








NPA Pillars of Career Growth - Mentor Interviews

Within Career Growth, Mentorship is an invaluable supporting pillar for many IT/Networking professionals interested. Many professionals can find someone within their company or local user or industry groups who are willing to take them under their wing, but this collection of NPA member suggested articles and video interviews from experts recognized for their achievements in the IT/Network industry provides a trove of insights and actionable steps to integrate into your own career growth.

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VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Liesbeth Ruoff - van Welzen: Founder-Owner of LRWA, Advisor on Return on Investment in IT

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Toshie Takahashi: Professor, School of Culture, Media and Society, Waseda University

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Sivaaji De Zoysa: Renowned International Industrialist and Chairman YPO 3.0 Social Impact Network Council Empowering Global Transformation for Good

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Hayit Greenspan: Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Alejandro (Alex) Jaimes, Chief Scientist & SVP of AI at Dataminr

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Laura Giadorou Koch: CEO of Dolium Wines, about creating awareness and inspiring people and companies as a force for good

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Neil Sahota, IBM Master Inventor; United Nations (UN) Artificial Intelligence (AI) subject matter expert; Best-selling Author

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Moon Jerin, founder and CEO of Doctrina, about blockchain

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with a fintech leader Sanjib Kalita, CEO of Guppy

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Professor Emmett Redd, Physics, Astronomy and Material Science Dept., Missouri State University about his work with super-Turing computation

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Yuko Murayama, Researcher at Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Tsuda University

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Mike Hinchey, President of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP); President of the Irish Computer Society; Chair of the IEEE UK & Ireland

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Amit Joshi: Director of Global Knowledge Research Foundation; Entrepreneur; Researcher

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Eric Vest, Serial Tech Entrepreneur

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Dr. Ben Goertzel: CEO of the decentralized AI network SingularityNET; Chief Science Advisor of Hanson Robotics

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Stephen Hecht: Co-founder and Chief Executive Peacemaker of Million Peacemakers

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Florian Kemmerich, Managing Partner at Bamboo Capital Partners, Founder of Ryan-Kay

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Chat with Moira de Roche: IITPSA Director; Director of IFIP IP3; Director on the Global Industry Council of IFIP

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chat with Roy Taylor About Graphics and Media

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chat with Joe Aaron about Venture Capital

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chat with Robert Opp: Director, Innovation and Change Management within the United Nations World Food Programme

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Deep insights from renowned Dr. Tomicah Tillemann, Co-founder and Director, Blockchain Trust Accelerator, New America; Chairman, Global Blockchain Business Council

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Nadia Hewett: Project Lead, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology - World Economic Forum's Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Abraham (Avi) Loeb: Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science, Harvard University; Founding Director of Harvard's Black Hole Initiative; Chair of Harvard Astronomy Department; Director of Institute for Theory and Computation (ITC)

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Blaine Bey and Brent Reed - Top Leaders in IT

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Michael Palumbo, Data Innovation and AI Architext, Rolls-Royce

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chat with Eliezer Manor on Entrepreneurship for All

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Naomi Lee, Executive Editor - Digital at The Lancet

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Eliezer Manor, VC Icon

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chat with Co-Founders of Responsible AI Licenses Initiative

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Mike Tamir, Head Data Science, Uber AGT

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chat with Prof. Marcel Salathé

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Robert B. Cohen, Senior Fellow, the Economic Strategy Institute

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Moira de Roche, Chair IFIP IP3

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Amir Banifatemi, Avatar XPRIZE

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chat with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wiegand, Chair ITU Focus Group AI for Health (FG-AI4H)

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Pedro Domingos Top AI Professor University of Washington; Best Selling Author Master Algorithm; Holder top innovation/best paper awards

VIDEO INTERVIEW: More Conversation with Irakli Beridze, Head of the United Nations Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (UNICRI), Member AI Pioneers Forum

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Chat with Irakli Beridze, Head of United Nations Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (UNICRI)

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Ben Goertzel CEO SingularityNET, Chief Scientist Hanson Robotics, Chairman Artificial General Intelligence Society and OpenCog Foundation

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Mark Minevich, Digital Legend, Executive Chair AI Pioneers; B20/G20 Digital Task Force, Sr. Fellow UNOPS, US Council Competitiveness; Digital Fellow to CEO IPsoft

Amir Banifatemi, Head IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, Serial Entrepreneur, Investor
Amir Banifatemi joins XPRIZE with more than 25 years of experience in development and growth of emerging and transformative technologies. At XPRIZE he is the Prize Lead of the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE. Prior to joining XPRIZE, Mr. Banifatemi began his career at the European Space Agency and then held executive positions at Airbus, AP-HP and the European Commission division for Information Society and Media. He managed two venture capital funds and contributed to the formation of more than 10 start-ups with emphasis on Predictive Technologies, IoT, and Healthcare. Mr. Banifatemi is a guest lecturer and an adjunct MBA professor at UC Berkeley, Chapman University, Claremont McKenna College, UC Irvine and HEC Paris.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Chief Strategic Planning and Membership, International Telecommunications Union on SDGs and Gender Equality
Doreen Bogdan-Martin is a strategic leader with more than 25 years of high-level experience in international and inter-governmental relations. She has a long history of success in policy and strategy development, analysis and execution. Since 2008, Ms. Bogdan-Martin has been Chief of Strategic Planning & Membership for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), located in Geneva, Switzerland. ITU is the specialized United Nations agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), with 193 Member States and a membership of nearly 800 private sector entities and academic institutions around the globe. It is dedicated to bringing connectivity to all the world's people through development assistance, standardization and coordination of radiocommunications. Ms. Bogdan-Martin leads the organization's strategic planning processes, while also overseeing the organization?s Membership, UN Affairs, Governing Bodies, Corporate Communications and External Affairs teams. She also coordinates the work of the United Nations Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. Ms. Bogdan-Martin has advised governments from around the world on policy and regulatory reform measures. She has organized impact-driven global conferences with thousands of participants from 150+ countries, brokered international consensus on many critical issues and is a regular presenter at high-level international forums and summits. As part of this important work, she was one of the principal architexts of the annual Global Symposium for Regulators, directed ITU's first global youth summit #BYND and is currently driving ITU's latest high-profile initiative ? EQUALS: The Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age. Additionally, Ms. Bogdan-Martin is an affiliate of the Harvard University Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society, and currently serves as the Co-Chair of the United Nations Strategic Planning Group and Chair of the Academic Council for the Swiss Network for International Studies. She is also an experienced amateur radio operator.

Moira de Roche - IITPSA Director and Honorary Treasurer
Moira is a Professional Member and Fellow of IITPSA and a proud recipient of the EngineerIT/CSSA Distinguished Service in ICT Award. Moira de Roche is a Learning Specialist, and works as an independent consultant. She is currently contracted to a university, leading a remote team developing online learning for a diploma course. Moira is a Director of IFIP IP3, and is a Director on the Global Industry Council, an IFIP body comprised of senior people from all parts of the globe who are involved with ICT. As part of her work for IP3, she attends and speaks at the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva each year. The focus of the summit is how an Information and Knowledge Society can be implemented around the world in support of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Moira is passionate about issues facing women in the workplace, with a special focus on how to interest more girls in ICT careers as well as how to ensure that women can achieve their potential. She is a trustee of the South African Computer Olympiad whose function is to run the annual Computer Programming and Applications Olympiads in South Africa. Moira was recently appointed as a Non-Executive Director to the Metropolitan Trading Company, an entity of the Joburg City Council that is charged with developing and maintaining the broadband network in the city. She sits on the Social and Ethics Committee, and chairs the committee on HR, Remuneration and Transformation.

Toufi Saliba, Globally Renowned Entrepreneur and Innovator
Toufi Saliba is CEO, PrivacyShell and Chair of the ACM Practitioner Board Conference Committee. Toufi's background is mainly in Machine Learning, Decentralized Governance, Distributed Computing, and Cryptography. He has authored and co-authored several algorithms, protocols, and patents. Toufi's companies have had several exits for software that he built from the ground up. He sits on multiple Silicon Valley start-up boards, is the founder of the TodaQ Foundation and Chair of the ACM Practitioner Board Conference Committee. Currently, Toufi runs a start-up factory and InfoSec advisory with Todd Gebhart (ex-Co-President of McAfee and Vice-Chairman of Intel Security) and Dann Toliver (ex-NASA scientist and cryptographer). The firm is called PrivacyShell Corp with offices in San Francisco, Palo Alto, and Toronto. PrivacyShell's portfolio founders have an aggregate of over $27B in exits. PrivacyShell academic partners are growing, currently from Cornell, Stanford, Maryland, Technion, University of Toronto, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Berkley and MIT.

John Chen, Noted Innovator, Entrepreneur, Founder WikiOmni and Word4App
Jiang (John) Chen is the founder of WikiOmni and Word4App. He has a Master's degree in International Trade from Eastern Michigan University, USA and a Master's degree in Christian Studies from Southern Methodist University, USA. John is a former researcher in the Guangdong Branch of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He helped China Eastern Communication (listed company) found US subsidiary, and served as the first CEO. In addition to these John is also a former reporter and editor working in several different media.

Andy Chen, Renowned Innovator, IEEE Computer Society Board Chairman
Andy Chen is the President and CEO of a global consulting firm. The firm's principle business is to provide consulting services for the utility industry worldwide. Andy is a senior business advisor for several leading global consulting firms and enterprise software vendors. He has over 30 years of experience in utility sectors specializing in Nuclear Power Generation. For the past eight years, Andy has been assisting leading global consulting firms in business development for the Nuclear Utilities in China and in North America. In recent years, Andy has provided advice on Enterprise Asset Management best practices for power generation to several government agencies and State Owned Enterprises (SOE) in China and Australia. Andy is the 2016/2017 Vice President of the CS Professional and Educational Activities Board. He is also a director for the Federation of Enterprise Architexture Professional Organization's board and a member of the Technical Advisory Council for the FinTech Ideas Festival. He also served as the chair of ABB International User Board of Directors. As an internationally recognized speaker, Chen was a keynote speaker at the World Computer Congress, the World CIO Forum, and the Digital Africa Conference. Andy is a partner of REDDS Venture Investment partners which empower disruptive start-ups that scale worldwide and have billion dollar plus potential through team building, global business development, financing, mentoring, and strategy. Andy held the position of the Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Enterprise Strategy and Architexture of a Canadian-based electricity generator. He also has extensive experience in a variety of engineering and systems roles within the company including managing a project to replace the obsolete direct control computers in a nuclear station which was the first successful implementation in the Nuclear Industry.

Vicki Hanson: Globally Renowned Professor and Researcher, President of ACM, and Distinguished Professor of Computing at the Rochester Institute of Technology
Vicki Hanson currently serves as President of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). She is a Distinguished Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology in the USA and holds a Chair of Inclusive Technologies at the University of Dundee in Scotland. She also is a Visiting Professor in the Data Science Institute at Lancaster University in England. From 1986 ? 2009 she was a Research Staff Member and Manager at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Center in New York, founding their Accessibility Research Group in 2000. Vicki's research focus is on accessibility of technology for people with disabilities, the aging population and related research ethics. At RIT she is a co-director of the Center for Accessibility and Inclusion Research (CAIR). For her work, she has been recognized both by industry and professional organizations including an IBM Corporate Award, a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, the Social Impact Award from the Anita Borg Institute, the ACM SIGACCESS Award for Contributions to Computing and Accessibility, and most recently her election to the ACM CHI Academy. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a Chartered Fellow of the British Computer Society, and a Fellow of the ACM. In July 2017, Vicki will be awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from Newcastle University.

Jean Gehring, President Federation of Enterprise Architexture Professional Organizations
A recognized technology leader and President of the Federation of Enterprise Architexture Professional Organizations (FEAPO), Jean is known as a coalition builder and proven leader in identifying and implementing innovative technology solutions. A Senior Director at Smart 360, she oversees the company's global product stream. Her 25-year career in technology incorporates both board experience and leading enterprise architexture, governance, application and IT portfolio management organizations. During this time there, she led teams responsible for architexture, software product development, web technologies and IT operations. The capsule summary of her role is to develop and provide technology tools and services for Enterprise Architexture to better manage the technology used to power corporate and supply chain solutions.

Dr Chaesub Lee, Director of ITU's Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
Dr Chaesub Lee is the Director of ITU?s Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, following his election at the 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan, Republic of Korea. He took office on 1 January 2015. Dr. Lee has been involved in the telecommunication and ICT standardization field for 27 years, specializing in areas such as integrated services digital networks (ISDN), global information infrastructure (GII), Internet protocol, next-generation networks (NGN), Internet protocol television (IPTV) and cloud computing. He started his professional life in 1986 as a researcher at Korea Telecom. After 17 years he took up a role at the country's Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), where he stayed for the next eight years. Most recently he worked at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and as a senior advisor to the Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP). Within ITU Dr Lee served as Chairman of the ITU Next-Generation Networks (NGN) Focus Group to address the growing need for global standards for NGN, including service requirements, functional architexture and mobility, security and Quality of Service (QoS). He was also Vice-Chairman of the ITU IPTV Focus Group which works to coordinate and promote the development of IPTV standards. He acted as Vice-Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 'Future Networks and Cloud' from 2001 until 2008, becoming Chairman of that group in 2009. Study Group 13 works to develop standardization solutions for NGNs, future networks and cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile telecommunications, to ensure their smooth international deployment in the coming years.

Interview with Amir Banifatemi, Leon Strous, and Mike Hinchey - Globally Renowned Technologists Supporting the XPRIZE in Artificial Intelligence
Amir Banifatemi joins XPRIZE with more than 25 years of experience in development and growth of emerging and transformative technologies. At XPRIZE he is the Prize Lead of the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE. Prior to joining XPRIZE, Mr. Banifatemi began his career at the European Space Agency and then held executive positions at Airbus, AP-HP and the European Commission division for information society and media. He managed two venture capital funds and contributed to the formation of more than 10 startups with emphasis on Predictive Technologies, IoT, and Healthcare. Mr. Banifatemi is a guest lecturer and an adjunct MBA professor at UC Berkeley, Chapman University, Claremont McKenna College, UC Irvine and HEC Paris.

Leon Strous is qualified as a registered EDP-Auditor (RE) in the Dutch Association of Registered EDP-Auditors (NOREA), and also as a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) in the international Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). He is a member of a number of professional societies and has been active in many different positions in the Dutch Computer Society (NGI) since 1988, including vice-chair in the Board for five years, and in the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) since 1994. In IFIP he has chaired Technical Committee 11 on security and protextion in information processing from 2001-2007, he was Vice-President from 2007-2009 and in August 2009, he was elected as President for the 2010-2013 term with a re-election in 2012 for the 2013-2016 term. Leon has co-authored and co-edited publications in the area of information security and chaired/organized several international security conferences. His professional career started in metal and plastics processing and then went on to eight years with Philips Electronics in the Netherlands. His focus areas were administrative organisation, internal control and information security. Since 1993, Leon has been with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), which is the central or reserve bank of the Netherlands, as IT auditor in the internal audit department and as overseer in the oversight department of the cash and payments division, focusing on the security of payment systems. He also participated in committees of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Currently his main jobs are advancing business continuity and crisis management arrangements with the key players in the payments and securities clearing and settlement processes in the Netherlands, and liaising between the financial sector and the government concerning critical infrastructure protextion programs.

Mike Hinchey
Mike Hinchey is Director of Lero-the Irish Software Research Centre, a multi-location national research centre funded by Science Foundation Ireland and with a footprint in all of Ireland's universities. He is also Professor of Software Engineering at University of Limerick. Hinchey holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Limerick, a M.Sc. in Computation (Mathematics) from University of Oxford, UK and PhD in Computer Science from University of Cambridge, UK. He is a Member of Academia Europaea, Fellow of the British Computer Society, Irish Computer Society, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Institute of Engineering Technology and Engineers Australia and Engineers Ireland. Hinchey is the author/editor of more than 20 books (including two to appear in 2017), and over 200 papers on various aspects of Software Engineering and Computer Science. He holds 26 US Patents on various aspects of autonomous systems, code generation and computer hardware. In 2009 he was awarded NASA's Kerley Award as Innovator of the Year. Prior to leading Lero, Hinchey was Director of the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, MD. Hinchey has been previously full professor or visiting professor in UK, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, USA, Japan and Australia. He is President Elect of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), becoming President on 17 September 2016, Vice President of the Irish Computer Society and Vice Chair of IEEE UK and Ireland Section.

Judy Wajcman, Globally Renowned Professor London School of Economics, Best-selling Author
Judy Wajcman is the Anthony Giddens Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She was previously Professor of Sociology in the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University. She has held posts in Cambridge, Edinburgh, Manchester, Sydney, Tokyo, Vienna, Warwick and Zurich. She was President of the Society for the Social Studies of Science and is a recipient of the CITASA William F. Ogburn Career Achievement Award of the American Sociological Association. Her books include: The Politics of Working Life, TechnoFeminism, Managing Like a Man: Women and Men in Corporate Management, Feminism Confronts Technology and The Social Shaping of Technology. Her work has been translated into French, German, Greek, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. Her latest book is Pressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism (University of Chicago Press, 2015).

Could technical standards for Artificial Intelligence help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?
United Nations ituBlog article regarding Artificial Intelligence.

Martin Ford, Globally Renowned Writer, Best-selling Author, Keynote, Futurist
Martin Ford is the founder of a Silicon Valley-based software development firm and the author of two books: The New York Times Bestselling, "Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future", (winner of the 2015 Financial Times/McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award and translated into 19 languages) and "The Lights in the Tunnel: Automation, Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future". He has over 25 years experience in the fields of computer design and software development. He holds a computer engineering degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and a graduate business degree from the University of California, Los Angeles. He has written for publications including The New York Times, Fortune, Forbes, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Harvard Business Review, and The Financial Times. He has also appeared on numerous radio and television shows, including NPR and CNBC. Martin is a frequent keynote speaker on the subject of accelerating progress in robotics and artificial intelligence ? and what these advances mean for the economy, job market and society of the future.

Chat with Juergen Schmidhuber: Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning - Now & Future
The Deep Learning Neural Networks developed since the early 1990s in Prof. J?rgen Schmidhuber's group at TU Munich and the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA (USI and SUPSI) have revolutionized machine learning and AI, and are now available to billions of users through Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Baidu, and many other companies. His research group also established the field of mathematically rigorous universal AI and optimal universal problem solvers. His formal theory of creativity and curiosity and fun explains art, science, music, and humor. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2016 IEEE Neural Networks Pioneer Award, and is president of NNAISENSE, which aims at building the first practical general purpose AI.

Dr. Simon Moser, CEO, Top ICT Authority
Dr. Simon Moser is Senior Consultant, CEO and Partner, SolutionBoxX Ltd. (former name until 2010, The SEE Group) Bern/Kirchberg BE, which does business analysis, project and test management for SAP Systems, custom reference data, billing and encashment systems in the domains of Telco-operators, energy-utilities, stock exchange, social security/superannuation and financial information systems and also consulting for Business/ICT documentation and engineering method using the 12Documents™ Method (™ der SolutionBoxX GmbH) for various customers in the Telco and finance domains. Prior to that, for 8 years he was Project manager, Lead Quality Manager, Software Development Manager at Bedag Informatik in Berne. Swiss National Research Foundation, Berne Research Fellow in Melbourne (Australia) in 1997. Simon Moser is also a founding member and President of the Association, a special interest group of the Swiss Informatics Society.

