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The Digital Nomad

Lance Cody-Valdez is a freelance writer who grew fed up with corporate marketing and decided to put his experience and professionalism to better use. Writing for the NPA, Lance explores the boundary between IT and entrepreneurism. Ready for positive change? Check out Lance Cody-Valdez's blog!

Lance Cody-Valdez

Elevate Your Business Security: Essential Cybersecurity Strategies

Structures and Benefits That Your Company Can Put in Place to Attract Disabled Candidates

The Importance of Good Interdepartmental Collaboration for a Business and the Best Ways to Improve It

4 Types of Consultants Your Business Should Be Utilizings

How to Make the Leap from Freelancer to Small Business Owner


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Elevate Your Business Security: Essential Cybersecurity Strategies

In today's digital landscape, the importance of cyber-security for entrepreneurs and business owners cannot be overstated. As cyber threats become more frequent and sophisticated, adopting robust measures to protect sensitive data and mitigate risks is not just advisable; it's imperative. Understanding how to shield your business from these threats is a fundamental aspect of modern entrepreneurship. Securing your enterprise encompasses a series of strategic steps, each designed to fortify your digital and physical assets against the myriad of cyber risks lurking in the digital age.

This Network Professional Association guide outlines the essential cyber-security strategies that are crucial for safeguarding your business. It emphasizes the importance of a proactive approach, ensuring that you stay ahead of potential threats and maintain the trust of your customers and stakeholders. By implementing these strategies, you create a secure foundation that supports the growth and resilience of your business in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Strengthen Authentication Measures

Strengthening your authentication measures is critical for safeguarding against unauthorized access to your systems. Implementing multi-layered authentication processes, such as two-factor authentication and biometric verification, provides a robust defense mechanism. Regularly updating session timeout settings ensures that active sessions do not become vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

These measures are essential for creating a secure digital space, deterring potential intruders, and instilling a culture of security within your organization. By prioritizing authentication security, you protect not only your digital assets but also the integrity of your business operations. This strategic focus on authentication acts as a cornerstone for your overall cyber-security posture, offering peace of mind to both your team and your customers.

Uphold Data Regulation Compliance

Compliance with data protection regulations is a critical aspect of cybersecurity. Proper management and protection of customer personal data not only aligns with legal requirements but also demonstrates your commitment to privacy and security. Ensuring compliance involves regular audits of data storage and handling practices, as well as the implementation of stringent data security measures.

This vigilance helps avoid regulatory penalties and reinforces your reputation as a trustworthy business. By dedicating resources to compliance, you not only safeguard sensitive information but also build a foundation of trust with your customers, which is invaluable in today's digital economy.

Protect Your Documents

To safeguard against cyberattacks, it is crucial to implement best practices that enhance your digital security. One effective strategy is to secure sensitive files by using password-protected PDFs, which add an extra layer of defense against unauthorized access. Managing these protected documents can be streamlined with the help of a PDF merging tool, allowing you to consolidate multiple documents into a single file for easier access and organization.

Merging files has never been this easy, as these tools not only simplify the process of combining PDF files but also enable you to rearrange the pages within the merged document to ensure your records are perfectly organized. This approach minimizes the time spent searching for specific documents and bolsters your protection against cyber threats.

Secure Cyber Liability Insurance

Obtaining cyber liability insurance is a critical step in reducing the financial impact of cyber-related incidents on your business. This type of coverage is designed to shield your enterprise from the financial strain caused by data breaches, cyber-attacks, and ensuing legal actions. Serving as a financial cushion, it enables your business to absorb the shock of cyber threats, thereby preserving operational continuity.

The decision to secure cyber liability insurance reflects a strategic and cautious approach to risk management, underscoring your dedication to safeguarding the future of your business. Beyond protecting your financial interests, this investment also signals to customers and partners your deep commitment to cyber-security, enhancing trust and confidence in your operations. Furthermore, it positions your business as a responsible entity that prioritizes the protection of sensitive information, further strengthening your reputation in the marketplace.

Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

Conducting regular risk assessments plays a pivotal role in uncovering and addressing vulnerabilities in your cyber-security infrastructure. This proactive stance facilitates the early identification and resolution of security weaknesses, significantly diminishing the chances of cyber-attacks. Through meticulous evaluation of your security protocols, you affirm the robustness of your defenses in the face of new and evolving threats. Such continuous vigilance is essential for preserving a secure operational environment, reflecting your dedication to forward-thinking risk management practices.

Embracing regular risk assessments signals a commitment to a dynamic cyber-security strategy, focused on ongoing enhancement and fortification against the constantly shifting landscape of cyber threats. This approach not only secures your digital assets but also reinforces your position as a vigilant and adaptive entity in today’s digital domain, prepared to tackle challenges head-on while safeguarding the integrity of your operations.

