








About NPA: Content Submission Editorial Policy

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The Network Professional Association (NPA) is a leading organization of, and for, IT/Network Professionals, promoting Career Growth, professional development, and a code of ethics for its members and the profession.

Adapting to the digital age and the rapid shift towards remote connectivity and productivity, the NPA seeks to support and promote the role of IT/Network Professionals by hosting a series of virtual monthly public webinar and member advocator meetings, workshops, and networking events. Details of upcoming events can be found on the website.

To further our mission and to offer our members and guests the opportunity to hear from a diverse variety of voices, the NPA has established the following Content Submission Editorial Policy. We invite and encourage you to contribute content to the NPA for its members and guests. To discuss these Content Submission opportunities further, please contact

NPA Content Submission Editorial Policy

The editorial policies and practices of the Network Professional Association (NPA) are established by the NPA Board of Directors, elected by a vote of the association membership. The NPA Board of Directors has delegated responsibility for the review and approval of White Paper, Column, Article, Blog/Vlog Post, Image/Meme, or any other content to the NPA Director of Communications and Editorial Committee. Items will be approved for publication if found to be in line with the criteria outlined in this document.

Content Submissions must be compliant with the NPA Code of Ethics. The guidelines described below are not inclusive of all possible criteria that might be considered, and items meeting all criteria listed in this document may still be excluded from publication.

The NPA is committed to accepting competent content from all sources, regardless of gender, age, sex, race, class, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Content should be professionally written and professional in nature.

Content Types

The NPA accepts the following Content Submissions:

  • White Papers
  • Columns
  • Articles
  • Blog/Vlog Posts
  • Images or Memes

Please contact for Content Submission items not listed.

Content Guidelines

The NPA welcomes all contributions for publication. Submissions should be relevant to current issues pertinent to the interests of IT/Networking professionals, particularly in the areas of professionalism and/or ethics, information technology, career advancement and professional development. Sales, marketing, and other promotional content are not accepted for publication unless they are a part of a larger educational and/or advisory package.

Sales and marketing opportunities are available with the NPA through the NPA Sponsorship and Partnership Program. Appropriate sourcing and acknowledgement is required for copyrighted materials. Sources, organizations, and Authors must be considered reliable, trustworthy, and have a reputation for civility and good taste. Submissions that are potentially libelous, factually empty, misleading, or deceptive will not be published.

Only original content submitted by the Author/Owner will be accepted. An Author/Owner choosing to use an agent to submit content must first provide written notification authorizing the agent to represent them. It is the responsibility of each Author/Owner identified as the source of an submitted to the NPA to have contributed in a meaningful and identifiable way to the writing, design, analysis, and reporting of the work and to agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

Each Content Submission item must be accompanied by the following information:

  • Title and Optional Subtitle
  • Author/Owner Name, Email Address, Contact Phone Number, US Mail Address, Twitter Handle
  • A one- or two-sentence description or summary of the submitted item
  • A one- or two-sentence biography of the Author/Owner
  • A small square image of the Author/Owner (minimum resolution 250 x 250)

The NPA will not publish any White Paper, Column, Article, Blog/Vlog Post, Image/Meme, or any other content that is:

  • Anonymous
  • Political or religious in nature
  • Derogatory or maliciously intentioned towards individuals, businesses, or organizations
  • Dishonest, discriminatory, bullying, sexist, racist, or otherwise objectionable
  • Promotes, endorses, or encourages illicit, immortal, unethical, or illegal activity

The NPA reserves the right to refuse publication of Content Submission which in its sole discretion it feels violates the NPA Code of Ethics.

The NPA does not accept content submitted through social media.

The NPA does not pay for content. However, for contributors who wish to establish a more formal and ongoing relationship, the NPA may offer a NPA Cooperative Partnership as defined in the NPA Sponsorship and Partnership Program, with terms to be determined on an individual basis.

Submissions of White Papers, Columns, Articles and Blog Posts

Written format white papers, columns, articles, blog posts and other content may be submitted via email, preferably as attached Microsoft Word or Google Doc files to All submissions will be reviewed in accordance with this NPA Content Submission Editorial Policy. Reasonable attempts will be made to preserve original formatting but cannot be guaranteed. Submissions are subject to editing for length, grammar, accuracy, clarity, and any other reason without notice or approval.