Ken Salaets, Director Global Policy Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
As Director of a portfolio of Information and Communications Technology Policy and Advocacy Initiatives, Ken has been instrumental in positioning ITI, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, as the leading global industry voice on a wide range of issues, including ICT accessibility, standardization policy and sustainable development. His advocacy work has taken him to capitals around the globe, with an increasing emphasis on the Global South. Prior to joining ITI, Ken served on the professional staff of a U.S. House of Representatives oversight committee, managing investigations and congressional hearings on an array of topics, including international aviation security, federal housing and surplus property programs, and small and disadvantaged business subcontracting. When not promoting industry perspectives, Ken spends quality time with his family and a burgeoning collection of electric and acoustic guitars and folk instruments.

Herb Morreale, Top Innovating Chairman and CEO Shares Best Practices
Herb is CEO and founder of 6kites, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in custom software development and social media. 6kites clients range from emerging start-ups to established market leaders in the US, Canada and UK. Prior to 6kites, he held various executive roles at XOR, Loon Lake Investments, Kalos Strategy Group, Gold Systems, Adeptive Software and Me.dium. Herb is a semi-active angel investor and mentor to other business leaders. Herb is the founder and chairman of Topplers, a non-profit organization which seeks to impact the world by inspiring, educating and motivating people to "Set Big Things in Motion". One of Topplers initiatives is the Domino Award. The Domino Award encourages students to "think big" by seeing how the work of computer scientists have significantly impacted modern society. The goal of the program is to honor the past, and in doing so inspire students to see the potential they have to make a difference through their future work. The Domino Award is open to over 40,000 undergraduate computer science students at 300+ universities and colleges across America.

Caroline New, International Authority in Coaching, Training, Communications, Writing, Public Relations and Marketing
Caroline New is an experienced trainer and business consultant who spent 25+ years consulting to companies in the area of business communications, writing, public relations and marketing. She worked as a broadcast journalist and newsreader (4BK and 2WS) before moving into in-house corporate communications. Although more focused today on her training and coaching business, she continues to provide writing services to a small group of long-term clients, including delivering a ghost-written column for The Australian. Caroline began coaching and training in 2004 and is highly regarded as a trainer and presenter on all topics of business communications, professional and personal development, integrity in business and values-based leadership. She is an expert at engaging individuals and groups in meaningful conversations that cut to the core issues of behaviour and performance. Caroline is one of a small group of trainers accredited to deliver the Integrity and Values Leadership Program and holds Master Practitioner certifications in NLP, Time Line and Temporal Dynamics. She is also an experienced executive assessor and has participated in scores of assessment centres for senior government and business executives. She has completed dozens of training programs in business and personal leadership, coaching techniques, advanced communication and presentation skills, marketing, social media and more.

Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google Inc.
Peter Norvig is a Director of Research at Google Inc. Previously he was head of Google's core search algorithms group, and of NASA Ames's Computational Sciences Division, making him NASA's senior computer scientist. He received the NASA Exceptional Achievement Award in 2001. He has taught at the University of Southern California and the University of California at Berkeley, from which he received a Ph.D. in 1986 and the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2006. He was co-teacher of an Artificial Intelligence class that signed up 160,000 students, helping to kick off the current round of massive open online classes. His publications include the books: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (the leading textbook in the field), Paradigms of AI Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp, Verbmobil: A Translation System for Face-to-Face Dialog, and Intelligent Help Systems for UNIX. He is also the author of the Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation and the world's longest palindromic sentence. He is a fellow of the AAAI, ACM, California Academy of Science and American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

Anand Sanwal, Top Innovator, CEO Co-founder of CB Insights Sharing Deep Entrepreneur Lesson
Anand Sanwal is the CEO and Co-Founder of CB Insights, a National Science Foundation-backed data platform that provides predictive intelligence into the health of private companies, their investors and the emerging industries they compete in. Customers include Cisco, NEA, Gartner, Marketo, Redhat and Castrol to name a few. Prior to founding CB Insights, Anand managed the $50 million Chairman's Innovation Fund at American Express. And prior to that he worked at; one of NYC's most infamous dot com flameouts. He has degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and in finance and accounting from the Wharton School of Business.

Mike Hinchey, Globally Renowned Researcher and IFIP President
Mike Hinchey is Director of Lero - the Irish Software Research Centre, a multi-location national research centre funded by Science Foundation Ireland and with a footprint in all of Ireland's universities. He is also Professor of Software Engineering at University of Limerick. Hinchey holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Limerick, a M.Sc. in Computation (Mathematics) from University of Oxford, UK and a PhD in Computer Science from University of Cambridge, UK. He is a Member of Academia Europaea, Fellow of the British Computer Society, Irish Computer Society, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Institute of Engineering Technology and Engineers Australia and Engineers Ireland. Prior to leading Lero, Hinchey was Director of the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, MD. Hinchey has been previously full professor or visiting professor in UK, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, USA, Japan and Australia. He is President Elect of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), Vice President of the Irish Computer Society and Vice Chair of IEEE UK and Ireland.

Chris Howard, Top Global Engineer Entrepreneur Passionate About Transforming the World
Christopher Howard is an entrepreneur passionate about transforming how people interact with distributed systems. He is the CEO and co-founder of Kersplody, a start-up that solves many of the integration challenges involved with cyber security and big data deployments. At his previous position at Lockheed Martin, Mr. Howard developed software and solutions for numerous intelligence, civil, and defense projects including those involving big data, MULTI-INT sensor data fusion, Cyber Security, and Net Centric Warfare.

Gisèle Yasmeen, Globally Engaged Researcher, Speaker, Executive and Senior Fellow UBC Institute of Asian Research
Gisèle Yasmeen is currently Senior Fellow at the University of British Columbia's Institute of Asian Research and incoming Director of Social Protextion for WIEGO. She is the former Vice-President, Research at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council ? a Canadian Federal Government research-granting agency. Gisèle has worked in research and higher education for more than 20 years and has undertaken and managed research and related activities across the public, academic and not-for-profit sectors. She has published widely and her work has taken her all over Canada and around the world. Gis?le has a PhD from UBC, an MA from McGill and a BA Honours from the University of Ottawa and is the recipient of a number of awards. She is fluent in English and French and has studied a number of other languages.

Thomas A. Limoncelli, Internationally Recognized Author, Speaker and System Administrator
Thomas A. Limoncelli is an internationally recognized author, speaker, and system administrator. He is best known for his books Practice of System and Network Administration, Time Management for System Administrators, and The Practice of Cloud System Administration. His first book is cited as inspiring a generation of system administrators. In 2005 he received the Usenix LISA Outstanding Achievement Award. He holds a BA in CS from Drew University and has worked at companies such as Bell Labs, Google and Stack Overflow.

Moira de Roche, Outstanding Multi-awarded Serial Social Entrepreneur and Senior Global Executive
Moira de Roche is an independent consultant with a focus on helping business and educational organizations design and develop learning programs, and measure the impact and return of these programs. She is currently working with a large university, as technical lead for a small team who are designing and developing E-Learning modules for a diploma course. Moira also works with small companies, especially non-profit companies, to develop strategies and measure the achievement of strategic goals and objectives. Moira has spent the last two decades in the E-Learning industry and has a keen interest in the impact of emergent learning landscapes, especially Social Media and the use of new technologies in learning. She has worked with corporates, as well as Education Institutions. Moira is a Director of IITPSA (formerly CSSA), and a Past President. She is a Professional Member (PMIITPSA) and a Fellow of the Society and a proud recipient of the "EngineerIT/CSSA Distinguished Service in ICT" award in 2009. She currently serves as the Honorary Treasurer. She is also a member of ACM. She is a trustee of the South African Computer Olympiad Trust, whose function is to run the Computer Programming and Applications Awards in South Africa. Moira is also Deputy Chair and a Director, responsible for Marketing, of IFIP IP3. She is also a Vice-Chair and Director of IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council.

Bryan Johnson Sharing Entrepreneur Innovation Success
Bryan is the founder of the OS Fund. He invests in and advises entrepreneurs who are developing quantum-leap discoveries that promise to rewrite the operating systems of life. He currently serves on the boards of Human Longevity, Inc. and Planetary Resources. Prior to founding the OS Fund, Bryan founded Braintree, an online and mobile payments provider. He and his team worked tirelessly to build an exceptional company – one that they loved, and one that was worthy of frequent love letters from its customers. Under Bryan's leadership as CEO, Braintree acquired thousands of the most discerning and disruptive companies in the world as customers (including Uber, Airbnb, OpenTable, GitHub and HotelTonight) and created the critical infrastructure that powered the industry-wide shift to mobile commerce. Bryan profitably bootstrapped the company for its first five years of operations and Inc. magazine named Braintree one of the fastest growing companies in America two years in a row. The company raised two rounds of venture capital from top-tier firms and was acquired by eBay in 2013 for $800 million in cash. Bryan is also an avid adventurer. He has climbed some of the highest peaks in the world, raced in the African desert, explored an active volcano and built a snow cave in the Arctic. He is a pilot, the father of three and a children's book author.

Ingemar Flores, co-founder Lockheed Martin Shark Tank® Organization, Top International Software Engineer and Innovator
Ingemar Flores is an intrapreneur at Lockheed Martin. He worked in cyber, software engineering and management, network architexture, satellite design and space hardware testing. His experience and education span mechanical, aerospace, software, and network engineering. His constant goal has been on launching initiatives for creative, talented engineers in the spirit of the Skunk Works®. He enjoys working in the military and intelligence domains and strives to make them as innovative and forward-thinking as they were in generations past.

Raghu Rai, Top Young Entrepreneur Sharing Success
Raghu Rai is an entrepreneur passionate about transforming healthcare. He founded his start-up, Jio Health, while studying as an undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Irvine. Jio Health is creating a platform that empowers individuals to manage their health, connect with their providers in meaningful ways and care for the ones they love. In addition to Jio Health, Raghu also advises a few start-ups in Southeast Asia focused on secure messaging and machine learning for the beauty and cosmetics industry.

Robin Pimentel: International Engineer, Tech Executive, Entrepreneur, Investor
Robin is a Venture Partner with K5 Ventures and a member of the UCLA Venture Fund. Robin has been advising startups since 2007. Through a blended portfolio of funds, he has access to over 50 active startups. With experience in semiconductors, Internet scale networks and large scale global clouds, Robin can provide direction for technology scaling, product/market fit, funding, organizational and corporate development.

Anne Miroux, Director, Division on Technology and Trade Logistics, Head of the CStd Secretariat UNCTAD
Anne Miroux began her career in the United Nations in 1979 at the UN Centre on Transnational Corporations in New York where she was involved in the negotiations on the UN Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations. Over the years she has worked on issues related to international debt, investment and enterprise development, technology and innovation, and trade logistics. She is at present the Director of the Technology and Trade Logistics Division in UNCTAD. In this capacity, she leads UNCTAD's work on science, technology and innovation for development. Ms. Miroux is also the Head of the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CStd); she is in charge of the work of the Secretariat related to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the 10 year Review of WSIS. Throughout her career, Ms. Miroux has led many research and technical assistance projects. She was for several years responsible for UNCTAD's flagship report, the World Investment Report, and editor of the UN Transnational Corporations Journal. She is at present leading the Technology and Innovation Reports prepared by the UNCTAD Secretariat. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Technology and Management Center of the Department of International Development at Oxford University, and of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Logistics and Supply Chain.

Richard Allan Kelley, International IT Expert and Chairman NPA
Richard Allan Kelley joined the Network Professional Association (NPA) in 2004. Since then, he has worked with fellow members to create the Orange County and Los Angeles local chapters. He was elected to the Board of Directors, and currently sits as Chairman of the Board, and Chair for the Awards for Professionalism program. He is an Information Technology professional, promotes professionalism in the work area by mentoring others in the various industry certifications, and expands his own portfolio by learning about the numerous technologies with a focus on security. He served in the California Army National Guard from 1990-1996, where he was part of the 40th Infantry Division (Mechanized) Band. He currently works for Harris IT Services, part of Harris Corporation as a systems administrator. Prior to this, he worked as a systems administrator for Cablofil, Legrand, and PW Industries, Inc (2001 ? 2009), and a network system administrator for AsiaDemand, Inc (2000-2001).

Mike Uesugi, Top International Entrepreneur, Software Developer
CTO & Co-Founder, Mike Uesugi is the technology behind Social Rewards, a social media based loyalty marketing program that awards brand consumers for engaging in social media activity such as brand mentions via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook likes and fan activity.

Mei Tsang, Top IP Authority, Managing Partner and Lawyer
Mei Tsang is the managing partner at Fish & Tsang LLP. Mei helped form Fish & Associates, PC with Robert "Bob" Fish in 2007, which became Fish & Tsang when she became the firm's managing partner in 2014. Fish & Tsang was awarded Daily Journal's "Top Boutiques" and Orange County Business Journal's "Fastest-Growing Private Companies" and "Best Places to Work" in 2014. Mei pioneered the firm's three-step strategy for IP: Identify, Procure and Shepherd. The process helps clients approach, manage and monetize their intellectual property. She is a zealous advocate for her clients in advising and coaching them through prosecution, litigation and enforcement of their rights in the US and worldwide. Her specialty is in strategizing with her clients to think the impossible and to achieve their ultimate business goals. Mei has counseled her clients to achieve their goals by being resilient and caring. As a result, Mei earned the nickname of "Chinathreat" as she is unflappable in the face of adversity. Mei's domestic and international clients range from start-ups to small and medium-sized companies and large Fortune 500 companies with various intellectual property needs. She has litigated many federal and state court actions involving various intellectual property disputes such as patent and trademark infringement. She also has helped clients navigate through the world of combating counterfeit goods with the assistance of the United States Custom and Border Patrol, the FBI and the LAPD. Mei is creative too as well. She launched the Rainbow Book™, which translates common IP terms into seven (7) different languages as a convenient client reference.

Pedro Domingos, Globally Renowned Top Ranking Data Science, AI Researcher leads team to top AI prize
Pedro Domingos is a professor of Computer Science at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is a winner of the SIGKDD Innovation Award, the highest honor in data science. He is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and has received a Fulbright Scholarship, a Sloan Fellowship, the National Science Foundation's CAREER Award, and numerous best paper awards. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Irvine and is the author or co-author of over 200 technical publications. He has held visiting positions at Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, and MIT. He co-founded the International Machine Learning Society in 2001. His research spans a wide variety of topics in machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science, including scaling learning algorithms to big data, maximizing word of mouth in social networks, unifying logic and probability, and deep learning.

Josh Hong, Multi-Awarded Global Executive Chairman, Investor, Serial Entrepreneur
Joshua Hong is an Internet-media entrepreneur. He worked at Arthur Andersen Worldwide as a Technology and Corporate Strategy Consultant and at Deutsche Bank in its Global Investment Banking and M&A Group prior to starting North America's first free-to-play MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game) publisher, K2 Network, which became one of the largest free-to-play MMORPG publishers in the Western Hemisphere with offices in U.S, India, Brazil and Turkey. He also started a virtual game asset trading platform, Item*Star, in China while helping to build Playspan, the largest virtual currency payment platform for gamers in North America as its early backer, shareholder and a board member, and it was acquired by Visa International. He won the Orange County Business Journal's Excellence in Entrepreneurship Award in 2010, and was chosen as one of the OC Metro's 40 under 40 in 2011. He is an active member of YPO in the California Coast Chapter since 2009, and completed the Singularity University Executive Program in 2012 and FutureMed in 2013. He is currently Executive Chairman and Co-Founder of Curely, a telehealth mobile marketplace for board certified medical doctors and consumers and Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Kuddly, a telehealth mobile marketplace for licensed veterinarians and pet owners. He is also Founder and Managing Partner of Exponential Partners, an early-stage venture capital group based in Orange County, California.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Pioneering World-Renowned Computer Scientist and Executive Leader
Maria Klawe began her tenure as Harvey Mudd College's fifth president in 2006. A renowned computer scientist and scholar, President Klawe is the first woman to lead the College since its founding in 1955. Klawe has made significant research contributions in several areas of mathematics and computer science, including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, gender issues in information technology and interactive-multimedia for mathematics education. Her current research focuses on discrete mathematics. Klawe is a renowned lecturer and has given talks at international conferences, national symposia and colleges across the U.S. and Canada about diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines and industries, gender and gaming, and lessons from her own career in STEM industry and education. She has devoted particular attention in recent years to improving K-12 science and mathematics education. Klawe is one of the ten members of the board of Microsoft Corporation, a board member of Broadcom Corporation and the nonprofit Math for America, the chair of the board of the nonprofit, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, a trustee for the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley and a member of the Advisory Council for the Computer Science Teachers Association, and the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Selection Board. She is co-chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Simons Institute at UC Berkeley. She is the recipient of the 2014 Women of Vision ABIE Award for Leadership and was ranked 17 on Fortune's 2014 list of the World's 50 Greatest Leaders.

Mattias Ulbrich Top International Leader and Innovator, CIO Audi, Winner 2015 EU CIO of the Year
After studying Electrical Engineering at Braunschweig Technical University, Mattias Ulbrich began his career in the Sales division of American IT company Hewlett Packard in 1993. Ulbrich joined AUDI AG in 1998. Until 2003, he worked at the Neckarsulm site, where he was latterly in charge of the Information Systems ? Product Manufacturing Department. Ulbrich was subsequently appointed Chief Information Officer at SEAT in Barcelona where he was responsible for IT, Organization and Systems over a period of three years. After joining Volkswagen in Wolfsburg in 2006, Ulbrich held several managerial roles in IT, ultimately heading up the ITP Customer Order Process department. Mattias Ulbrich has been Head of IT and Organization at AUDI AG since February 1, 2012.

Speaking at United Nations General Assembly WSIS+10 High-Level Meeting
Thursday July 2 was a historical unprecedented UNITED NATIONS event?the first time external non-governmental stakeholders were given this extended ability to inform the United Nations through three panels (speakers are assigned as speakers or respondents) and unique with live streaming and Twitter for questions. Areas of discussion included WSIS+10 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Microsoft Shares Insights at United Nations July 2
Carolyn Nguyen, Microsoft Director Telecom and Internet Governance, provided compelling insights in support of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) action lines and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the United Nations Thursday July 2nd. She gave several examples where Microsoft was bridging the digital divide, supporting capacity building through education, implementing youth and diversity engagement.