Secure Physical Assets

Securing the physical assets that house sensitive data represents a crucial, though sometimes neglected, aspect of an overarching cyber-security plan. By establishing rigorous access controls and confining vital infrastructure to secured locations, your business can effectively shield itself from unauthorized physical intrusions. This physical security layer works in tandem with your digital protections, creating a comprehensive defense strategy for your company’s sensitive data.

The concerted effort to safeguard both digital and physical realms showcases a deep grasp of cyber-security's complex dimensions, significantly bolstering the security and integrity of your business practices. It affirms your commitment to a broad-based security posture, enhancing the resilience of your operations against a spectrum of potential threats and underscoring your dedication to maintaining a secure and trustworthy environment for your data.

Develop an Emergency Response Plan

Crafting a robust emergency response plan is crucial for the rapid and effective management of cyber incidents. Delineating precise protocols and steps for a range of cyber threat scenarios empowers your team to act swiftly and confidently, thereby limiting the extent of damage and operational interruptions.

This strategy acts as a navigational guide through the intricacies of cyber emergencies, facilitating a quick and coordinated recovery process. The creation of such a detailed emergency strategy underscores your dedication to maintaining a resilient and proactive stance in the face of digital challenges. It reflects an organizational ethos that values preparedness and agility, essential qualities for navigating the complexities of the digital landscape and ensuring the ongoing security and vitality of your operations.

Safeguarding your business's security is of utmost importance. The landscape of cyber threats is ever evolving, presenting considerable risks; however, with a strategic and forward-thinking approach to cyber-security, it's possible to shield your assets and preserve customer confidence. Implementing robust authentication protocols and crafting a meticulous emergency response plan are critical steps in building a resilient defense against digital dangers.

It's essential to stay alert and perpetually enhance your security practices, ensuring your business not only survives but thrives in the competitive digital arena. This ongoing commitment to cyber-security excellence is key to securing your enterprise's future, demonstrating to your customers and competitors alike that you are a formidable presence in the marketplace, adept at navigating its challenges.

If you would like to know more about the Network Professional Association, then contact us at



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Structures and Benefits That Your Company Can Put in Place to Attract Disabled Candidates

Everyone deserves a chance to get a job and prove their worth, and that goes for disabled people who simply want to get hired and make a difference. As a company, you should do your part to ensure that you are giving everyone a chance, and you can do that by improving your company culture and by creating inclusive programs. Here at the Network Professional Association, we want to see your company hire the best and brightest, so we have some advice on how to make your hiring more inclusive to those with disabilities.

Create an Inclusive Recruiting Document With a PDF Editor

The first step that you should take is to draft a recruiting document that you can show to upper management and new employees that dictates the reasons why differently-abled employees should take notice of your company and apply for a job. It should mention that you are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive culture. Once it is complete, you can post this document on your website and attach it to your job listings.

It is a wise idea to draft this document and then convert it to a PDF so it can be easily accessed, downloaded, and read by all interested parties. If you do, then you can edit a PDF online easily by using a tool that allows you to upload your document, convert it, make any necessary changes, and then download it to your computer. You can make as many changes as you want. It is an easy way to ensure that the information is accurate and shareable.

Design an Internship for Differently-Abled Employees

An idea that is sure to excite many potential candidates is an internship or an entry-level opportunity that is designed specifically for those who have a disability. There are many different positions that you can offer, starting from the mailroom and beyond, leading up to executive assistant positions. Of course, it is okay to expect certain requirements and skills in order to hire the right person, but remember that this is a starting position that could eventually lead to something bigger, and there is plenty of time to teach the new recruit.

Set Up Your Office Accordingly

Once your organization commits to being more inclusive to those with disabilities, you should ensure that your office is properly equipped so that everyone can do the job properly. For instance, if your building is elevated, then install a ramp and make sure that your bathrooms are equipped with grab bars and other necessities.

Your technology also needs to be accessible. Research disabilities and determine what tech you should provide so your employees can work. That may include programmable standing desks, proper keyboards and mouse, and computer screens that can be modified for those that are visually impaired. When the new employee begins work, ask if they are comfortable and if there is anything you can provide to help them to do their best work.

Create a Welcoming Company Culture

While you can buy all of the assistive technology in the world, if your company culture is not right, then your new employees may be uncomfortable in the office. That means having a sense of empathy throughout the workplace and accepting feedback from all employees. Also, make it a point to celebrate employee differences and reward positively. Most importantly, your office must always be evolving, so that everyone feels comfortable regardless of their background.

