will deliver benefits to members, including but not limited to individually and through event, activities, and through industry alliances.
We will identify and meet member needs, including but not limited to leadership and professional development and technical education.

Unite Information Technology computing professionals in a worldwide association; determine member needs and interests; deliver programs and services to meet those needs and interests.

Strategic Intent
To be the leading professional association promoting ethics for the IT Network and IT Professionals industry.

Membership is comprised of network and IT professionals from across the world.

Governing and Operational Structure for the NPA
         (Full descriptions available through NPA Member Services and on the Member Page: Governance Documents)

The Network Professional Association is a volunteer organization composed of a virtual community of members worldwide. Members and invited guests participate in the various boards, committees, and councils.
Individuals interested in participating as leaders may notify NPA Member Services to receive additional information.

  • The Board of Directors Responsible for overseeing the long-term direction of the Association, providing direction to the Executive Management Team and ensuring that the Association serves the interests of its members. The NPA Board of Directors composed of members and industry, elected by NPA Professional members.
    • Directors — The Board of Directors consists of individuals who have been selected and approved by a vote of the Association Membership for the purpose of serving for a term of one year.
  • The Executive Management Team is responsible for the regular operation of the Association’s activities, member relations, sponsor and partner relations and all other day-to-day duties and responsibilities necessary to carry out the program of the association in accordance with values of and fiduciary responsibility to the Association. The Executive Management Team consists of a Executive Director and a team of officers with responsibilities designated by and who report to the Executive Director.
    • The Executive Director of the Executive Management Team serves at the pleasure of, and is imbued by, the Board of Directors with the operating authority of the Association, including the direction and control of all business activities, operations, and responsibilities of each officer on the Executive Management Team.
    • The Assistant Executive Director assists in the fulfillment of the duties of the Executive Director or in any task or responsibility assigned to them.
    • The Executive Administrator is responsible for the proper recording, documentation and preservation of the activities of the Executive Management Team.
    • The Director of Communications & Media is responsible for maintaining and executing the communications and media strategy of the Association.
    • The Director of Membership is responsible for maintaining current member relations and recruiting new members into the Association.
    • The Director of Partnerships is responsible for securing partners for the Association’s activities in accordance with Association Partnership policies.
    • The Director of Sponsorships is responsible for securing sponsors for the Association’s activities in accordance with Association Sponsorship policies.
    • The Director of Programming is responsible for conducting the Member Advocator and Public Webinar meetings as well as workshops and other Association programs.
    • The Director of Infrastructure & Technology is responsible for maintaining the technology platforms of the NPA: media sites, communication channels and vendors associated with these platforms.
  • The NPA Executive Council operates with the approval of the Chairperson of the Association Board of Director and the Executive Director of the Executive Management Team. The purpose of the Executive Council is to serve as the operational organization to support the Executive Director/President in planning monthly meetings and all other activities of the Association. There is no limit to the number of members of the Executive Council.

Our Leaders

Position Statement

Why does the industry need a professional association?
The IT Network and IT Professionals industry has changed dramatically in the way individuals implement technology and how society uses technology; therefore, it needs a body of professionals to create the ethics standards, and recognize the skills and knowledge, and acumen required to continually advance the networked computing paradigm.

Now emerging from its relative infancy, the computer industry has matured to the point of consolidating around standards. Events far beyond the industry itself are accelerating this recognition. The business environment demands powerful, flexible, network based architextures that can only be achieved through standards.
Don Tapscott, Paradigm Shift: The New Promise of Information Technology

What defines a professional association?

A professional association is an organization consisting of mission, objectives, structures, and processes centered around the education and development of a voluntary membership situated in the intersecting contexts of specific fields of knowledge and practices, clientele, and values.

As knowledge providers, professional associations are socialization agents that create opportunities for member development both formally and informally. Examples of formal development include conferences, workshops, and seminars, while informal learning takes place through such activities as mentorships, networks, and committee participation. A. Carol Rusaw, Learning by Association, HRD Quarterly, Summer 1995

What defines a professional?

A professional is a person who, by education, training, and experience, performs work, analyzes and solves problems, makes decisions, and promotes ethics associated with a particular field of study.
A. Carol Rusaw, Learning by Association, HRD Quarterly, Summer 1995

The following social and behavioral studies criteria define professional (E.H. Schein):

  • Full time occupation
  • Specialized body of knowledge and skills acquired over a period of education and training
  • Decisions made on behalf of the client from universal principles or standards
  • Service orientation on behalf of clients
  • Professional service based on objective needs of the client independent of particular sentiments
  • Professional assumed to know what is good for the client better than the client
  • Professionals form organizations that define criteria for admission, educational standards, licensing, or other formal entry mechanisms

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