Success lessons, Brendan Bank, CIO,, Finalist CIO of the Year Award
Success lessons, Brendan Bank, CIO,, Finalist CIO of the Year Award

Roy Taylor, VP AMD, International Top-Ranking Serial Entrepreneur and Executive
Roy Taylor is Corporate Vice President and Head of Alliances at AMD. He is responsible for a global team managing all aspects of the AMD ecosystem and external relations. Taylor reports to AMD Senior Vice President and General Manager of CG, Jim Anderson. An avid gamer and IT enthusiast, Taylor started his career in the component distribution business and was a founder of Addtron, a firm representing sales and marketing for semiconductor leaders such as IBM Microelectronics, NEC Electronics, Cyrix, and others in Europe.

Tomasz Janowski, Top International Governance Authority and Founding Head of the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance
Tomasz Janowski is the founding Head of the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV), a newly established research, policy and leadership education organization focusing on the intersection of technology, governance and development, and located in Guimar?es, Portugal. Over his 20 year career in the UN system, he lectured and organized activities in over 50 countries. He founded and coordinates the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV), a leading conference in the area, and serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Government Information Quarterly (Elsevier), a leading journal in the area. His research, policy and education work focuses on the analysis, design and performance of technology-enabled governance in different national, local and sectorial contexts, and the transfer of governance mechanisms between contexts. His projects were funded by Macao Foundation, World Bank, Microsoft, UNDP, European Commission, Commonwealth Secretariat and several national governments.

George Neville-Neil Engineer, Author and Head of ACM's Practitioner Board
George V. Neville-Neil works on networking and operating system code for fun and profit. He also teaches courses on various subjects related to programming. His areas of interest are code spelunking, operating systems, networking and time protocols. He is the co-author with Marshall Kirk McKusick and Robert N. M. Watson of "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System". For over ten years he has been the columnist better known as Kode Vicious. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts and is a member of the ACM, the Usenix Association and IEEE. He is an avid bicyclist and traveler who currently lives in New York City.

Success lessons, Mattias Ulbrich, CIO, Audi AG, winner of the 2015 European CIO of the Year Award
Success lessons from Mattias Ulbrich, CIO, Audi AG,, winner of the 2015 European CIO of the Year, Category: Large Enterprise

Success lessons, Piera Fasoli, CIO Gruppo HERA, winner of the 2015 European CIO of the Year Award
Success lessons, Piera Fasoli, CIO Gruppo HERA, winner of the 2015 European CIO of the Year Award, Category: Public Sector

Success lessons, Jean-Luc Martino, CIO, Raiffeisen Banque, winner of the 2015 European CIO of the Year Award
Success lessons, Jean-Luc Martino, CIO, Raiffeisen Banque, winner of the 2015 European CIO of the Year Award, Category: Medium Enterprise

Success lessons, Paul Danneels, CIO, VDAB, winner of the 2015 European CIO of the Year Award
Success lessons, Paul Danneels, CIO, VDAB, winner of the 2015 European CIO of the Year Award, Category: Public Sector

Journal: NYC, Pennsylvania, Geneva, Brussels - CIO CITY, Amsterdam, Paris
I have spent the last several weeks between Vancouver and cities in the US and the European Union including: LA, New York, Pennsylvania, Geneva, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris. I have a lot to share from my experiences and insights.

Eve Andersson Top International Academic, Executive, Author, Software Engineer, Accessibility Expert, Entrepreneur, ACM Practitioner Board Professional Development Committee Member
Eve Andersson leads Accessibility Engineering at Google. Prior to joining Google, Eve was Senior Vice President of Academics at Neumont University. She also co-founded ArsDigita Corporation, an open-source software company that was acquired by Red Hat, and she was Visiting Professor of Computer Science at Universidad Galileo in Guatemala City. Eve has co-authored two books: "Software Engineering for Internet Applications" (MIT Press, 2006) and "Early Adopter VoiceXML" (Wrox Press, 2001). She serves on the Professional Development Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). She has Engineering degrees from Caltech and U.C. Berkeley and an MBA in Finance from Wharton.

Top Reasons CIO's and Manager's Need to Experience Windows 10
In the article you will be exposed to compelling Windows 10 benefits including this short sampling of what managers will experience by using Windows 10.

Windows 10 Preview Top 5 Resources
There's an additional one million Windows Insiders who have joined the Windows 10 Insiders program which spotlights the high interest for enterprises, SMBs, and consumers. The compelling message is the diverse platforms supported where you work with one environment across tablets, PCs, phones, augmented reality, gaming.

Top Five Resources for IT Executives, IT Pros and Developers
With so much noise on the internet, what are the top five curated quality resources and events for IT executives to direct their teams?

Vint Cerf, Polymath Icon Continuing to be a Catalyst for Global Innovation and Change
Vinton G. Cerf is Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google. He contributes to global policy development and continued spread of the Internet. Widely known as one of the "Fathers of the Internet," Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architexture of the Internet. He has served in executive positions at MCI, the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and on the faculty of Stanford University. Vint Cerf served as Chairman of the Board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) from 2000-2007 and has been a Visiting Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 1998. Cerf served as Founding President of the Internet Society (ISOC) from 1992-1995. Cerf is a Fellow of the IEEE, ACM, and American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the International Engineering Consortium, the Computer History Museum, the British Computer Society, the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He currently serves as Past President of the Association for Computing Machinery, Chairman of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), Chairman of StopBadWare, and recently completed his term as Chairman of the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology for the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. President Obama appointed him to the National Science Board in 2012.

2015 Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference
The MVP Virtual Conference will showcase 95 sessions of content for IT Pros, Developers and Consumer experts designed to help you navigate life in a mobile-first, cloud-first world. Microsoft's Corporate Vice President of Developer Platform, Steve Guggenheimer, will be on hand to deliver the opening Keynote Address. Come learn from the best and brightest in the tech world today. All of the sessions will all be delivered by the Americas' Region Microsoft MVPs. These MVPs are experts who present at premiere conferences, independent community events and local user groups all over the globe. This is a technical conference focused on helping attendees to learn and develop skills for everything from everyday technical work to wackier weekend projects. Whether it is on the IT Pro, Dev or Consumer side of things, you can bet that the content of MVP V-Conf will be cutting edge, exciting and relevant.

Janet Kennedy, President Microsoft Canada, Internationally Recognized Top-Ranking Executive
Janet Kennedy is the President of Microsoft Canada. With over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing of business solutions, she is focused on Microsoft's mission of helping people and businesses realize their full potential. Janet joined Microsoft in 2002 with a concentration on helping shape the organization's Industry approach, specializing in Retail & Hospitality. She spent time in the West and Central regions of the US as the Vice President for Enterprise Customers. During her tenure, the business was able to grow from more than $1 billion to over $3 billion and has been instrumental in leading the transformation to the cloud with some of the largest and earliest customers on Office 365. Originally from Chicago, Janet and her family now live in Toronto. When she isn't working, the self-proclaimed "device geek" enjoys playing with apps, trying the latest exercise trend, and enjoying movies ? both box office and obscure!

MS Board Director Maria Klawe, 17th on Fortune's World's 50 Greatest Leaders, Computer Science Association Canada Lifetime Achievement Awardee, shares success tips for #YouthSpark Live
Famed scientist, entrepreneur, CIPS founding fellow, past ACM president and fellow Maria Klawe ranked 17th on the World's 50 Greatest Leaders shares her tips for success.

Molly Burke, Internationally Celebrated Youth Leader and Keynote YouthSpark Live in Vancouver
When she was just four years old, Molly Burke's world began to darken: she was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a retinal disease causing loss of vision. But despite this and the ensuing obstacles and hardships she faced, it wasn't long before she began bringing light into the lives of others. Molly began public speaking at the age of five. Since then, she has inspired thousands with her story. Over the years, as Molly's vision deteriorated, her confidence and optimism only strengthened; but not without trying times or adversity along the way. As a student, Molly was tormented by bullies who mocked her for being blind. She became depressed and struggled with mental illness until she found the strength to face her challenges, the courage to reach out to others, and most importantly, hope. As a motivational speaker with Me to We, Molly has travelled across Canada and the US sharing her story with youth, families and corporate organizations including RBC, KPMG, Coca Cola, PotashCorp and Green Giant. She has also travelled to Free The Children communities in India and Kenya. Molly has shared the We Day stage with Larry King, Demi Lovato, Macklemore, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jennifer Hudson, Chris Hadfield, Magic Johnson, Martin Luther King III, Martin Sheen and Mia Farrow. She was also a correspondent on the Orange Carpet for the 2013 Halo Awards. She believes that we gain strength from sharing our stories and that we can learn from the struggles of others. That's why she lives by the, learn and pass it on.

Genevieve L'Esperance, Internationally Recognized Innovator, Developer, Entrepreneur, and YouthSpark Advisor and Ambassador at YouthSpark Live in Vancouver
Genevieve L'Esperance is a Microsoft YouthSpark advisor. She is a joint major Computer Science and Molecular Biology student at McGill University with 6 years of tech industry experience. She has spoken at the United Nations, interned with Microsoft Research and Tuque Games and taught a college-credit Java course, as well as taught over a thousand young girls to program with Teaching Kids Programming. She learned to code at a young age and quickly recognized that she was a minority in the male-dominated field. Her goal is to break down the perception barrier so that girls look at the computer science profession more objectively as a career choice. She went on to get Microsoft certifications in various technologies and skills, became a Windows 8 Ambassador for her college campus, and has devoted countless hours to teaching programming to girls. She hopes to show them the doors that computer science has opened for her, and that it's a field not just for boys.

Sage Franch, Top Developer Evangelist, Blogger, Computer Science Guru Innovator, and YouthSpark Advisor and Ambassador at YouthSpark Live in Vancouver
Sage Franch is a Developer Evangelist and student with a passion for equality in technology. Through her work with YouthSpark and her blog Trendy Techie, Sage works to be a positive role model for women and girls and anyone interested in a career in technology. Sage is a Computer Science major at Dalhousie University in Halifax, works as a Technical Evangelist intern at Microsoft Canada, and writes and operates Trendy Techie, a blog about technology, fashion, and life as a young woman in tech. In the six years that she has been coding she has learned more than six programming languages and used those languages to make dozens of apps, games and websites. What she loves about coding is how versatile it is - once you learn to program you can work on projects across all industries. When Sage first started working in tech, a lot of people told her that she didn't look like a coder. Those people were thinking about old-school stereotypes about "geeks" and "nerds", but nowadays those stereotypes simply don't apply. Anyone can code, and your ability to do so is not determined by your looks, gender, race, or age - it is only determined by your interest and initiative to take the first step.

Dominic Holt, Co-Founder and Leader of Lockheed Martin Shark Tank® Organization, Top International Software Engineer and Innovator, Entrepreneur, ACM Practitioner Board Professional Development Committee Member
Dominic Holt is Co-Founder and CEO of Divine Intervention Software and Senior Software Manager at Lockheed Martin. Dominic has a zeal for bringing together amazing technologists in pursuit of building world-class software and inventing revolutionary technology that changes the world for the better. He is passionate about entrepreneurship and designing, architexting and conceptualizing software that makes an impact in the lives of its users. In 2008 he co-wrote an Xbox game that won the PAX10 Top 10 Indie Games of the Year and demoed the game at the PAX festival with 70,000 attendees. From 2009 to 2012 he wrote mobile and web geospatial intelligence applications for the US Military. Since then he has moved on to leading an elite skunk works group of Software Engineers in emerging technologies at Lockheed Martin. He also serves on ACM's Practitioner Board Professional Development Committee.

Mark Bialic, President of Eurocom Corporation, Award-winning Top Innovation Executive
Mark Bialic is President of Eurocom Corporation, a leading developer of high performance fully upgradeable laptops, notebooks, mobile workstations and mobile servers. He is responsible for the development and continuous innovation of Eurocom products, solutions and corporate vision. Prior to leading Eurocom, Mark was the Microcomputer Coordinator for the City of Ottawa. He carefully outlined the division of responsibility between the User Department and the MIS Department and he excelled by taking a business-oriented, enterprise approach to LANs. Mark came to the City of Ottawa with a business orientation. Using his life experience, Mark Bialic excelled at pushing the boundaries and bringing an innovative mindset to Eurocom. Bialic led Eurocom through many innovations, technologies and ground breaking new products, most recently winning the Intel Form Factor Solutions Innovation Award for the EUROCOM Panther 5SE Mobile Server, for packing the performance capabilities of a data center server in a portable form factor, complete with workstation tools such as keyboard and monitor.

Scott Palmer, International Consortia Founder, Business Standards Curator, Top Business Transformation Entrepreneur
Scott Palmer is Founder of Standards for your Enterprise (S4E), a consortium for academics, business operations and IT professionals chartered to gather and share unbiased information about business class standards. He has been involved in business process standards development since 1998 where he was Associate Director of the Supply Chain Council. While there, he contributed to the success of the globally recognized Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model standard; SCC grew to nearly 1000 corporate members who participated in SCC programs worldwide to learn how to use and support SCOR and to improve the standard through technical development. Scott spent most of this past decade working with companies seeking to adopt the Value Chain Group's (VCG) Business Process Transformation Framework (BPTF), and its Value Reference Model (VRM) where he is also participating in standards activities organized by other associations. His private sector partnerships involve business transformation methodologies and process data repository tools.

Roy Taylor, VP AMD, International Top-Ranking Serial Entrepreneur and Executive
Roy Taylor is Corporate Vice President for Alliances. In this role, Taylor is responsible for AMD alliances working with such companies as Microsoft, Google, UL, Electronic Arts and with consortiums including Khronos and others. A 25-year industry veteran, Taylor has had a multi-faceted career as a technology evangelist, content strategist and entrepreneur in both start-ups and established companies. He joins AMD from Rightware, a Finland-based software start-up where he was Chief Sales Officer. Prior to Rightware, Taylor spent a decade at NVIDIA where he held a number of leadership roles including Vice President Telco Relations, Vice President Content Relations and CTO for PCGA (PC Gaming Alliance), Vice President for GPU Sales and Vice President of EMEA Sales. An avid gamer and IT enthusiast, Taylor started his career in the component distribution business and was a founder of Addtron, a firm representing sales and marketing for semiconductor leaders such as Aureal, IBM Microelectronics, NEC, Nexgen and others in Europe.

Ian Hamilton, CTO Signiant, Emmy Award Winning International Top-Ranking Serial Entrepreneur for Technical Innovation
Ian Hamilton has been an innovator and entrepreneur in Internetworking infrastructure and applications for more than 25 years. As a founding member of Signiant, he led the development of innovative software solutions to address the challenges of fast, secure content distribution over the public Internet and private intranets for many of the media and entertainment industry's largest companies. In 2015 Signiant was awarded a technology and engineering Emmy by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) for pioneering work on "Secure Accelerated File Transfer over IP Networks Including the Internet." Prior to Signiant, Ian was Chairman and Vice President of Product Development at ISOTRO Network Management. He was responsible for launching ISOTRO's software business unit and created the NetID product suite that led to the company's successful acquisition by Bay Networks. Ian held senior management positions at Bay Networks and subsequently Nortel Networks, from which Signiant emerged. Previously Ian was a Member of Scientific Staff at Bell Northern Research, performing applied research and development in the areas of Internetworking and security. Ian is a well-respected subject matter expert who has been published in industry journals and spoken at industry events around the globe.

Nicole Washington, Renowned Serial Entrepreneur, Innovator, Executive, Management Consultants
Nicole Washington, owner of Micro Biz Coach® and Nicole's Naturals®, is an entrepreneur in the technology and food & beverage industries. Micro Biz Coach® works with micro and small business owners to identify strategies that ensure a successful business start-up or boost a veteran business's bottom line. Micro Biz Coach® also focuses on educating the micro and small business owner to leverage internet technology in order to compete with larger businesses. Nicole has a wealth of experience from her previous career with Ernst & Young, Whittman Hart and MarchFirst consulting firms. As a management consultant, she worked with several Fortune 500 clients including Sprint and Nationwide Insurance. Nicole is a member of the Ohio TechAngel Fund, the 2nd largest Angel Investor Network in the United States. Nicole is also active in giving back to the community, serving as a Trustee on the Board of The Academy, a STEM high school that services a large population of underserved youth. She also serves as Chair of their Business Advisory Council. Nicole enjoys the outdoors and has a passion for increasing the number of Women and Girls in the STEM disciplines.

Maarten Hillenaar, Internationally Renowned ICT Executive, past CIO Central Dutch Government; Director, Central Government IT Policy Department Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
From 2009 until 2014 M.W.I. (Maarten) Hillenaar was CIO of the Central Government at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. In this position he directed the way in which ICT is used, developed a cloud strategy, implemented the common IT-workspace and improved and standardized the rules for information security. Furthermore, he developed a governance model together with the CIOs of the 11 Dutch ministries which made it possible to govern the ICT of Central Government based on one, single strategy. Within the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the ICT Policy Department is responsible for standard policy relating to information security and information affairs for the Central Government. Since this spring he is the principal consultant at PBLQ, the ICT consultancy company for administration in the public sector. He was nominated to be European CIO of the Year 2014.

Houlin Zhao, 2015 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), World-leading ICT Executive Authority
Mr. Houlin Zhao has served as Deputy Secretary-General of the ITU since 2006 and was re-elected for a second four-year term in October 2010. He served as Director of ITU's Telecommunication Standardization Bureau from 1999-2006. A graduate of China's Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications with an MSc from the UK's University of Essex, Mr. Zhao has spent most of his career working in the international arena. His leadership is characterized by a tireless commitment to further streamlining ITU's efficiency, strengthening its membership base and enhancing strategic partnership between Member States and Sector Members. He has helped ITU enhance its level of international cooperation with other international organizations and is dedicated to harnessing technology to bridge the gap between developing and developed countries.

Stephen Downes, World Renowned Research Officer, Human Computer Interaction, Information and Communication Technologies, National Research Council of Canada
Stephen Downes works for the National Research Council of Canada where he has served as a Senior Researcher, based in Moncton, New Brunswick, since 2001. Affiliated with the Learning and Collaborative Technologies Group, Institute for Information Technology, Downes specializes in the fields of online learning, new media, pedagogy and philosophy. Downes is perhaps best known for his daily newsletter, OLDaily, which is distributed by web, email and RSS to thousands of subscribers around the world, and as the originator of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). He is a popular speaker, appearing at hundreds of events around the world over the last fifteen years. He has published hundreds of articles both online and in print through two decades of research and development into learning networks and related technologies. Prior to joining the NRC, Downes worked for the University of Alberta as an information architext, and prior to that, as a distance education and new media design specialist for Assiniboine Community College in Brandon, Manitoba. This followed a decade of teaching experience both in person and by distance with Athabasca University, the University of Alberta, and Grande Prairie Regional College.

Carlos Juiz, Professor University of the Balearic Islands Spain and Top Authority in IT Governance and ICT
Before joining the Department of Computer Science at UIB, Carlos Juiz had several positions related to the computer systems industry. From 1990 he was a Systems Analyst for Xerox, leaving this position as Senior Analyst in 1999. He was a visiting researcher at the Department for Computer Science and Business Informatics, University of Vienna, in 2003 and Visiting Associate Professor at Biomedical Informatics Research, in 2011 at Stanford University. Carlos Juiz is heading the ACSIC research group and his research interests mainly focus on web performance engineering, semantic web and IT governance. He has been involved in several regional, national, European and international research projects, including cooperation projects mainly with Universities of Paraguay. He has participated in more than 300 international conferences, workshops and congresses as reviewer, session chair, programme committee member or scientific committee member and president of the program committee. He is co-author of more than 150 international papers. Carlos Juiz is a senior member of the IEEE and also a senior member of the ACM. He is an invited expert of the International Communication Union (ITU) and Academic Advocate of ISACA. Recently, Carlos Juiz has been appointed as member of the Domain Committee on Cloud Computing from IFIP.