As you can see, there are various ways that management can make a more inclusive environment and welcome employees with disabilities. Remember to draft an expansive recruiting document, create internship opportunities, and make the proper adjustments in your office, and you'll be on the right track. If you would like to know more about the Network Professional Association, then contact us at



The Importance of Good Interdepartmental Collaboration for a Business
and the Best Ways to Improve It

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Interdepartmental collaboration is more than team members sharing updates. Strong collaboration across the organization requires all teams to be on the same page regarding goals, expectations, procedures, and policy. In this article by the NPA, we’ll explore the common collaboration challenges faced by networking professionals and how to overcome them.

Challenges Affecting Interdepartmental Collaboration

Here are three types of problems that can hinder collaboration within an organization:

  1. Over-dependence on Others
  2. Whether it’s after the launch of a project or a brainstorming session regarding a system update, formal communication needs to be shared among all stakeholders regarding its details. More often than not individuals assume that someone else will handle this responsibility, which inevitably creates a gap in communication between all departments.

  3. Ineffective Management
  4. Organizations having managers who do not prioritize clear, timely communication suffer the most from delays and loss of revenue and effort. Networking individuals in managerial positions need to lead from the top and instill a culture of communication among their team.

  5. Lack of Fixed Communication Channels
  6. Remote working teams use multiple channels to communicate daily, such as messaging apps, email, video calls, etc. Not having a fixed channel to share updates leads to information being lost in communication and confusion among teams.

    Need for Good Interdepartmental Collaboration

    Before we get into the best strategies to improve cross-team collaboration, let’s take a look at why these are important and the major benefits it provides to an organization.

  7. Higher Productivity
  8. As reported by Pumble, 97% of employees consider sound communication an important factor for performing well in the workplace. Additionally, good interdepartmental communication can increase business productivity by 25%.

  9. Increase in Employee Satisfaction
  10. Clear communication strategies and channels significantly reduce confusion among workers. This leads to employees having a clear idea regarding expectations and smooth collaboration on cross-team projects. In the long run, this helps a business retain talent and develop a positive workspace.

  11. Greater Customer Trust
  12. All teams of the organization working in synergy results in customers receiving the best service possible. For instance, customer feedback regarding the website collected by the marketing team will be promptly integrated by the IT team. Similarly, system upgrades led by the IT team can be rolled out with minimal disruption to customers and normal business operations.

    Best Strategies for Good Interdepartmental Collaboration

    Here are three strategies managers, team leads and employees alike should implement to achieve the highest level of collaboration within the business.

    Set Clear Goals and Communicate Properly

    According to Atlassian, using the SMART method of goal setting helps remove ambiguity regarding expectations and timelines. This method is highly useful for projects of high importance that will closely be tracked by management. Once goals are set, share a concise email to all stakeholders across the organization.

    Take the Lead

    Rather than depending on others to provide updates, undertake the responsibility of being the point of contact. For instance, if an important investor meeting is coming up, take the onus of gathering information from all departments, creating an email thread, and tracking timelines.

    Utilize Collaboration Tools

    There are various collaboration tools on the market that make it simple for teams to collaborate. If your organization does not use them yet, push for the implementation of the following tools:

  13. Google Workspace: This includes popular cloud-based apps such as Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Documents created on google workspace can be shared with all stakeholders in just a few clicks. Additionally, individuals can make required changes that are implemented in real-time, making it the best way to manage cross-team projects.
  14. BPM Software (BPM): A BPM tool acts as a connector between software used by all teams. Instead of employees having to manually share updates, a BPM tool can be used to check up on the progress of other teams. Additionally, when starting new projects, the tool can be used in the early stages of the process to create a business-wide workflow and highlight areas of inefficiencies that can be addressed to reduce delays and productivity issues in the future.

The importance of good interdepartmental communication for a business cannot be stressed enough. The better the collaboration between teams, the better the business will perform and meet the expectations of customers and investors.



4 Types of Consultants Your Business Should Be Utilizing

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Running a business takes a lot of hard work. Even if you’re an expert in your field, sometimes it can be overwhelming to tackle every aspect of daily operations while managing employees. That’s why it’s so important to seek quality advice and guidance from consultants across many areas; not only can they help you grow your business exponentially, they can assist in making sure that you’re able to run things to the best of your ability, reducing stress and creating a cooperative and healthy work environment.

You can look for top leaders in these fields to help guide you through some of the most important facets of business.


A financial consultant will take a look at the big picture for your business, assessing debt and expenses, as well as income, to get a feel for what type of goals you should be setting and how to get there. They can also help manage investments for their clients and give advice on what type of business entity is best for their needs.

If your consultant recommends forming an LLC--or limited liability company--due to the flexibility and tax benefits it will afford you, do some research to find out which steps are involved as each state is different. You’ll need to start by making sure your business’s name is unique and available in the system. If you don’t have time to research the process, hire a formation service like Zenbusiness to help.