For a more secure Content Submission platform, the NPA maintains a private access Google Drive. Send a Gmail address to with the required Content Submission information to request access.

Submissions of Image and Memes

Images and memes may be submitted via email Image files should be in PNG format, and should be educational, editorial, or humorous in nature. Submissions are subject to editing for length, grammar, accuracy, clarity, and any other reason without notice or approval.

It is the responsibility of the Author/Owner to have permission to freely use any photos or images used in part or in whole for the Image or Meme and can produce documentation demonstrating such on demand.

For a more secure Content Submission platform, the NPA maintains a private access Google Drive. Send a Gmail address to with the required Content Submission information to request access.

Submissions for Videos and Vlogs

Short (5-10 minute) and Long (15-45 minute) format Videos and Vlog Posts should be educational, instructional, or editorial in nature. Videos and Vlogs must be submitted through the NPA private access Google Drive. Send a Gmail address to with the required Content Submission information to request access.

It is the responsibility of the Author/Owner to have permission to freely use any photos, images, sounds and music, or video used in part or in whole for the video or vlog. The Author/Owner is also assumed to have secured all licenses and permissions for materials, locations and persons presented in the video or vlog. The Author/Owner must be prepared to produce documentation demonstrating such on demand.

License and Permissions Granted

By submitting a written, image or video Content Submission for publication and use by the NPA, the Author/Owner automatically grants the NPA unrestricted but non-exclusive license and permissions to review, modify, publish and distribute content to one or more, but not limited to, the following public or private (at the NPA’s discretion) platforms:

  • NPA Website
  • NPA Emails
  • NPA Facebook Page
  • NPA Private Facebook Group
  • NPA LinkedIn Page
  • NPA LinkedIn Group
  • NPA YouTube Channel

Submitted content may not be returned. Author/Owner agrees to have their name and contact information published (excluding phone number and mailing address) along with their content.

Community Event Submissions

The NPA encourages Members and Industry Professionals to contact us about events of interest to the IT/Network Professional, and maintains a public access Events Calendar to include:

  • National, Regional and Local IT/Network User Group Meetings and Workshops
  • National, Regional and Local IT/Network Conventions, Fairs and Events
  • National, Regional and Local Career Fairs and Professional Networking Events
  • Corporate Sponsored IT/Network Presentations, Seminars and Workshops
  • Virtual Webinars

To submit activities to the NPA Events Calendar, email and include:

  • The Event Name
  • The Date and Time(s) of the event
  • The Event Location (street or digital information/registration link)
  • The Event Sponsor
  • Contact information, including email and optional phone number

Please note that all events must be open to the public, though registration may be required, and attendance may be limited due to capacity and/or organizational resources. The NPA may refuse to publish any event deemed to be in violation of the NPA Code of Ethics or other content guidelines.

Career Opportunity Submissions

The NPA encourages professional networking and the sharing of career opportunities. To post a job opportunity with your employer, full time, contract or freelance, please visit: Job listings are not limited to IT/Network roles.

Public Webinar, Member Advocator and Workshop Presentations

If you are have an idea for an NPA technical, career or professional development presentation for a future Public Webinar or Member Advocator meeting, or a hands-on workshop, the NPA would like to hear from you. Presentations should be educational in nature and may focus on a particular or general technology area, tool or product, or speak to professional and/or career development. Just send your idea to along with your contact information.

NPA Blog/Vlog Distribution

The NPA seeks to share high quality content to our members and to the IT/Network public at large. If have a Blog or Vlog with an RSS Feed that you would like to share, simply email with the URL of the RSS Feed and if your posts meet the standards of the NPA Code of Ethics, your RSS feed may be added to our social media publication rotation. Blog and Vlog articles may be posted to our social media accounts:

  • NPA Facebook Page
  • NPA Private Facebook Group
  • NPA Private Facebook Group

Note: The NPA cannot guarantee a minimum number of website hits, Webinar or Advocator hits, or the reach of Social Media accounts.


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