Wladimiro Bedin: Renowned National Innovation Awarded Executive and Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO Bedin Shop Systems, Co-founder EuroCloud Italy, Best 5 Cloud Azure Services
Wladimiro Bedin, after a degree in Electronics Engineering from Padova University (Italy), a research experience at KDD labs in Tokyo (Japan), an MBA at CUOA (Vicenza, Italy) and some years experience in retail business, founded in 1989 BEDIN Shop Systems, a company specialized in software design for retail stores. After several innovative steps, his company released aKite, the first POS and in-store SaaS designed from the ground to leverage the power of a modern Cloud PaaS, already adopted by a wide range of chains. Among several recognitions, at the 2010 Microsoft Partner Conference in Washington D.C., aKite was defined one of the best 5 Cloud services based on Azure and in 2011 received the ?National Innovation Award? from the Italian Republic President. In 2009 he co-founded EuroCloud Italy, a non-profit organization part of EuroCloud Europe.

Chat with John Davies, Vice-President Intel World Ahead Program
John Davies shared his deep insights in this interview.

Adrian Schofield, International Leader in ICT, Accreditation, Certification and Research
Adrian emigrated to Southern Africa in 1981 (acquiring South African citizenship in the new democracy), where he worked in casino management, financial computer systems, payroll processing and software development and sales before moving into recruitment and contracting of IT skills. He then moved on to management of technical training before joining CompTIA in January 2000 as the regional International Sales & Marketing Director. From 2003 to 2005 he carried out various consulting contracts. He joined ForgeAhead in 2005, where he was Head of Consulting (specialising in the use of ICT in Government) until moving to his current post at the Joburg Centre for Software Engineering at Wits University in 2008 as Manager: Applied Research Unit.He occasionally lectures about the Management of Technology and Systems Thinking and is a regular speaker at conferences. Adrian has spent more than 25 years being involved in activities to promote standards and growth in the ICT sector. He received the 2012 Distinguished Service in ICT Award from Computer Society South Africa (now Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa). He currently serves in these voluntary capacities: Vice President and Board member of the Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa (IITPSA), Vice Chairman of the Africa ICT Alliance, Vice Chairman (Standards & Accreditation) of IP3, Member of the Regional Academic Network for IT Policy. He is a Fellow and Professional grade member of IITPSA.

Hendrik Deckers, Managing Director and Founder of CIONET; World-Renowned Top-ranking Executive and ICT Authority
Hendrik Deckers is the Managing Director and founder of CIONET, the biggest community of IT executives in Europe. In this role he is responsible, together with his team, for expanding CIONET into new markets and for the development of new and existing services. Bringing together over 4400 CIOs, CTO's and IT directors from wide ranging sectors, cultures, academic backgrounds and generations, CIONET's membership represents an impressive body of expertise in IT management. CIONET's mission is to feed and develop that expertise by providing top-level IT executives with the resources they need to realise their full potential. Represented countries include the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Luxembourg, Poland, the Netherlands and Belgium. From 2000 till 2005 Hendrik was Vice President at ExpertEyes and Managing Director at Close Partners; in these roles he developed and delivered sales and marketing programmes that focused on helping IT vendors to launch and expand their commercial activities in Europe. Hendrik worked at SAS Institute from 1990 till 1999, where he was responsible for the Belux company & product strategy, held positions as head of business development and worked in product management and pre-sales.

Gilad Meiri, CEO Neura; Wireless Serial Entrepreneur; Top-Ranking Executive, Authority in IoT and Innovation
An Internet of Things expert, Gilad Meiri has acted as the CEO of Neura since he founded the company in January 2013 with co-founder and life-long friend Ori Shaashua. Meiri's past experience as a serial entrepreneur in wireless helped him frame the technology and concept behind Neura's products. In addition to Neura, Gilad is also the co-founder and CEO of Spicebox, which has created numerous successful products for mobile devices. Meiri received a Master of Business Administration from the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, where he co-founded the Social Venture Fund. He received dual Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Education from Tel-Aviv University.

Markus Kummer, Senior Vice-President, The Internet Society; Top-Ranking Internet, Governance and Policy Authority
Markus Kummer is the Internet Society's Senior Vice-President, a role completing in 2014. In 2013, he was asked by the United Nations to chair the preparatory process for the annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held in Bali, Indonesia. He joined the Internet Society in 2011 to assume the position of Vice-President in charge of public policy. Previously, he worked for the United Nations as Executive Coordinator of the Working Group on Internet Governance and subsequently of the Secretariat supporting the Internet Governance Forum. Markus joined the United Nations in 2004, after holding the positions as eEnvoy of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, during the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). He served as a career diplomat in several functions in the Swiss Foreign Ministry and was posted in Lisbon, Vienna, Oslo, Geneva and Ankara.

Chris Labrador, Director Concierge Service NRC-IRAP; World-Renowned Top-Ranking Executive in Business Innovation, Entrepreneurship and ICT
Christopher Labrador is Director of the Government of Canada's new Concierge Service program delivered by the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP). He has over 30 years of R&D and general management experience across voice/data, wired/wireless, as well as with telecom operators, SME, and Large Enterprises. He has led activities in the areas of research, systems engineering, systems/software architexture, software development, product management and marketing. He has published papers and articles in the areas of HMI, VoIP, mobile sensor networking, and has inventions in the areas of collaboration & convergence, security & authentication, distributed service & call processing, content delivery, and CASE. In addition to leading the Concierge Service program, his research interest areas include mobile health, sensor networking, coding, encryption, pattern recognition, data mining, augmented reality HMI, and free-space optical communications.

Professor Tetsuro Kakeshita, International Leader in Computer Science Education, Accreditation and Certification
Tetsuro Kakeshita received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Kyushu University in 1989. Currently he is an associate professor at Saga University, Japan. His major research interests include quantitative analysis of ICT education and ICT certification, and complexity analysis of database and software systems. He developed a systematic education program in computer science in his department in 2002. The program was accredited by JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board in Engineering Education), in 2003, which is the second accredited computing program in Japan. He then collaborated with JABEE from 2004 as a chair/member of several accreditation teams, a criterion committee member, and a member of an accreditation committee in charge of the computing and IT-related domain. He established the Forum for high level human resource development at IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan), in 2007. The discussion at the forum led to the creation of the certified IT professional (CITP) system which IPSJ is just starting. He also developed an accreditation organization for IT professional graduate schools with JABEE and IPSJ in 2010. He received an excellent educator award from IPSJ in 2013. He also joined ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG20 from 2013 and currently is a co-editor of the revision project of ISO/IEC 24773 Software and Systems Engineering: Schemes for the Certification of Software and Systems Engineering Professionals. He is a member of IPSJ, IEEE Computer Society and ACM.

Paul Lee, CEO Qurely, Top Distinguished Doctor, Entrepreneur and Innovator
Lieutenant Doctor for the ROKA; Founder of OXEC, an educational consulting service; B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry at University of Oxford; M.D. at College of Medicine at The Catholic University of Korea; Singularity University FutureMed 2013

Josh Hong, Top Executive Chairman, Successful Serial Entrepreneur and Innovator
Joshua is an Internet-media entrepreneur. He worked at Arthur Andersen Worldwide as a technology and corporate strategy consultant and Deutsche Bank in its global investment banking and M&A group prior to starting North America's first free-to-play MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game) publisher, K2 Network, which became one of the largest free-to-play MMORPG publishers in the Western Hemisphere with offices in U.S, India, Brazil and Turkey. He also started a virtual game asset trading platform in China, Item*Star, while helping to build Playspan, the largest virtual currency payment platform for gamers in North America, as its early backer, shareholder and a board member, and it was acquired by Visa International. He won the Orange County Business Journal's Excellence in Entrepreneurship Award in 2010 and was chosen as one of the OC Metro's 40 under 40 in 2011. He is an active member of YPO in the California Coast Chapter since 2009 and completed the Singularity University Executive Program in 2012 and FutureMed in 2013. He is currently Executive Chairman and Co-Founder of Qurely, a telehealth mobile marketplace, and Chairman and Founder of Crystal Cove Network, a core-gamer focused mobile game publisher based in Orange County.

Christian Assad-Kottner, CMO Qurely, Internationally Award-winning Doctor, Entrepreneur and Innovator
Dr. Assad is an interventional cardiologist with a deep interest in the incorporation of exponential technologies to improve healthcare. Early in his career he was granted the young investigator award by The Mexican Society of Cardiology for his research on genetic markers in acute coronary syndromes. Shortly after graduating from medical school he initiated a year of heart failure research at The Methodist DeBakey Heart Center. Here he became the first to demonstrate the presence of anti-cardiac antibodies in the failing myocardium. His findings have been the foundation of several award-winning projects and ongoing research in the heart failure and transplant laboratory. Recently was awarded 1st place for the Best International Research Project Award at TCT/CADECI 2012. Dr. Assad has a unique understanding on how technology can be incorporated into medicine to improve patient outcomes as well as medical education. He was named in the Top 20 HealthcareIT list (#HIT100) in 2013. His insight on the subject allowed him to become the first interventional cardiologist to experiment with Google Glass and quickly developed CPRGLASS, an augmented reality application that guides the user to give prompt CPR in an efficient manner. He recently was part of a team of interventional cardiologists that showed for the first time proof of concept of how Google GLASS can help doctors in the cathlab or operating room.

Daniel Cooper vice admiral USN (ret.), Former Under Secretary for Veterans Benefits — Military, Government, Business, and Policy Top Authority
Dan Cooper retired the first time in 1991 after 37 years in the Navy, having worked primarily with submarines and when ashore in financial, budgeting or planning billets. His primary positions in the Navy (at sea) included: Commanding Officer, USS Puffer (SSN 652); Commander, Submarine Squadron Ten; Commander, Submarine Force, US Atlantic Fleet and ashore: Comptroller, Naval Sea Systems Command; Director, Navy Budgets and Reports; Director, Navy Program Planning; and Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Undersea Warfare. In 2001, after completing a lengthy study into the Veterans Benefits Compensation Program, he was nominated by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate in 2002 to become Undersecretary for Benefits (USB) at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington. There he was in charge of the VA's Disability Compensation program as well as the Education, Insurance, Pension, Home Loan Guaranty and Vocational Rehabilitation programs for all veterans. He served for six years until 2008; then he retired a second time. During the years between his Navy career and the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, he was employed in the Nuclear Industry and served on several corporate boards including Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU), United Services Automobile Association (USAA), Philadelphia Electric Co (PECO), and Excelon Corporation. Additionally, he was a member of the submarine advisory groups at Penn State and Johns Hopkins Universities.

David Blei, ACM Infosys Foundation Award recipient in 2014, World-renowned Top-ranking Distinguished Researcher
David Blei is a Professor of Statistics and Computer Science at Columbia University. His research is in statistical machine learning, involving probabilistic topic models, Bayesian nonparametric methods, and approximate posterior inference. He works on a variety of applications including text, images, music, social networks, user behavior, and scientific data. David earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from Brown University (1997) and his PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley (2004). Before arriving to Columbia, he was an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University (2006-2014). He has received several awards for his research, including a Sloan Fellowship (2010), Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (2011), Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2011), Blavatnik Faculty Award (2013), and ACM-Infosys Foundation Award (2013).

Andrew Ng, Co-Founder, Coursera; Director, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab; World-renowned top-ranking distinguished researcher, innovator and entrepreneur
Quoting extensively from his Stanford profile, ACM and Wikipedia, Andrew Ng is a co-founder of Coursera, the Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab and a Computer Science faculty member where he is a distinguished researcher in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning with over 100 publishing credits. In 2011 he led the development of Stanford University's main MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform, and also taught an online Machine Learning class that was offered to over 100,000 students, leading to the founding of Coursera with his partners. Today their platform partners with top universities to offer high-quality, free, online courses. With over 100 partners, over 500 courses, and 7 million students, theirs is the largest MOOC platform in the world. Outside of online education, Ng's research work is in machine learning. Ng's Stanford research group focuses on deep learning, which builds very large neural networks to learn from labeled and unlabeled data. Ng's recent awards include being named to the Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world; to the CNN 10: Thinkers list; Fortune 40 under 40; and being named by Business Insider as one of the top 10 professors across Stanford University. In 2008, he was named to the MIT Technology Review TR35 as one of the top 35 innovators in the world under the age of 35. In 2007, Ng was awarded a Sloan Fellowship. For his work in Artificial Intelligence, he is also a recipient of the Computers and Thought Award.

Chat with Leslie Lamport ACM Turing Award Recipient in 2014 (Nobel Prize of Computing); World-Renowned Distinguished Researcher
Leslie Lamport first started working with computers using vacuum tubes to build digital circuits while attending the Bronx High School of Science in New York. He went on to get his BS from MIT, MA and PhD from Brandeis, all in Mathematics. In addition, Lamport has been bestowed with honorary doctorates from France's Université de Rennes in 2003, Germany's Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel in 2003, Switzerland's École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 2004, the Università della Svizzera Italiana in 2006, and France's Université Henri Poincaré in 2007. Leslie is a legend in computing circles as evidenced in his significant body of published work. His foundational work in the theory of distributed computing is acknowledged by computing luminaries worldwide. One of the most cited papers in computing history is his 1978 paper Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System. From the IT World article, "the Turing Award citation notes that Lamport originated causality and logical clocks, replicated state machines and sequential consistency. Along with others, he invented the notion of Byzantine failure and algorithms for reaching agreement despite such failures; he contributed to the development and understanding of proof methods for concurrent systems, notably by introducing the notions of safety and liveness as the proper generalizations of partial correctness and termination to the concurrent setting."

Ambassador Thomas Pickering Founding Co-Chair of IEA — International Relations, Government, Innovation, Business, Investment, and Policy Top Authority
Ambassador Thomas Pickering, Ambassador Retired, joined Boeing in 2001 upon his retirement as US Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, a position he held since May 1997. He served as Senior Vice President of International Relations as a member of the Executive Council of The Boeing Company until July 1st 2006, where he oversaw the company's international affairs, including those with foreign governments. He has been a Senior Advisor for the company since. In December 2006, he became Vice Chair of Hills & Company, which provides advice and counsel to a number of major US corporations. Ambassador Pickering was briefly President of the Eurasia Foundation, a Washington-based organization that makes small grants and loans in the states of the former Soviet Union. Pickering holds the personal rank of Career Ambassador, the highest in the US Foreign Service, and has served as US ambassador to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and Jordan in a diplomatic career spanning five decades.

Yasas Abeywickrama Global Top Young Business, IT Professional, Entrepreneur and Author
Yasas V. Abeywickrama has enjoyed a distinguished career thus far, working in the UK, USA, Sri Lanka and Australia in project management, business analysis, consulting and training, and later emerged as an entrepreneur. He has also been trained in the USA, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. He started his career at Virtusa in 2003, a US-based global provider of software development and ICT services in Sri Lanka. Yasas began in Software Engineering and later moved into Business Analysis roles, which saw him travelling around the world with postings in the USA and UK. During this period, Yasas had the opportunity to work on projects for high profile companies like British Telecom & Siemens. Later Yasas worked for Accenture, the world's biggest ICT consulting company. At Accenture he had the opportunity of serving major clients such as Telstra (the leading telecommunications provider in Australia), and his area of responsibility was around consulting and project management. In 2010, Yasas returned to Sri Lanka permanently to serve his motherland. After his return, he co-founded Lanka BPO Academy, which is Sri Lanka's largest and pioneering organisation for training people for the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry. He held the highly influential role within the ICT sector as the Director of Young IT Professionals Board of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) in 2009 and 2010. He also played a consulting role for South East Asian Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) in 2011. Since 2012 he has been an active member of the Computer Society of Sri Lanka, which is the apex body for IT professionals in Sri Lanka. Yasas has served the Executive Council for many years and is currently the Secretary.

Helge Seetzen, Pioneering Chairman, CEO and World Innovation Technology Leader
Helge Seetzen is a successful multi-media technology entrepreneur with deep experience in the university tech transfer space. As the CEO of TandemLaunch Technologies, he provides university inventors with the funding, staff resources, infrastructure and industry connections necessary to bring their ideas to market. Prior to TandemLaunch, he co-founded Sunnybrook Technologies and later BrightSide Technologies to commercialize display technologies developed at the University of British Columbia. BrightSide was successfully sold to Dolby Laboratories for US$28M at high return to shareholders. At Dolby he led all cross-functional development activities for Dolby's first two consumer video products. He serves as the General Chair for DisplayWeek, the largest technical conference on displays, and Publication Chair of the Society for Information Display. He has published over 20 articles and holds 30 patents with an additional 30 pending US applications.

David Lloyd, Industry Leading Chief Executive and Top Technology Innovation Authority
As CEO of IntelliResponse, David is responsible for setting the company's strategic direction, overseeing operations and driving new growth. Before assuming this role, David was CTO & VP Client Services for IntelliResponse where he led the expansion of the product into analytics, social and mobile markets, as well as the transformation of their analytics towards customer intelligence. David was CTO/CIO with Dexit Inc, brought on to transform the current solution from proprietary technologies while making it available as a set of open services. Prior to Dexit, David worked with Carlson Marketing Group (CMG), as Senior Director, Technology Services in the US where he was responsible for overall technology strategy for the services and product assets that enable their many client gift card, loyalty and channel solutions. Mr. Lloyd joined CMG in 2001, after the successful acquisition of SalesDriver where he was VP Technology, leading this organization's development and support of their SaaS based solution that supported thousands of client programs in a single configurable white-label solution model.

Mark Walters, President and Chairman of the Z-Wave Alliance, International Technology, Standards and Policy Authority
Currently Mark serves as the President and Chairman of the Z-Wave Alliance, a consortium of over 200 leading manufacturers and service providers worldwide that are dedicated to interoperable wireless home control products based on the Z-Wave open standard. The Alliance serves as the standards body for Z-Wave and provides its members both technical and marketing support. Mark has over 20 years experience in all aspects of electronic product solutions. He has held senior management roles in Engineering and Product Development for companies with products as diverse as high-end sound reinforcement, vehicular sensing and controls, premise wiring solutions and automated building controls. His specialties are RF Mesh Networks and Home Automation and Security. His passion is using technology to improve the lives of those that need assistance to make it through the day with comfort, safety and dignity.