Like a financial consultant, an IT consultant can help in several areas, from finding and analyzing security threats to your company to improving the efficiency of the systems you use for inventory, payment, email, and more. If your company relies on any kind of technology, it can be extremely beneficial to have a consultant who can help implement new projects and support in-house IT staff. In some cases, they may even be able to provide training to your employees. They can also provide a financial overview for your tech ideas, letting you know how much you can expect projects to cost.

Human resources

Just as important as your business’s finances and tech are your employees. Sometimes, even if everything is running smoothly, it can be helpful to have a consultant who can handle things like onboarding or managing teamwork. An HR consultant can also assist with making changes to management or creating a plan for reorganizing different departments, which can be tricky or overwhelming for business owners to navigate. If you believe your company needs help with making workflow and productivity more efficient, an HR consultant can be of great help.


No matter how big or small your business is, it’s a good idea to have someone on your team who understands legal matters and can help you navigate issues related to contracts and other documents, legal disputes, banking, or employee matters. They can also assist with things like debt collection, an unfortunate but sometimes necessary action that most companies must face. As a business owner, it’s important to protect your company, assets, and employees, and a legal consultant can do all that and more.

Finding the right consultant could make a big difference for you and your business and could save you quite a bit of time and money. Do some research to find out what a specific consultant will bring to the table and make the most of their services.

If you’re an IT professional, join the Network Professional Association to improve your skills and network with like-minded IT professionals.



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How to Make the Leap from Freelancer to Small Business Owner

The best freelancer treats their career as if it were a business. Adopting that business focus helps you keep your clients satisfied and ensures you dedicate time to planning for the growth of your freelancing project. But what if you want to take the plunge and transform your humble gig into a full-fledged business? With the skills you developed as a freelancer, running a business should be no problem! The Network Professional Association shares a few things to keep in mind as you venture further down the path toward entrepreneurship.

Keep Your Costs Under Control

It can be tempting to put a lot of money into your new business, but try not to get carried away. Launching a small business doesn’t have to drain your savings. If you’ve been freelancing from home all this time, consider running your new business from home, as well. You can always rent an office space or meeting room if you need more space for your business activities. 

Generally, it’s always better to rent an office than to buy one. This is because you never know what could happen with the future of your business, and it’s good to have the flexibility that a rented space affords.

Make Use of Time-Saving Tools

As you start taking on more clients and hiring freelancers of your own, you will need to find ways to manage the growing demand on your time. Fortunately, there is no shortage of automation tools at your disposal. As one example, an online invoice generator can help you regulate your cash flow by ensuring that you get paid the right amount on time. When using an invoice generator, fill out all the invoice details with your business information including company name and contact information (e.g., email, phone number, and address), then preview it to make sure everything is correct. Make sure you don’t leave out any important particulars like your billing terms and any sales tax or shipping costs.

As you onboard any team members, look into other time-saving tools like collaboration apps (e.g. Trello,, Asana, and Slack) to help you manage projects and keep everyone on the same page. 

Prioritize Content Marketing

Whether you’re trying to keep your marketing costs under budget or you want to position yourself as an expert in your niche, content marketing is your answer. It’s cheap, effective, and popular among consumers. Content marketing will allow you to deliver specific messages to different client demographics and truly personalize your marketing approach. This is a great way to expand your client reach and land bigger projects for your growing business.

Not sure how to get started? Host a podcast, start a blog, create informative YouTube videos, or launch an Instagram page to showcase your work. 

Don’t Neglect Your Existing Clients

As your business grows, it’s important to look to the future. Just don’t forget about your current clients! Throughout your freelancing career, you’ve developed some great professional relationships. Reach out to your clients, let them know that you’re launching a business, and ask if they would refer you to others who would benefit from your services. These referrals might just be your biggest source of qualified leads as you get off the ground.

Be Honest

Many small business owners try to hide the fact that they’re operating as a one-person show. But masquerading as a much larger business could actually hurt your brand. In reality, itty-bitty businesses like yours are in a great position to connect with clients on a deeper level. Today, big businesses are constantly rebranding to appear smaller, more approachable, and more friendly to the everyday consumer.

Be honest and confident about your small size, put your face on your brand, and let your personality shine through in your communications. Your clients will appreciate it more than you may think.

If you feel like your freelancing career has reached a plateau, launching a business could be a great next step. Making the leap from freelancer to business owner is a lot easier than starting a business with zero entrepreneurial experience. With the skills you picked up through freelancing, you should be well-prepared to run a business of your own.

The NPA gives IT professionals the opportunity to improve their skills and network with skilled IT professionals across the globe. Join us today!


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