Gary Shapiro, Award Winning Global Top Innovating Thought Leader, Author and Executive, CEO Consumer Electronics Association
Gary Shapiro is president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)®, the U.S. trade association representing more than 2,000 consumer electronics companies, and owning and producing the world's largest annual innovation tradeshow, the International CES®. Shapiro led the industry in its successful transition to HDTV. He co-founded and chaired the HDTV Model Station and served as a leader of the Advanced Television Test Center (ATTC). As chairman of the Home Recording Rights Coalition (HRRC), Shapiro led the manufacturers' battle to preserve the legality of recording technology, consumer fair use rights, and opposing legislation like PIPA and SOPA, harmful to a robust Internet. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Northern Virginia Technology Council and the Economic Club of Washington. He sits on the State Department's Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy. He has served as a member of the Commonwealth of Virginia's Commission on Information Technology and on the Board of Visitors of George Mason University. Shapiro authored CEA's New York Times bestsellers "Ninja Innovation: The Ten Killer Strategies of the World's Most Successful Businesses" (Harper Collins, 2013) and "The Comeback: How Innovation will Restore the American Dream" (Beaufort, 2011). Through these books and television appearances, and as a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, Daily Caller and other publications, Shapiro has helped direct policymakers and business leaders on the importance of innovation in the U.S. economy.

Richard Longworth, Disruptive Thinker, Educator, Community Advocate, Website Developer, Writer & Blogger
Throughout Richard Longworth's career as College Professor, Capilano University Vancouver; Programmer & Systems Analyst, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Montreal; Database Designer, Federal Business Development Bank Montreal lessons learned have been numerous, but the most significant is in believing that creative ideas can only be realized through determination, hard work and passion. In his retirement he is still journeying on to new adventures. Richard is currently an Independent Website Developer for community based organizations, published two self-help books, an IT Community Developer working with various local community organizations and an IT advisor with Corporate Fleet Systems, Montreal. His interests include Collaborative Consumption, Collaborative Economy, Co-Intelligence, asset-based-communities, empowerment, crowdsourcing, disruptive innovations, social capital, conscious awareness and mindfulness.

David Alan Grier, Global Technology and Policy Authority, Author
David Alan Grier is the past 2013 President of the IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Fellow. He has served the society as Vice President of Publications, Director of Magazines, and Editor in Chief of the IEEE Annals. He has a PhD in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Washington in Seattle, and is an Associate Professor of Science and Technology Policy at George Washington University. He writes on the subject of technology and its social implications. His books include: "When Computers Were Human" (Princeton 2005), "Too Soon To Tell: Essays for the End of The Computer Revolution" (Wiley 2009), "The Company We Keep" (IEEE Computer Society, 2013), "The Computing Machines of Charles Babbage" (editor, IEEE CS, 2010). He is currently at work on a book on crowdsourcing. He has served as Associate Dean or Program Director in schools of international affairs, engineering and liberal arts. He has also worked in industry, serving as a software designer for Burroughs Computer Corporation in the 1980s. David has created a new video channel on technology, technical workers, management and similar issues with short videos (mostly) released once a week.

Roy Taylor, Global Top Innovating Entrepreneur and C Level Executive, Corporate Vice President and Head of Global Channel Sales AMD
Roy Taylor is Corporate Vice President and Head of Global Channel Sales. In this role, Taylor is responsible for managing and growing AMD's channel business globally. A 25-year industry veteran, Taylor has had a multi-faceted career as a technology evangelist, content strategist and entrepreneur in both start-ups and established companies. He joins AMD from Rightware, a Finland-based software start-up where he was chief sales officer. Prior to Rightware, Taylor spent a decade at NVIDIA where he held a number of leadership roles including Vice President Telco Relations, Vice President Content Relations and CTO for PCGA (PC Gaming Alliance), Vice President for GPU Sales and Vice President of EMEA Sales. An avid gamer and IT enthusiast, Taylor started his career in the component distribution business and was a founder of Addtron, a firm representing sales and marketing for semiconductor leaders such as Aureal, IBM Microelectronics, NEC, Nexgen, and others in Europe.

Paul Niederer, CEO ASSOB, World Authority Equity Based Crowdfunding Investment, Top Innovation Leader and Entrepreneur
Paul Niederer is one of world's leading authorities on equity based crowdfunding investment. He has personally been involved in over $60 million of transactions with 80 different companies seeking capital. As CEO of ASSOB he supports high growth companies and investors in obtaining funding through Peer to Peer investing. Established in 2005, The Australian Small Scale Offerings Board (ASSOB) is a unique capital raising and listing platform for unlisted companies that preceded "crowdfunding". As CEO, Paul leads a team that shepherds businesses through an ordinarily complex and frustrating capital raising process with efficiency and effectiveness. Recently Paul was named in the Top Ten of the World's Most Influential in Equity Crowdfunding by the Ven Report. This year Paul has speaking engagements already locked in Australia, Singapore, Italy and the U.S.A.

Eric Jackson, CEO and Co-Founder Caplinked, Global Top Executive and Innovating Entrepreneur
Eric ran the marketing team at PayPal, where he oversaw the campaign to monetize the online payment service and spearheaded product marketing efforts from 1999-2003. In 2004 he founded World Ahead, a media venture, which he grew to national prominence and profitability before being acquired. His book "The PayPal Wars" won the Writers Notes Book Award and was hailed by Tom Peters as "the best description of business strategy unfolding in a world changing at warp speed." He holds a degree from Stanford University and has appeared on Bloomberg, CNN, Fox News and many other television programs.

Chat with Elizabeth Southerlan, Global Expert on Strategy, EA, Transformation, Operations Improvement
Elizabeth Southerlan works as an Associate for strategy and management consulting firm Oliver Wyman; she is based out of the firm's New York City office. Elizabeth has worked in-depth with major retail and healthcare institutions in North America, on engagements in a range of areas including corporate strategy, enterprise transformation, analytic capability and enablement and operations improvement. Prior to joining Oliver Wyman, she worked as a management consultant for Accenture where she specialized in healthcare transformation. Elizabeth has dedicated her consulting career to enabling strategic transformation for both retail and health organizations by designing and implementing efficient and effective technology and operational solutions.

Ruth Hedges, Co-founder and CEO crowdfundingcollege, CEO crowdfundingroadmap, Creator and Key Architext of the fundingroadmap, crowdfundingroadmap, globalcrowdfundingday, Top Innovation Executive and Entrepreneur
Ruth Hedges is the cofounder and CEO of and Crowdfundingroadmap,Inc. She is the creator and key architext of the fundingroadmap and She has been responsible for pioneering a new and innovative virtual system for business planning, crowdfund compliance and due diligence reporting on the cloud. And she taught the first course on equity based crowdfunding at UNLV, the first university in the United States to teach this very important information. The JOBS act was signed into law on 5 April 2012 and supported by overwhelming bipartisan support. Ms. Hedges has been active in pioneering this new industry and from the beginning of 2010 helping the Startup Exemption team to move the bill's passage through Congress. She has since been building awareness through her global event in Las Vegas,, and development of best practices, compliant technology and educational material. In 2012 Ms Hedges also launched to help spread the word across the globe.

Simon Dixon, Co-Founder, CEO and Author of 'Bank to the Future', Global Top Innovation Leader and Entrepreneur
Simon Dixon was originally trained as an economist before starting his career in investment banking. In his career he was originally a trader before moving into corporate finance where he helped venture capitalists exit their companies onto the London Stock Exchange. Having worked with venture capitalists and helped companies go public, raised angel finance for his first business, helped businesses raise alternative finance, written two books on the future of banking, Simon Dixon had the passion to work with entrepreneurs and do something a bit disruptive in the banking sector.

Tom Mitchell, Global Top Scientist shares deep insights on Machine Learning, the Brain, and Policy
Tom M. Mitchell founded and chairs the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University, where he is the E. Fredkin University Professor. His research uses machine learning to develop computers that are learning to read the web, and uses brain imaging to study how the human brain understands what it reads. Mitchell is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

William Hutchison Founding Chair i-CANADA, Executive Director Center for Smart City Innovation Ernst & Young, Legendary Global ICT Pioneer
Bill Hutchison is an international business and social entrepreneur and strategic advisor to public and private sector organizations. He is Co-Founder and Chair of the i-CANADA Alliance supporting Smart City strategies for fifty cities and towns in Canada; Board Chair of SAVI, a five year Internet and cloud computing research program involving ten universities across Canada, directed by the University of Toronto and a member of the Technopolis Moscow International Working Group. He was the Founding Vice-Chair of the National Advisory Board for Science and Technology, chaired by the Prime Minister of Canada. Bill Hutchison is an international business and social entrepreneur and strategic advisor to public and private sector organizations. He is Co-Founder and Chair of the i-CANADA Alliance supporting Smart City strategies for fifty cities and towns in Canada; Board Chair of SAVI, a five year Internet and cloud computing research program involving ten universities across Canada, directed by the University of Toronto and a member of the Technopolis Moscow International Working Group. He was the Founding Vice-Chair of the National Advisory Board for Science and Technology, chaired by the Prime Minister of Canada.

Chat on FEAPO, EA, Agile — David Chesebrough, President Association for Enterprise Information, Vice-President National Defense Industrial Association
David E. Chesebrough, P.E., President of the Association for Enterprise Information and Vice-President, National Defense Industrial Association. Dave is President of the Association for Enterprise Information (AFEI), a part of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA). He leads the Association in fostering trusted collaboration between industry members and Federal government agencies on issues dealing with the evolving impacts of technology on enterprise information. His experience encompasses a wide range of industries including nuclear power, aerospace, defense systems engineering and IT consulting. In 1993 he founded Iris, LLC, which provided electronic commerce consulting to a wide range of clients. He accepted his current position following 9/11 and re-positioned AFEI from a focus on commercial e-commerce to net-centric operations and adoption by government of commercial IT strategies and technology such as cloud, IdAM, and SOA. Today he is leading the NDIA family of associations in promoting interaction with government on cyber-security, mobility, big data and modern IT practices such as Agile methods and DevOps. Dave has frequently spoken at conferences and conducted training classes internationally.

Chat on EA — Robert Damashek Chief Architext Binary Group, Noted EA Authority
Robert Damashek has over thirty-seven years experience in enterprise architexture (EA) and integration for large-scale industry and government organization business process, EA, and IT projects, including supporting the Chief Information Officer and Chief Architext organizations at the U.S. Army and DoD. Mr. Damashek was instrumental in helping the DoD CIO and OMB Federal Chief Architext to develop an integrated common approach to EA, greatly improving collaborative enterprise planning. Mr. Damashek is currently Binary Group's Chief Architext, leading the development and application of Binary's unique Outcome Driven Enterprise Approach™, and the development of solutions to support population health initiatives and improved outcomes. Mr. Damashek is a thought leader in the technology and EA sectors, supporting agency participation in Federal, inter-agency, and joint interoperability activities in the DoD, Army, VA and other agencies. Mr. Damashek actively participates in the Federal Open Government Initiative, advising CIOs across the Federal Government on strategies and technologies to enhance transparency, collaboration, and outcomes.

Reda Alhajj, Global Top Scientist Shares Deep Insights and Special Tips
Currently, Reda Alhajj is Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He published over 450 papers in refereed international journals and conferences. He served on the program committee of several international conferences including IEEE ICDE, IEEE ICDM, IEEE IAT, SIAM DM; program chair of IEEE IRI-2008-2009-2010, OSINT-WM-2008-2009-2010, ASONAM-2009-2010, CASON-2009-2010, MS-2007-2009-2010. He is founding editor-in-chief of the Springer Journal of Social Networks Analysis and Mining, founding editor of Springer Series 'Lecture Notes on Social Networks', Steering Chair of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (IEEE/ACM ASONAM); Steering Chair of the International Symposium on Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics (FOSINT-SI); Steering Chair of the International Symposium on Health Informatics, Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (HI-BI-BI) . Associate Editor of IEEE SMC- Part C and he is member of the editorial board of the Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Journal of Data Mining, Modeling and Management; he has been guest editor for a number of special issues and edited a number of conference proceedings. Dr. Alhajj's primary work and research interests are in the areas of Computational biology and bioinformatics, data mining, multiagent systems, schema integration and re-engineering, social networks and XML. He currently leads a research group of 10 PhD and 8 MSc candidates, most of them are recipients of very prestigious awards including Alberta Innovates Graduate Studies Scholarship, NSERC Vanier Scholarship, NSERC PGS, etc..

Omar Zaarour, Innovating Award Winning Developer Shares Special Tips
Omar Zaarour received his Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from An-Najah National University (NNU), West Bank, Palestine and Bilkent University (BU), Ankara, Turkey graduating with high honors. In September 2012 he joined the Master of Computer Science program at University of Calgary in the Database and Data Mining group under Prof. Reda Alhajj's supervision. Omar is a recipient of the prestigious scholarship "Alberta Innovates" in the field of ICT in Alberta. He is a member of the two teams, SANO and YouSave, which ranked in the top three teams in the Canadian competition of the Microsoft Imagine Cup. The former team received the KFC Innovation award in the Imagine Cup finals in Russia in July 2013. During his work with Professor Alhajj, even before coming to Canada, Omar published many works in prestigious journals and conferences.

Patryk Janiszewski, Innovating Microsoft Windows Store, Windows Phone Developer
Patryk L. Janiszewski served a tour in Kuwait and Iraq with the U.S. Army during Operation Enduring Freedom. As a student at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Patryk earned his first bachelor's degree in Human Resources in 2011 and is currently seeking a second bachelor's degree in Business Information Systems and a minor in Information Technology. Patryk is the President of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Student Chapter and is the owner of Hard Code Software Solutions, Inc., a start-up company that he recently formed after receiving a BizSpark Grant from Microsoft. Patryk began developing applications for the Windows Store and Windows Phone after being introduced to C Sharp programming while enrolled in an Object Oriented Programming course in 2012. Since then, he has had multiple Spotlight applications in both the Windows and Windows Phone Stores. The Spotlight categories include Top Paid, New Releases, and Best Rated. In addition, Patryk currently holds the number 15 spot in Nokia's DVLUP developer leaderboard, and has had 5 store apps certified by Softopedia.

Crystal Freese, Innovating Microsoft Windows 8 App Developer
Crystal Freese is a student at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and will graduate in the spring of 2014 with a BBA in Management Information Systems. Crystal received her first two degrees from Pulaski Technical College in 2012. In early 2013, Crystal became a member of UALR's "Power Team", working closely with Microsoft with building Windows 8 and Windows 8 Phone apps for the marketplace. Recently, Crystal was one of two students given a BizSpark grant from Microsoft, thus granting her the opportunity to continue with developing apps, no longer as the student under Dreamspark, but as a business entrepreneur. Crystal is a member of Microsoft's Power Team, Mentor for non-traditional students, member of: the International Golden Key Honor's Society, Phi Theta Kappa, and Lambda, Lambda, Lambda. Although Crystal is a non-traditional student, she has proven to be an outstanding alumni, receiving numerous academic scholarships that have aided in her successful pursuit of her college education.

Mark Smed, IT and Networking Expert, NPA Board Director, NPA Journal Publisher and Chief Editor
Mark Smed started as a self-employed consultant, integrating computers into small business in 1989. The range of work expanded into installing networks and consulting with businesses on the fast paced changes in technology. As his career progressed he taught Network Administration at a small business college and continued to build his base of clients. Today, Mark works for Northern Computer Inc. as a consultant, specialist and technician. His client base continues to grow and many of his clients have worked with him for over 15 years. In 2001, Mark joined the Network Professional Association and now sits on the board of directors and is responsible for publishing the Network Professional Journal for the association. Recently he started writing a column for Castanet.

Interview with Brian Cameron Founding President FEAPO and Nick Malik Principle Microsoft EA
Dr. Brian Cameron is Executive Director of the Center for Enterprise Architexture in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Cameron is also the Program Director for the new Master of Professional Studies in Enterprise Architexture. Dr. Cameron has designed and taught a wide variety of graduate and executive education courses, both online and face-to-face, in areas including enterprise technology strategic planning, strategic alignment, enterprise technology leadership and decision making, information technology innovation, enterprise architexture, enterprise integration, portfolio management, information technology governance and many others. Cameron is a member of the Professional Education Standards Committee of the International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), a member of the Global Industry Council (United Nations Affiliated), a member of the Board of Trustees for the Center for the Advancement of the Enterprise Architexture Profession, a founding board member of the Business Architexture Guild, the founding president of the Federation of Enterprise Architexture Professional Organizations, a founding member of the MITRE Enterprise Architexture Body of Knowledge Governing Board, a Co--chair of the Academic Alliance Committee for the Special Interest Group on Enterprise Architexture for the Industry Advisory Council of the U.S. Federal Government, and a member of several editorial review boards.
Nick Malik is an internationally recognized expert, speaker, blogger and innovator in Enterprise Architexture and Business Architexture. Co-author of three books and a popular speaker at conferences, Nick brings his 32 years of high-tech experience to bear as he creates Enterprise Architextural models and solutions to the CTO of Microsoft IT, his current employer. Developer of a number of novel methods in Enterprise Architexture, including the Enterprise Business Motivation Model and the Minimal Sufficient Business Integration method, he strives to improve the maturity and professionalism of the practice of Enterprise Architexture worldwide. Nick has a background in product development, internal software development, management consulting and business operations accumulated across such diverse industries as hospitality, health care, insurance, high tech and financial services.

Patrick Zelten Vice President, Managed Services, Forsythe Technology
Patrick Zelten manages the Managed Services practice that helps clients manage risk and cost to enable them to focus on core business operations and growth. He is responsible for developing and implementing Forsythe's corporate strategy for managed services. Zelten has more than 18 years of experience in the IT industry.

Martin Kratz QC, Head Intellectual Property Practice Group, Bennett Jones LLP, Legendary IP and ICT Legal Authority and Pioneer
Martin Kratz leads the intellectual property practice and co-leads the ecommerce practice for Bennett Jones. His practice is focused around intellectual property and technology law, which includes substantive patent, copyright and trademark matters as well as matters of intellectual property transactions, IP commercialization, IP strategy and opinions, data protextion, privacy, ecommerce, strategic alliances, mergers, acquisitions and technology transfers among technology companies. Martin has written over 285 publications on various topics involving intellectual property, technology law or on related topics. Martin is national co-director of Osgoode Hall Law School's Intellectual Property LLM program. Teaching or having taught courses in Intellectual Property Law, Biotechnology Law and Internet Law at several law schools, Martin is an Adjunct Professor of Law at the Osgoode Hall Law School (Toronto) and at Concordia University College (Edmonton). Among other memberships, Martin is a member of the American Bar Association's Science & Technology, Patent, Copyright & Trademark, Sports & Entertainment and International Sections, a member of the Intellectual Property Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, a Fellow of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, and a member of the Advocacy Committee of the Canadian Information Processing Society.

Dr. Joseph Turner, Internationally Awarded Authority in Computer Science and Education, Fellow ACM/ABET/CSAB, Chair of the Seoul Accord, Vice-President and Chair of the Publications Committee of IFIP, and Team Chair for ABET Computing Accreditation Evaluations
Dr. Joseph Turner currently serves as Chair of the Seoul Accord, an international organization for the mutual recognition of accreditation agencies for computing programs. His current activities also include serving as a Vice-President and Chair of the Publications Committee of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), and Team Chair for ABET (the US accrediting agency for programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology) computing accreditation evaluations. He has previously served as Vice-President of the ACM, President of the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board (CSAB), Chairman of the ACM Education Board, and as a member of the Boards of Directors of the Computing Research Association, the National Educational Computing Association, and the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors. He has served more than 20 times as a consultant and on evaluation teams for computer science programs at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels both for individual institutions and for state agencies, and has chaired more than 25 accreditation evaluation teams. Joe's honors include the ACM Outstanding Contribution Award and the ACM SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service. He is a Fellow of the ACM, ABET, and CSAB.

Charlene Walrad, VP of Standards Activities, Board of Governors IEEE-CS
Charlene (Chuck) Walrad has more than 30 years of experience in the software and IT industries, leading the development of more than two dozen commercial software products across a variety of applications, ranging from the widely used Systran natural language translation systems to CA's Ingres RDBMS system. In 1987, she founded Davenport Consulting (, whose clients include companies like Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, AAA, and Ford. She has spoken at numerous industry conferences and written several publications in the field. Walrad is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of the Board of Governors, VP of the Standards Activities Board and chairs the IT Committee of Professional Activities Board. She is a past member of the Computer Society's Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Nomination Committee, Digital Library Operations Committee, the Executive Committees of IEEE's Software and Systems Engineering Standards Committee (S2ESC) and of the Technical and Conference Activities Board and was the working group Chair for the development of a new software configuration management standard, IEEE Std 828-2012.

Terry Coatta Globally Acclaimed Entrepreneur, Executive, Platform Software Architext and Developer
Terry is currently CTO for Marine Learning Systems. Marine Learning Systems is an eLearning software and services provider to the maritime and resource industry. Marine Learning Systems also provides a full complement of services to support you from idea all the way through to ongoing operations and maintenance. Terry was President of AssociCom, a Vancouver-based start-up that builds online communities for professional and trade associations. Prior to AssociCom, he worked in a number of Vancouver-based companies as a technology leader. His expertise in software architexture and software development processes has allowed him to make significant contributions in all of his roles. As CTO for Vitrium Systems Inc., he led the development organization through the release of three new products, and the customer base expanded from under 10 to over 200. From 2001 to 2005, he was the VP of Development at Silicon Chalk Inc. where he led a team developing a unique real-time collaboration tool for use at universities and colleges. Terry was also a founding partner in Network Software Group Inc. (acquired by Open Text Corporation, 1996) and Director of Software Development at GPS Industries Inc. To support the development of the software industry and profession, Terry is an active contributor to the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world's largest scientific, innovation, educational and professional association. Terry sits on the Practitioner Board and Queue Editorial Board with top innovation leaders and pioneers where he shares his deep insights with a worldwide audience.

Andy Chen, President and CEO Catronic, Past CTO and Vice President Ontario Power Generation
Andy Chen is a senior business advisor for several leading global consulting firms and enterprise software vendors. Andy has over 30 years of experience in utility sectors specializing in Nuclear Power Generation. For the past five years, Andy has been assisting leading global consulting firms in business development for the Nuclear Utilities in China and in North America. In 2008, Andy held the position of the Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Enterprise Strategy and Architexture of a Canadian-based electricity generator. Andy had extensive experience in a variety of engineering and systems roles within the company. Andy also volunteers for various professional organizations. He is actively involved in the Professional Activity Board of the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS). He also presides in the Board of Directors for the Federation of Enterprise Architexture Organization (FEAPO). FEAPO is a worldwide association of professional organizations which have come together to provide a forum to standardize, professionalize, and otherwise advance the discipline of Enterprise Architexture (EA).

Chat with Dr. Mathai Joseph: Internationally Renowned Author, Executive, Researcher, and Technology Advisor; Distinguished Computer Scientist
Dr. Mathai Joseph - Executive Director at Tata Research Development and Design Centre, Pune and Executive Vice-President at Tata Consultancy Services (1997-2007). Fellow, Senior Research Scientist at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (1968-1985); Professor of Computer Science at University of Warwick, U.K. (1985-1997). Visiting Professor, Carnegie-Mellon University (1980-81); Visiting Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands (1990-92); Visiting Professor, University of Warwick (1997-98); Visiting Professor, University of York, U.K. (2001-2004). Member-at-large ACM Council (2008-12); Founder member ACM India Council (2009-12). Author: Digital Republic India's Rise to IT Power, History and Memoir. For more see Dr. Mathai Joseph's Profile for a list of Publications and a full BYWAYS profile.

Jean-Guy Carrier, Secretary General International Chamber of Commerce
Jean-Guy Carrier became Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce on 24 January 2011. He is also Director of Programmes for ICC's Research Foundation. Mr. Carrier has initiated and led research-based publishing and public information programmes for various international and national organizations, most recently for the World Trade Organization (WTO), from 1996 to 2008. As publisher and chief editor he developed the WTO's extensive publishing and Internet-based public information programmes, focused on research and information about the multilateral trading system. He initiated the WTO Reference Centre programme, a network of computerized WTO information and research centres established in the trade ministries of over 100 developing countries. Mr. Carrier is the author of six books and has held senior positions with the International Institute for Systems Analysis in Vienna, Austria, the Economic Council of Canada, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and with global communications consulting firms. His clients as a consulting executive were mainly multinational companies. He has contributed numerous articles for print and electronic media.

Lauren Woodman MS GM, Education Programs; Top Global Technology Policy Authority
Lauren Woodman serves as the General Manager of Education Programs in the Worldwide Public Sector organization of Microsoft Corp. In this role she is responsible for Microsoft's most significant education programs: Partners in Learning, a 15-year, $750 million investment to help educators use technology effectively in teaching and learning; and Shape the Future, a global initiative to close the opportunity divide by enabling technology access for every student. Before joining Microsoft in 2002, Woodman served as the executive vice president for the Software & Information Industry Association, the principal trade association for code and content companies. A regular speaker and author on technology policy issues around the world, she served in a similar position with the Software Publishers Association since 1996. Woodman began her career on Capitol Hill with Rep. Jim Cooper (TN) as a legislative assistant handling public policy issues on telecommunications, trade and defense.

Dharmesh Mehta: Top Global Cool Tech Authority and Senior Director Microsoft Corp.
As senior director of product management and product marketing for Outlook and SkyDrive at Microsoft Corp., Dharmesh Mehta is responsible for driving business and product strategy, marketing campaigns, PR and evangelism for Outlook and SkyDrive, a set of leading services for personal email and cloud storage. Dharmesh and his team are chartered with a worldwide business through a combination of global execution and local innovation. They drive the business strategy and marketing execution for Outlook and SkyDrive. Dharmesh has worked at Microsoft since 2005 in a variety of product management, marketing and strategy positions. Most recently, he oversaw Hotmail and Messenger, the world's most popular IM service. Prior to that, he drove the strategy behind Microsoft's entry into the enterprise hosted messaging and collaboration services industry as a part of Microsoft's Corporate Strategy Group.

Chat with Silvio Micali ACM Turing Award recipient in 2013 (Nobel Prize of Computing); World-renowned distinguished researcher and professor MIT — Part 2
Silvio Micali, the Ford Professor of Engineering at MIT and a Principal Investigator at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), is a recipient of the Gödel Prize from ACM SIGACT and EATCS. A Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering, he is the recipient of the RSA Mathematics Award, the Berkeley Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award, and the ISE (Information Security Executive) New England Rising Star Award. Micali is the editor (with Franco Preparata, Paris Kanellakis, Christoff Hoffmann, and Robert Hawkins) of a five-volume series of textbooks, "Advances in Computing Research", and has published more than one hundred scientific papers. Micali is the co-founder and co-leader of the Information and Security Group at CSAIL.

Chat with Shafi Goldwasser ACM Turing Award recipient in 2013 (Nobel Prize of Computing); World-renowned distinguished researcher and professor MIT and Weismann Institute — Part 1
Shafi Goldwasser is the RSA Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and Principal Investigator at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), as well as a professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. A recipient of the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, she also won the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for outstanding young computer professionals. She has twice won the Gödel Prize presented jointly by the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT) and the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS). She leads the Theory of Computation Group and co-leads the Cryptography and Information Security Group at MIT CSAIL. She was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Science, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Academy of Engineering. She was recognized by the ACM Council on Women in Computing (ACM-W) as the Athena Lecturer, and received the IEEE Piore Award and the Franklin Institute's Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science.

Professor Mihaela Ulieru, President IMPACT Institute, Global ICT Innovation Researcher, Luminary and Authority
Professor Mihaela Ulieru is a seasoned expert in ICT-enabled innovation and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy, aiming to capitalize on her achievements as the Canada Research Chair in Adaptive Information Infrastructures for the eSociety which she held for five years since July 2005. Among the highlights are her large scale international collaborative projects aiming to make ICT an integral component of policy making for a healthier, safer, more sustainable, and innovation-driven world: IT Revolutions, Industrial Informatics, Future of Medicine, Living Technologies and Emulating the Mind. In 2007 she was appointed to the Science, Technology and Innovation Council of Canada by the Minister of Industry, to advise the government and provide foresight on innovation issues related to the ICT impact on Canada's economic development and social well-being against international standards of excellence. In 2006 she was appointed to the Science and Engineering Research Council of Singapore, and in 2010 she was appointed Expert in ICT-Enabled Innovation at the Executive Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation of Romania, and as Adjunct Research Professor at Carleton University in Canada. She was on the Governing Board of IEEE-Industrial Electronic Society and on the Scientific Board of several EC Networks of Excellence in the Future and Emerging Technologies ICT Directorate. As a tenured professor at the University of New Brunswick (2005-2012), she founded the Adaptive Risk Management Laboratory with the Canada Foundation for Innovation sponsorship and led multi-million dollar projects with NSERC, CANARIE and DRDC.

Chat with Jeff Dean ACM Infosys Foundation Award recipient in 2013 (Computing's Top Prize for young innovators); World-renowned researcher — Part 2
Jeff Dean joined Google in 1999 and is currently a Google Fellow in Google's Systems Infrastructure Group. He co-developed the MapReduce computational framework and is a co-designer and co-implementor of heavily-used distributed storage systems, including BigTable and Spanner. He co-designed and implemented five generations of Google's crawling, indexing, and query serving systems, as well as major pieces of Google's initial advertising and AdSense for Content systems. He has also worked on large-scale machine learning and machine translation software and has also designed and implemented many of Google's low-level software libraries and developer tools. Prior to joining Google, Jeff was a researcher at Digital Equipment Corporation's Western Research Laboratory where he worked on optimizing compilers, profiling software and hardware, and information retrieval algorithms for the web.

Chat with Sanjay Ghemawat ACM Infosys Foundation Award recipient in 2013 (Computing's Top Prize for young innovators); World-renowned researcher — Part 1
Sanjay Ghemawat has been at Google since 1999. He is currently a Google Fellow in the Systems Infrastructure Group. He has worked on many distributed systems (MapReduce, BigTable, GFS, Spanner), performance tools, indexing systems, compression schemes, memory management, data representation languages, RPC systems, and other systems at Google. Prior to Google Sanjay was a researcher at Digital Equipment Corporation's Systems Research Center, where he worked on Java virtual machines, optimizing compilers, and profiling systems. He has a PhD and M.S. from MIT, and a B.S. from Cornell, all in Computer Science.

Robin Raskin, ICT and CES Legend, Digital Pioneer
Robin Raskin has been translating technology into consumer friendly terms for more than 30 years. Today she spends most of her time working with Living in Digital Times, a company that she founded in 2008. Living in Digital Times produces a number of lifestyle events, but its most important partnership is with the CEA to produce a series of lifestyle conferences and exhibits at the annual International Consumer Electronics show each January in Las Vegas. All of these events combine fun, education and a look at a slice of a particular demographic through the lens of technology. She also writes for Mashable,, Huffington Post and on her own company's blogs. Raskin was featured as a daily columnist on Yahoo! Tech, she was the founder and editor-in-chief of FamilyPC, editor of PC Magazine, and columnist for USA Today Online and the Gannett News Service. She has authored six books about parenting in the digital age, for publishers including Random House, Simon and Schuster, and Hyperion. As a freelance writer, her work has appeared in such magazines as RedBook, Real Simple, FamilyCircle, PC World, PC Week, InfoWorld, Working Mother, Working Woman, Child, and Newsday, and on websites such as Mashable and the Huffington Post. Her most recent book, A Parents' Guide to College Life (Random House, 2006) provides parents with practical answers to 180 "must ask" questions. She's written six other books on raising kids in a digital world. Raskin is an outspoken advocate for parental involvement in raising digital kids. She frequently addresses parents and educators, policy makers, and the high tech industry on topics like Internet safety and raising digital kids.

Chat: Stephen Forte, CSO, CTO, Founder, Microsoft MVP, Global Entrepreneur and Developer
Stephen Forte is the Chief Strategy Officer of the venture backed company Telerik, a leading vendor of developer and team productivity tools. He is the co-founder and executive director of AcceleratorHK, Hong Kong's first start-up accelerator. Involved in several start-ups, he was the co-founder of Triton Works, which was acquired by UBM (London: UBM.L) in 2010 and was the Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of Corzen, Inc., which was acquired by Wanted Technologies (TXV: WAN) in 2007. Prior to Corzen, Stephen served as the CTO of Zagat Survey in New York City (acquired by Google in 2011), and also was co-founder of the New York-based software consulting firm The Aurora Development Group. Stephen is also a Certified Scrum Master, Certified Scrum Professional, PMP and also speaks regularly at industry conferences around the world. He has written several books on application and database development. Stephen is also a board member of the Scrum Alliance.

Ajit Jaokar, Founder Feynlabs, FutureText, Blog — OpenGardens
Ajit Jaokar is the founder of the London based research company FutureText which specializes in identifying and researching cross-domain technology trends. In 2009, Ajit was nominated to the World Economic Forum's 'Future of the Internet' council. In 2011, he was nominated to the World Smart Capital program (Amsterdam). Ajit moderates/chairs Oxford University's Next Generation Mobile Applications Panel and conducts courses at Oxford in the next generation Telecoms trends. In 2012, he was nominated to the board of Connected Liverpool — Resilient Liverpool programs — based in the city of Liverpool for their Smart city vision. His consulting activities include working with companies to define value propositions across the 'converged stack'. Ajit has worked with a range of commercial and government organizations including in strategic and visionary roles. Since May 2005, he has founded and run the OpenGardens Blog which is widely respected in the mobile/telecoms industry. Ajit is the founder of the ed-tech start-up Feynlabs is the first initiative to teach the concepts of programming languages to kids (as opposed to a specific programming language).

Paul Orlando, Renowned Global Start-up Wizard, Serial Entrepreneur
Paul Orlando runs a lean startup bootcamp called Startups Unplugged and is also co-founder of AcceleratorHK, a mobile startup accelerator. Previously, he co-founded a startup in New York and worked in telecom in China. He focuses on early-stage startups (pre product-market fit). He has presented data and entrepreneurial tales in Asia and the US at events including InvestHK, BizSpark, Make a Difference Asia, Columbia, StartupsHK, Kairos Society, DorkBot, and the Levin Institute. He also had lots of fun helping build a 2012 TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon winner. (AcceleratorHK is a three month accelerator based in Hong Kong, focused on mobile startups doing hybrid development with html5. We have a full program in the Lean Startup and Customer Development techniques, mentors, and technical help to make cross-platform development easier. Forbes just named Hong Kong the #1 tech capital to watch after Silicon Valley and New York.)

Robert Deutsche, Global Top Technology Expert and Executive
Robert Deutsche, Principal Architext/Systems Engineer — Enterprise Cloud Solutions, SOA, IT Transformation & Data Center Consolidation. Bob Deutsche provides business and technical advisory services as well as thought leadership to mid-level and senior-level executives in the Global 50 and public sector. With 30 years of experience in industry, Bob has held senior level positions with companies that most recently include Intel, CSC and Deloitte. With a varied background that includes data center operations, software development and CIO positions in both enterprise and LOB IT organizations, Bob has an extensive and pragmatic knowledge of cloud solution frameworks, big data, information security investments, enterprise architexture, business process improvement, business process reengineering, organizational change management, software development (CMM Level 4/5 organizations), systems engineering, and governance frameworks. His passion is to insure that technology investment is based on the benefit it provides to the enterprise.

Professor Frans van der Reep, World Renowned Visionary Thought Leader and Innovating Entrepreneur
Frans van der Reep (1954, LinkedIn, is a thought-leader renowned worldwide for his accurate and early forecasts of business and technological trends, valued highly for his ability to unveil hidden assumptions and relate directly to genuine underlying issues. A technological visionary, media futurist, game changer and popular inspirational speaker, Frans is dedicated to returning core moral values to the business arena, viewing universal traits such as respect for others and integrity as the foundation of a stable business culture. Known among his many roles as a researcher, trend watcher, writer, podcaster and entrepreneur, he is a Professor at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences, a Senior Strategist at Royal KPN, holds several board positions within both the public and private sector and was knighted in 1997 by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix for contributions to society. He has also published many papers and books on the influence and impact of the Internet, connecting the varied intellectual realms of Strategy, Sales & Marketing, HR, Finance, Innovation, Business Process Management and IT.

David Alan Grier 2013 President IEEE-CS, Top International Technology and Policy Authority
David Alan Grier is the 2013 President of the IEEE Computer Society. He has served the society as its Vice President of Publications, Director of Magazines, and Editor in Chief of the IEEE Annals. He writes on the subject of technology and its social implications. His books include: "When Computers Were Human" (Princeton 2005), "Too Soon To Tell" (Wiley 2009), "The Company We Keep" (IEEE Computer Society, 2013), "The Computing Machines of Charles Babbage" (editor, IEEE CS, 2010). He is currently at work on a book on crowdsourcing. He has a PhD in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Washington in Seattle, and is an associate professor of Science and Technology Policy at George Washington University. He has served as Associate Dean or Program Director in schools of international affairs, engineering and liberal arts. He has also worked in industry, serving as a software designer for Burroughs Computer Corporation in the 1980s.

Ambassador Karklinš, ADG Communication and Information UNESCO
Before assuming duties as the Assistant Director General of Communication and Information of UNESCO, Ambassador Karklinš served as the Latvian Ambassador to France, Andorra, Monaco and UNESCO. He was also the Permanent Representative of Latvia to the United Nations in Geneva. During his stay in Geneva, he served as the First Vice-Chairman, and one year later as Chairman of the Council of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). He has held several elected posts in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and UN Commission of Science and Technology for Development, as well as presided over the Group of Governmental Experts on Cluster Munitions within the framework of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). He also served as the Vice-President of the Preparatory Committee of the Geneva Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and was President of the Preparatory Committee of the Tunis Phase of WSIS. Ambassador Karklinš represented Latvia in the Governmental Advisory Committee of ICANN and chaired this Committee from 2007 until June 2010. Prior to the posting in Geneva, he served as the Under-Secretary of State in Latvia. He also served as Counsellor in the Latvian Embassies in both France and Finland.

Professor Michael Bartz, Global Top Authority in Next Generation Enterprise Business Transformation
Michael Bartz is a professor of International Business Management at IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems in Austria. Before joining IMC University, he developed a management career with Philips, Capgemini and Microsoft, collecting over 17 years of management experience. Within his research field Michael is especially focussing on measuring the impact and return on investment of New World of Work business transformations. The introduction of new work forms to corporate organisations requires substantial investments. New World of Work investments cover areas like the roll out of video conferencing systems, collaborative software platforms, the introduction of home office or mobile working schemes, or the roll-out of new office usability concepts. It can also mean the establishment of state-of-the-art remote or virtual management techniques based on Management by Objectives and Balanced Scorecard Management systems. In any case, a New World of Work transformation represents a highly integrated, interdisciplinary change programme which binds financial and human resources at a substantial level. The New World of Work research center at IMC University, which Michael established, supports companies like Microsoft, Würth, ERSTE Bank and EGGER. Michael regularly presents research results and shares his newest insights at New World of Work related conferences (e.g. Human Capital Forum, Alpbach Congress), publishes papers, and is running a German language blog:

Alain Chesnais Top Global Innovator, Serial Entrepreneur, Executive and Scientist
Alain Chesnais recently founded TrendSpottr (Toronto) serving as Chief Scientist, which develops web services to identify real time trends in social media such as Twitter and Facebook. He was the CTO of from June 2007 until April 2010 and was Vice President of Product Development at Tucows Inc. from July 2005 — May 2007. He also served as director of engineering at Alias|Wavefront managing the team that received an Oscar from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for developing the Maya 3D software package. Alain Chesnais is Past President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He served for the two-year term beginning July 1, 2010. As a French citizen now residing in Canada, he has more than 20 years of management experience in the software industry. He joined the local SIGGRAPH Chapter in Paris some 25 years ago as a volunteer, and has continued his involvement with ACM in a variety of leadership capacities since then, including previous positions as vice-president, secretary-treasurer, president of ACM SIGGRAPH and SIG Governing Board Chair.

Murray Goldberg, Award Winning International Top Innovating ICT Serial Entrepreneur
Murray Goldberg was a tenured faculty member in the department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, when he left to become the president and founder of WebCT, a company which grew to be the world's leading learning management system (LMS), serving 14 million students in 80 countries at 4,000 universities and colleges. In 2002, Murray co-founded Silicon Chalk, a company which built software to enhance the classroom experience in higher education. Murray went on to create, an academic social bookmarking and networking site for university and college students, and then AssociCom, a company which creates software for private professional networking within professional associations. Most recently, Murray has created MarineLMS, a learning management system for training in the maritime industry to combine his passions for educational technologies and the sea. In addition, Murray has served as a consultant, advisor, board member and board chairman for numerous technology and education companies. A widely recognized thought leader in the field of online teaching and learning, Goldberg has given over 200 keynotes and invited lectures, and is an expert resource for business, education and technology organizations and education media. Murray has won numerous teaching, industry, and national awards.

Adrian Cho Top Global Innovator, Author, Musician
Speaker, author, jazz musician, software development manager. Adrian Cho is well-qualified to draw parallels between the worlds of business and the arts. His diverse career in business includes extended stints in consulting, research and development, finance, and intellectual property. At IBM Adrian is currently leading a strategic initiative across IBM software group brands to improve IBM's web presence for engaging with developers. In his previous role at IBM, Adrian managed a complex, globally distributed, agile software development project coordinating contributions from over four hundred people at twenty-five locations in ten countries. A band leader and innovative artistic collaborator, he performs as a bassist and conductor and is the founder and artistic director of the Ottawa Jazz Orchestra, a unique, critically acclaimed symphonic jazz ensemble that brings together an impressive array of professional jazz and symphony musicians. Combining his experiences in arts and business, Adrian developed the Jazz Process, an execution-oriented framework for collaboration, innovation, and agility that can help teams in any domain improve their performance. Adrian speaks and blogs about high-performance teamwork on a regular basis. His book, "The Jazz Process: Collaboration, Innovation and Agility," has been endorsed by a diverse collection of thought leaders.

John Morton, Top CTO, Keynote and International Technology Authority
John is CTO for SAS UK and Ireland. John's role is to advise and counsel CxOs, Directors and business managers on the capabilities and value of new methods and technologies in providing business enhancing services. John capitalizes on using practical enterprise architexture approaches to create and implement large-scale solutions and transformations for a number of Blue Chip companies. John's journey through life includes: CTO and Technical Assurance Advisor for the Architexture and governance programme in a major transformation from mainframe and Access based systems to multi-channel, multi-product based architextural components leveraging existing investment. A key leader on the overall Design Authority for the delivery of transformation of all IT systems in the UK National Health Service (NHS) for Southern England and London. Innovation director for a Technology company, focussed on healthcare, financial services and retail industry sectors. Managing and leading the Architexture Team and defining the IT Strategy for Central Government Revenue Management and accounting including call centre consolidation, channel specification for customer self-service covering WAP, SMS, internet, iDTV, mobilization.

Ron McLaren, Operations Manager SFIA, International Top Authority in Skills and Capability Management
Ron McLaren has long-term practical IT industry experience, having worked extensively with the development, introduction and marketing of new technologies, products and techniques since 1966. This has involved the management of technical people in customer-facing, product development and service delivery environments. He has concentrated on the management of the IT capability of individuals: he established the Engineering Professional Community in a major IT product and services company, developing and implementing a framework of professional roles and skills for the company's 13,000 technical staff. For ten years, as Operations Manager of the SFIA Foundation, Ron has contributed to the development of the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA), helping it to grow to worldwide acceptance, with users in 100 countries.

James Maurer, Pioneering Publishing Entrepreneur, Publisher ACM Queue
James Maurer is a science and technical publishing professional and entrepreneur. Upon completion of his M.A. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he relocated to New York, where he took on the position of Managing Editor for Charles Scribner's Sons 16-volume reference publication, Dictionary of Scientific Biography. At Scribner's, Maurer also published The Album of Science series and other science reference titles. Maurer has also been affiliated with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) on three separate occasions: First, in the 1990s, when, as Publisher of the association's flagship, Communications. In 2002, he returned to head the development of the new ACM Queue Magazine. In the interim (non-ACM) periods, Maurer helped found two other publishing companies — one in California and one in Maine, and has now come back to the ACM as the Publisher of ACM Queue (now a web only publication) and the company's liaison to its Practitioner Board.

Damon Vickers, Chief Investment Officer, World Renowned Investment Authority, Best Selling Author "The Day After the Dollar Crashes"
Damon Vickers as Chief Investment Officer of Damon Vickers + Co. is a renowned investment expert. Vickers has been a guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox Business Network. He has been cited or quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and other financial and general-interest publications. His 2011 book, "The Day After the Dollar Crashes" appeared on The New York Times business best-seller list, and reached number 5 among business books at Martin D. Weiss called the book "A must read," with Michael W. Covel commenting "Damon Vickers wants you prepared for an unpredictable future. Are you? If not, time to wake up."

Chat with Eliezer Manor, International Top Visionary Innovator VC
Eliezer Manor is a businessman engaged in hi-tech entrepreneurship and venture capital globally. His activities are carried out through his wholly-owned company — Shirat Enterprises Ltd., registered in Israel. Shirat holds a portfolio of private investments and in parallel, acts as a management company with offices in Israel and in China. In addition to being pro-active in part of its portfolio companies, Shirat carries out a broad program dedicated to establishment of joint ventures between Israeli hi-tech companies and Chinese industrial mature companies, as well as establishment and operation of technological incubators, venture capital funds and corporate venture capital in China and in other countries around the world. This program was supported and assisted by the Government of Israel and today is supported by several local authorities in major cities in China. Eliezer was the founder and entrepreneur of several hi-tech start-up companies, as well as board member and Chairman in many of them. He was also, for several years, a member of the international team of WJ Hopper investment bank. Eliezer is an invited founding board director IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council (GIC).

David Foote, CEO Foote Partners, World Renowned ICT Research Pioneer and Executive
David Foote is an IT industry research pioneer, innovator, and one of the most quoted industry authorities on global IT workforce and compensation trends and multiple facets of the human side of technology value creation. His two decades of ground-breaking deep research and analysis on IT/business cross-skilling and the integration of technology and business management earned him an unquestioned place on a shortlist of thought leaders in these areas. A keen predictive trends analyst, he built his reputation at Gartner, META Group, and at several Silicon Valley technology companies. David's foundation work defining and benchmarking a new generation of high impact IT/business hybrid workers has grown significantly since 1997, when he assumed leadership of Foote Partners' analytical/advisory services and proprietary decision support survey research business, targeting the 'execution' side of managing technology resources and capabilities. An IT compensation research pioneer and innovator, David is widely credited with creating and publishing in 1994 the first survey-based IT compensation research in the U.S., that defined and benchmarked emerging "new breed" information management positions in Web, e-Commerce, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, and Business Technology, and later SAP (1997).

Joanne Molesky, Principal Consultant, ThoughtWorks
Joanne is the global practice lead for Continuous Delivery at ThoughtWorks, a company that is devoted to the art and science of delivering custom software. Joanne's professional passion is for finding practical ways to implement processes in IT that provide enough control to give visibility and transparency into what is happening without bogging teams down in unnecessary activities that waste resources. She has worked many years in the trenches of IT — as a business analyst, technical writer, quality assurance analyst and a GRC analyst. Before her career in IT, she was a registered dietitian, where she learned the importance of standards, process, control and professionalism when lives were on the line. Her certifications include COBIT, ITIL, CRISC and CISA.

Dr. Robert Atkinson, on Innovation Economics: The Race for Global Advantage
Robert Atkinson is the founder and president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a Washington, DC-based technology policy think tank. He is also author of "Innovation Economics: The Race for Global Advantage" (Yale, 2012), the book, "The Past And Future Of America's Economy: Long Waves Of Innovation That Power Cycles Of Growth" (Edward Elgar, 2005), and the State New Economy Index series. He has an extensive background in technology policy, he has conducted ground-breaking research projects on technology and innovation, is a valued adviser to state and national policy makers, and a popular speaker on innovation policy nationally and internationally. Before coming to ITIF, Dr. Atkinson was Vice President of the Progressive Policy Institute and Director of PPI's Technology & New Economy Project. Previously Dr. Atkinson served as the first Executive Director of the Rhode Island Economic Policy Council, a public-private partnership including as members the Governor, legislative leaders, and corporate and labor leaders. Prior to that, he was Project Director at the former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. President Clinton appointed Dr. Atkinson to the Commission on Workers, Communities, and Economic Change in the New Economy; the Bush administration appointed him chair of Congressionally-created National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission; and the Obama administration appointed him to the National Innovation and Competitiveness Strategy Advisory Board. In addition, he was named by the White House Office of Science and Policy as co-chair of the China-U.S. Innovation Policy Experts Group.

Brian Cameron, Professor and Executive Director Center for Enterprise Architexture, Founding President FEAPO
Brian Cameron is founding President of FEAPO — the Federation of Enterprise Architexture Professional Organizations. In addition, Brian is Professor of Practice and Executive Director of the Enterprise Architexture Initiative in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. Within the College of Information Sciences and Technology, he works with a wide portfolio of companies on a variety of consulting engagements, ranging from systems integration projects to enterprise architexture planning and design. His primary research and consulting interests include enterprise architexture, enterprise systems integration, information management and storage, and the use of simulations and gaming in education. The main focus areas for his teaching efforts are on senior-level capstone enterprise integration, enterprise architexture, and information technology consulting & storage architexture courses. Dr. Cameron is currently developing new curricular materials for enterprise integration (through funding from NSF), including a textbook to be published by Wiley & Sons Publishing. He has also designed and taught executive education sessions for senior IT executives. Session topics include Service Oriented Architexture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM), Strategic Alignment of IT & Business Strategies, IT Governance, and IT Portfolio Management.

Dharmesh Mehta: Top Global Cool Tech Authority and Senior Director Microsoft Corp.
As senior director of product management and product marketing for Outlook and SkyDrive at Microsoft Corp., Dharmesh Mehta is responsible for driving business and product strategy, marketing campaigns, PR and evangelism for Outlook and SkyDrive, a set of leading services for personal email and cloud storage. Dharmesh and his team are chartered with a worldwide business through a combination of global execution and local innovation. They drive the business strategy and marketing execution for Outlook and SkyDrive. Dharmesh has worked at Microsoft since 2005 in a variety of product management, marketing and strategy positions. Most recently, he oversaw product management for Windows Live Messenger, the world's most popular IM service. Prior to that, he drove the strategy behind Microsoft's entry into the enterprise hosted messaging and collaboration services industry as a part of Microsoft's Corporate Strategy Group.

Phaneesh Murthy CEO iGATE, Global Founding ICT Industry Top Executive
Phaneesh Murthy, currently the CEO of iGATE, has over the last two decades created three large transformations in the Global IT industry. In the 1990s, Phaneesh Murthy was an integral part of the industry that created the huge IT Outsourcing market in India. As the Global Sales Head of Infosys, he has been widely credited as the one who was responsible for taking the organization from just $2 million in revenues to $700 million in under 10 years. Over the last decade, Phaneesh has embarked upon his second large transformation. Eight years since taking over as the CEO of iGATE, Phaneesh has transformed iGATE from a loss making staffing firm with negative margins, to a best-in-class earnings growth company with high focus on profitability, through his industry pioneering Business Outcomes based delivery model, that has now come to be accepted in the industry and is increasingly being adopted by Global customers. Phaneesh's third transformation is already being pegged as a big trendsetter for the industry. Against all odds, in 2011 Phaneesh challenged the previously unheard of scenario of a mid-sized IT company buying out a company that is more than double its size, with the vision of making the combined entity not just a large Tier 1 player delivering Business Outcomes based solutions, but also one that would have the best-in-class earnings growth in the industry.

Marios Damianides: Partner, Ernst & Young, Global Authority in Security and Risk Management
Marios Damianides is a partner with Ernst & Young in the Risk Advisory Services division in New York. At Ernst & Young Mr. Damianides has worked with numerous Fortune 100 companies designing and implementing security management systems. Mr. Damianides is a member of ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) and served as its international president from 2003 to 2005 and is also past President of the IT Governance Institute. Mr. Damianides was recognized by the New York Metropolitan Chapter of Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISCA NY) and was awarded the Wasserman Award in 2007. Philanthropically, Mr. Damianides has garnered corporate support of over $10 million for various nonprofit organizations including the Educational Broadcasting Corporation and has personally supported a wide range of nonprofit organizations.

Rob Clyde, CEO Adaptive Computing, Global ICT Industry Pioneer and Top-Ranking Executive
A recognized industry leader, Rob Clyde has over twenty-five years' experience as an enterprise software executive with demonstrated leadership success at startup companies to large companies, including Symantec and Axent Technologies. An internet security pioneer and innovator, he is credited with the creation of the first commercial intrusion detextion system, and led the business unit that developed and brought to market the first security compliance product. As CTO at Symantec, Rob defined Symantec's technology strategy and was a key part of the management team that drove the company to grow from slightly under $1B in revenue to over $5B in five years.

Theresa Grafenstine Inspector General U.S. House of Representatives
The Honorable Theresa M. Grafenstine is the Inspector General of the U.S. House of Representatives (House). Ms. Grafenstine brings a variety of public service and non-profit experience to the House. As the Inspector General, she is responsible for planning and leading independent, non-partisan audits, advisories, and investigations of the financial and administrative functions of the House. Over the past twenty years, she has served in the Inspector General community in both the legislative and executive branches of the Federal Government. Ms. Grafenstine is an active volunteer in support of the information technology, governance, internal auditing, and accounting professions. She serves on multiple leadership committees for the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), a large international non-profit dedicated to information security governance and audit professionals, and on the Assurance Services Executive Committee for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the accounting standards setting body for the United States. Ms. Grafenstine also provides financial oversight support as an audit committee member for the Pentagon Federal Credit Union, the third largest credit union in the United States, and to the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, the largest office of Inspector General in the U.S. federal government.

Brenda Aynsley, Chair IFIP IP3, Global Authority in ICT
Brenda Aynsley has two passions in this life: to promote the value of professionalism as a necessary condition for all practitioners of ICT and to promote the Internet as a communications medium that can enable and empower citizens and communities. She serves as the Chairman of the IFIP IP3 (International Professional Practice Partnership) for 2011-12. In 1995 Brenda opened the first Internet café in South Australia and was instrumental in establishing the SA Internet Association. In 2000 Brenda established the long running ACS PC Recycling Special Interest Group to help bridge the Digital Divide by providing no cost/low cost computers to those in the community who otherwise would not have access to one. She has been active in the ACS Professional Year program as Academic Program Coordinator as well as delivering the Business, Legal and Ethical Issues subject of the Computer Professional Education Program. As the 2010-11 Vice President Membership Boards, she has overseen the adoption of the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) and the implementation of the ACS Certification Program. She was made a Fellow of the ACS in 2003 and was awarded an ACS Honorary Life Membership in 2006.

Dave Roath: Leader PwC U.S. IT Risk & Security Assurance Practice
Dave is a Risk Assurance Partner that leads the PwC U.S. IT Risk & Security Assurance practice. He resides in New York, NY. Dave has more than 20 years of experience in Business Process and IT risk, IT security, IT audit and compliance/regulatory readiness. Dave has a strong background in delivering IT Risk Management and Information Security Assurance, Privacy, Data Protextion, Third Party Assurance, Advisory, and Internal Audit engagements. Dave has led global teams and significant engagements on IT, Security, Business, Regulatory, and Audit issues surrounding Information technology, IT Risk Management, Governance, Security, Privacy, Data Protextion, Regulatory and Strategy assessments. His client experience ranges from working with a broad variety of global financial institutions, technology companies, and other non financial services companies including: exchanges, money center, consumer, and international banks, savings and loan institutions, investment banks, hedge funds, electronic exchanges, broker/dealers, technology, products and services companies.

Bob Treadway, Internationally Recognized Top Futurist and Strategy Advisor, Keynote 2012 ISACA World Congress
Bob Treadway's work as a futurist, speaker, consultant, and strategy advisor began when clients asked him to develop forecasts to present in advance of his strategic planning consultation and facilitation. Clients like Berkshire Hathaway, Motorola, the Federal Reserve, Gillette, ExxonMobil, American Express, Syngenta, the National Corn Growers Association, US Gypsum, and the National League of Cities retain Bob to help them develop long-range thinking, forecast the environments of tomorrow, form robust strategy, and take action on what's ahead. His broad perspective comes through working with hundreds of clients in a broad range of industries and fields including telecommunications, technology, manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, energy, financial services, distribution, retail, economic development, executive education, professional services, and government in North and South America and Europe. He has been a guest lecturer and faculty for executive education sessions at the University of California Berkeley, Loyola, Illinois State, Oregon State and Kansas State Universities. His 16-year tenure on the faculty of the Institute for Management Studies educated thousands of Fortune 500 managers. He is a member of the Association of Professional Futurists, a charter member of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting, and was awarded the National Speakers Association's highest earned designation as a Certified Speaking Professional.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Pioneering World-Renowned Computer Scientist and Executive Leader, shares her past to current career years — Part 2
This is Part 2 of the interview with the renowned computer scientist and scholar Dr. Maria Klawe who is the first woman to lead Harvey Mudd College since its founding in 1955. Prior to joining HMC, she served as Dean of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. Maria joined Princeton from the University of British Columbia where she served as Dean of Science from 1998 to 2002, Vice President of Student and Academic Services from 1995 to 1998 and head of the Department of Computer Science from 1988 to 1995. Prior to UBC, Maria spent eight years with IBM Research in California, and two years at the University of Toronto. Maria has made significant research contributions in several areas of mathematics and computer science including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, gender issues in information technology, and interactive-multimedia for mathematics education. Her current research focuses on discrete mathematics. Maria is a past President of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) in New York, past chair of the Board of Trustees of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology in Palo Alto, and a past trustee of the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics in Los Angeles. Maria has held leadership positions with the American Mathematical Society, the Computing Research Association, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the Canadian Mathematical Society. Maria is one of the 10 members of the board of Microsoft Corporation, a board member of Broadcom Corporation and the nonprofit Math for America, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, a trustee for the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley and a member of both the Stanford Engineering Advisory Council and the Advisory Council for the Computer Science Teachers Association. She was elected as a fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery in 1996 and as a founding fellow of the Canadian Information Processing Society in 2006.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Pioneering World-Renowned Computer Scientist and Executive Leader, shares her past to current career years — Part 1
A renowned computer scientist and scholar, Dr. Maria Klawe is the first woman to lead Harvey Mudd College since its founding in 1955. Prior to joining HMC, she served as Dean of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. Maria joined Princeton from the University of British Columbia where she served as Dean of Science from 1998 to 2002, Vice President of Student and Academic Services from 1995 to 1998 and head of the Department of Computer Science from 1988 to 1995. Prior to UBC, Maria spent eight years with IBM Research in California, and two years at the University of Toronto. Maria has made significant research contributions in several areas of mathematics and computer science including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, gender issues in information technology, and interactive-multimedia for mathematics education. Her current research focuses on discrete mathematics. Maria is a past President of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) in New York, past chair of the Board of Trustees of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology in Palo Alto, and a past trustee of the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics in Los Angeles. Maria has held leadership positions with the American Mathematical Society, the Computing Research Association, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the Canadian Mathematical Society. Maria is one of the 10 members of the board of Microsoft Corporation, a board member of Broadcom Corporation and the nonprofit Math for America, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, a trustee for the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley and a member of both the Stanford Engineering Advisory Council and the Advisory Council for the Computer Science Teachers Association. She was elected as a fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery in 1996 and as a founding fellow of the Canadian Information Processing Society in 2006.

Jerry Luftman Founding Managing Director Global Institute for IT Management, Internationally Acclaimed Leader in Strategic Management
Jerry Luftman's career includes strategic positions in management (Information Technology and consulting), management consulting, Information Systems, and education. Dr. Luftman's experience combines the strengths of practitioner, consultant and academic. His proficiency in business-IT alignment, eighteen books, published research, consulting, mentoring and teaching/speaking engagements further exemplify Dr. Luftman's expertise and leadership in his field. After a notable twenty-two year career with IBM, he had an exemplary career for almost twenty years as Distinguished Professor, and Founder and Executive Director of the Stevens Institute Information Systems Programs; one of the largest in the world. Driven by the strong demand for a global executive education program focusing on managing information technology, Dr. Luftman has leveraged his experiences as a CIO, IT management consultant and leading academic, with his strong network of IT management associations and prominent IT practitioners, to provide a valuable and unique offering via Global Institute for IT Management.

Gregory Grocholski International President, Howard "Bud" Friedman Founding Pioneer, ISACA
International President Gregory Grocholski, CISA, is corporate auditor at The Dow Chemical Company, where he is responsible for independently assessing the adequacy of accounting, financial, operating and technology controls of Dow's global operations. In this role, Grocholski has responsibility for corporate auditing, fraud investigative services and contract auditing. In addition, he is a standing ad hoc member of Dow's global and regional ethics and compliance committees. Currently, he is a member of ISACA's Strategic Advisory Council and Governance Advisory Council. He has been chair of ISACA's Finance Committee, Assurance Committee and Knowledge Board, and member of ISACA's Audit Committee, Professional Influence and Advocacy Committee, and Professional Issues Task Force. He is a board member of the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of Michigan Baseball Operations and a member of Northwood University's Accounting Advisory Council.

Howard "Bud" Friedman is an early leader of ISACA and past International President of the association (1973-1974). Friedman began his career as a computer operator at North American Aviation on one of the first large mainframe computers. From there, he moved on to Northrop Corporation as a computer auditor. In 1974, he became a consultant for the public accounting firm Coopers & Lybrand, using computers to assist attorneys in evidence collection. In 1982, he returned to Northrop Corporation as director of internal audit, where he stayed until his retirement in 1994.

Dr Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Dr Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) since January 2007, was re-elected for a second four-year term in October 2010. As Secretary-General, Dr Touré is committed to ITU's mission of connecting the world, and helping achieve the Millennium Development Goals through harnessing the unique potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). A long-standing champion of ICTs as a driver of social and economic development, Dr Touré previously served as Director of ITU's Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) from 1998-2006. In this role he placed considerable emphasis on implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), launching projects based on partnerships with international organizations, governments, the private sector and civil society. Dr Touré started his professional career in his native Mali in 1979. He built a solid career in the satellite industry, serving as managing engineer in Mali's first International Earth Station. He joined Intelsat's Assistance and Development Programme in 1985. He was appointed Intelsat's Group Director for Africa and the Middle East in 1994, earning a reputation as an energetic leader through his commitment to various regional connectivity projects such as RASCOM. In 1996 he joined ICO Global Communications as African Regional General Manager, spearheading the companies' activities across the African region.

Namir Anani, President & CEO Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)
Namir Anani, President and CEO of the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC), is the chief strategist and driving force in bringing ICTC's world-class centre of expertise and services to industry, education and government; enabling Canada's advancement as a leader in innovation and productivity in the global economy. Before joining ICTC, Namir previously led Policy Development & Research at the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). He has also held several executive leadership roles in both the private and public sectors including: the Department of Canadian Heritage (Director General & CEO), CGI Consulting, Nortel, and Novartis (Switzerland). Mr. Anani's experience extends to strategic policy development and implementation, learning and capacity building, business transformation, national/international strategic alliances, economic and market research, and technology innovation.

Nick Malik International Top Authority in Enterprise and Business Architexture, Author, Speaker, Principle Microsoft EA — Part 2
Nick Malik is an internationally recognized expert, speaker, blogger and innovator in Enterprise Architexture and Business Architexture. Co-author of three books and a popular speaker at conferences, Nick brings his 32 years of high-tech experience to bear as he creates Enterprise Architextural models and solutions to the CTO of Microsoft IT, his current employer. Developer of a number of novel methods in Enterprise Architexture, including the Enterprise Business Motivation Model, and the Minimal Sufficient Business Integration method, he strives to improve the maturity and professionalism of the practice of Enterprise Architexture worldwide. Nick has a background in product development, internal software development, management consulting, and business operations accumulated across such diverse industries as hospitality, health care, insurance, high tech, and financial services.

Andrew Guitarte, Business Architext Wells Fargo, Founding Chairman Business Architexture Society
Andrew Guitarte, PMP, CBAP is the AVP/Business Architext of Internet Services at Wells Fargo Bank. Mr. Guitarte is also the founding Chairman/CEO of the Business Architexture Society and a delegate to the Federation of Enterprise Architexture Professional Organizations (FEAPO). He has more than 20 years' experience as a Senior Project Manager and Business Analyst managing complex projects and teams in the US, Brazil, Philippines, and southeast Asia. His research interests include strategic issues in banking, enterprise architexture, and electronic governance.

ICT Innovation and National Economic Growth - Robert Atkinson, Founding President ITIF, Internationally Acclaimed Leader in Technology Innovation and Policy
In this interview, Robert Atkinson adds to his recent interview and talks about the IFIP World Computer Congress being held in Amsterdam in September 24, 25, & 26, 2012. Robert Atkinson is the founder and president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a Washington, DC-based technology policy think tank. Robert has an extensive background in technology policy, he has conducted ground-breaking research projects on technology and innovation, is a valued adviser to state and national policy makers, and a popular speaker on innovation policy nationally and internationally .He is a board member or advisory council member of the Alliance for Public Technology, Internet Education Foundation, NetChoice Coalition, the Pacific Institute for Workforce Innovation, and the University of Oregon Institute for Policy Research and Innovation. He is also chair of the Congressionally-created National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission. He also serves on the advisory panel to Americans for Computer Privacy, is an affiliated expert for the New Millennium Research Council, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Electronic Government and the Journal of Internet Policy, a member of the Reason Foundation's Mobility Project Advisory Board, a member of the Global Innovation Forum Brain Trust and a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. Dr. Atkinson was appointed by President Clinton to the Commission on Workers, Communities, and Economic Change in the New Economy. He is also a member of the Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, co-chaired by Markle Foundation president Zoe Baird and former Netscape Communications chairman James Barksdale.

Leon Strous, IFIP President's Insights on the World IT Forum and World Computer Congress
Leon Strous has been with the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), which is the central (or national) bank of the Netherlands, in different positions as IT auditor in the internal audit department and as overseer in the oversight department of the cash and payments division, focusing on the security of payment systems. His work also links to the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Currently his main jobs are advancing business continuity and crisis management arrangements with the key players in payments and securities, clearing and settlement processes in the financial sector in the Netherlands, and liaising between the financial sector and the government concerning critical infrastructure protextion programs. Leon is a member of a number of professional societies and has been active in many different positions in the Dutch Computer Society (NGI) since 1988, including member of the Board for five years, and in the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) since 1994, including a vice-presidency and in August 2009, he was honourably elected as president for the 2010-2013 term. Leon has co-authored and co-edited publications in the area of information security and chaired/organized several international security conferences. Since 2001, his significant contributions include work with the IFIP World IT Forum (WITFOR), a conference focusing on the application of ICT in developing countries, and the IFIP World CIO Forum (IFIP WCF), the first forum that combined global CIOs, senior academics, industry and government leaders and experts. Currently he is the chair of the WITFOR International Steering Committee and past-Chair of the WCF International Advisory Board.

Frits Bussemaker, CIONET Partner, Founding Top Global Leader
Frits Bussemaker has worked in the international IT industry since the 80s. He is Partner at CIONET, a European Community of 3500 CIOs and IT leaders. He is responsible for CIONET's relation with the European Commission. He is the founder and chair of iPoort, a community to link Dutch members of parliament with the ICT community (Government, private companies and ICT associations). Furthermore, he has set up a number of successful communities including the BPM-Forum and the first European chapter of the ASAP. He has sat on the program board of numerous conferences around Europe (in the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal and the United Kingdom) and was the Program Director of the international WCIT2010 conference. He is member of the Steering Committee of IFIPs WCC2012 conference. He has published articles in a number of magazines including BankingReview, BPMagazine,, Executive-People and Telecom Update.He is a regular speaker and chairman on international conferences (from Lisbon to Sydney).

Terry Erdle, Executive Vice President CompTIA, Global Top Executive
As Executive Vice President, skills certification for CompTIA, Terry Erdle is responsible for the association's global certifications programs, including product development and delivery, partnership relationships, and cooperation with the education and training communities. Before joining CompTIA, Mr. Erdle was the President of Jones Knowledge Group, a $30 million privately-held training company and accredited university. He was responsible for consolidating five separate knowledge services businesses into a cohesive group. He also played an active leadership role in the areas of sales, marketing and program development. Mr. Erdle held several senior executive positions for Sun Microsystems, Inc. He began his career at Sun as Vice President and General Manager, Sun Education and Knowledge Services; served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Marketing, Services and Solutions; and was Senior Vice President, Global Services Sales and Managed Services Practice. Mr. Erdle also has held executive and senior sales, marketing and business development positions with Information Handling Services, Autotrol Technology, Mattel Toys and Lockheed Martin.

Robert Atkinson, Founding President ITIF, Internationally Acclaimed Leader in Technology Innovation and Policy
Robert Atkinson is the founder and president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a Washington, DC-based technology policy think tank. He is also author of the State New Economy Index series, The Race for Global Innovation Advantage and Why the U.S. is Falling Behind (Yale, forthcoming), and The Past And Future Of America's Economy: Long Waves Of Innovation That Power Cycles Of Growth (Edward Elgar, 2005). He has an extensive background in technology policy, he has conducted ground-breaking research projects on technology and innovation, is a valued adviser to state and national policy makers, and a popular speaker on innovation policy nationally and internationally. He is a board member or advisory council member of the Alliance for Public Technology, Internet Education Foundation, NetChoice Coalition, the Pacific Institute for Workforce Innovation, and the University of Oregon Institute for Policy Research and Innovation. He is also chair of the Congressionally-created National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission. He also serves on the advisory panel to Americans for Computer Privacy, is an affiliated expert for the New Millennium Research Council, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Electronic Government and the Journal of Internet Policy, a member of the Reason Foundation's Mobility Project Advisory Board, a member of the Global Innovation Forum Brain Trust and a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. Dr. Atkinson was appointed by President Clinton to the Commission on Workers, Communities, and Economic Change in the New Economy. He is also a member of the Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, co-chaired by Markle Foundation president Zoe Baird and former Netscape Communications chairman James Barksdale.

Chat with Judea Pearl ACM Turing Award recipient in 2012 (Nobel Prize of Computing); Legendary pioneer, world-renowned distinguished researcher and professor UCLA
Judea Pearl is a professor of computer science at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he was director of the Cognitive Systems Laboratory. Judea Pearl's work has transformed artificial intelligence (AI) by creating a representational and computational foundation for the processing of information under uncertainty. Pearl's work went beyond both the logic-based theoretical orientation of AI and its rule-based technology for expert systems. He identified uncertainty as a core problem faced by intelligent systems and developed an algorithmic interpretation of probability theory as an effective foundation for the representation and acquisition of knowledge. Equally significant is Pearl's work on causal reasoning, where he developed a graph-based calculus of interventions that makes it possible to derive causal knowledge from the combined effects of actions and observations. This work has been transformative within AI and computer science, and has had a major impact on allied disciplines of epidemiology, economics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and statistics.

Dr. Will Tracz, Lockheed Martin Fellow Emeritus, Top Global Technology Authority
Dr. Will Tracz is a Lockheed Martin Fellow Emeritus (retired). Since 2007 he was a principal software engineer/application architext for the Global Combat Support System - AF (GCSS-AF) where he was responsible for evaluating new technology and investigating its application. He also has served as Tech Volume Lead on several Service Oriented Architexture (SOA), infrastructure modernization, virtualization and ITIL-oriented new business proposals. Dr. Tracz is a member of the RIT Software Engineering Advisory Board, a charter member the Software Engineering Institute Technical Advisory Group on Engineering and Method (2006-2010), an IEEE TCSE Executive Committee Member at Large (2004-2008) and is currently their vice-chair for Awards. In addition, he is the editor of the ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, member of the ACM Professional Development Committee, past chairman of the International Conference on Software Engineering sponsored by IEEE and ACM, chairman of the ACM Foundations of Software Engineering in 2012 and the author of over 100 technical reports and books on software engineering, software architextures and software reuse.

Susan Ibach, Empowering Developers to Improve the World
Susan Ibach is a developer evangelist at Microsoft Canada. Starting off with a degree in Electrical Engineering, she tried working at Bell Northern Research until she discovered she preferred software to hardware. Her next stop was Accenture, where she worked in a variety of roles including programming, testing, roll-outs, database administrator, even business process re-engineering. But her challenge was finding a way to combine her love of technology with her passion for sharing what she was learning with others. She decided to become a full time technical trainer and taught databases, programming, ITIL, and business analysis for a number of years. Always interested in growing her own skills and in helping others, she started to help out Microsoft Learning and other trainers through conferences, meetings, and webinars. Last year she found herself accepting what can only be described as a perfect position for her skillset. Susan is now the Academic Developer Evangelist for Microsoft Canada; in her role she gets to share her passion for the latest developer technologies such as html5 and Windows Phone with students and faculty across the country.

Nick Malik: International Top Authority in Enterprise and Business Architexture, Author, Speaker, Principle Microsoft EA - Part 1
Nick Malik is an internationally recognized expert, speaker, blogger and innovator in Enterprise Architexture and Business Architexture. Co-author of three books and a popular speaker at conferences, Nick brings his 32 years of high-tech experience to bear as he creates Enterprise Architextural models and solutions to the CTO of Microsoft IT, his current employer. Developer of a number of novel methods in Enterprise Architexture, including the Enterprise Business Motivation Model, and the Minimal Sufficient Business Integration method, he strives to improve the maturity and professionalism of the practice of Enterprise Architexture worldwide.

Roy Freed, Computer Law Global Pioneer on Computers, Mind, Information and its Serious Implications
Roy graduated from Yale Law School in 1940. He is known as the "Grandfather of computer law," having introduced that subject in 1960 and was its acknowledged guru internationally until retirement in 1986. He authored the first book on that subject and countless professional articles, and lectured about it throughout the world. Roy taught the subject as an adjunct at the Boston University School of Law for seven years. He is one of the seven founders, in 1971, of the Computer Law Association, now the International Technology Law Association, a bar association. Currently Roy is a specialist on the physical functioning of the human mind by its unique manipulation of evolution-exploited natural physical energy signals that represent facts and ideas. He is writing a book for non-scientists about his pioneering work.

Vivek Thomas: President Maximizer Software, Top-Ranking Global Executive
As President, Thomas is responsible for the strategic and operational management of Maximizer Software Inc. and its subsidiaries that represent Maximizer CRM globally. Thomas joined Maximizer Software in 2002 as Director of Sales (Americas), and within four years was promoted to Vice President, Sales (Americas), then Managing Director, EMEA, where he was responsible for 14% CAGR revenue growth in two years, with a significant growth in profitability. An industry veteran with more than 18 years of experience, Thomas brings global management and business development experience to the role, having lived and worked in North America, UK, France, South Africa and the Middle East. Prior to Maximizer Software, Thomas held senior management positions with CRM vendor, Frontrange Solutions, in addition to Business Objects and Sony Corporation.

Michael Jenkin, Innovating Business Executive, International Microsoft Technology Expert
Michael Jenkin is a SMB IT specialist and long serving community leader. Michael Jenkin has been working in IT for over 20 years. Michael started Business Technology Partners with his business partner in 2008 and considers this his biggest challenge. Michael is a Small Business Specialist and concentrates on Microsoft products and partners with other IT professionals to service other technologies. Since retiring from the MVP program he has dedicated his time to other community outlets including an occasional talkback slot on the radio, writing articles for IT industry magazines and he represented millions of members of IT professional user groups as the Vice Chairman of pre-GITCA APAC. More recently, in 2010, he became the chairman in the APAC region for the Global IT Community Association (GITCA). Michael has been the technical reviewer for many IT books and has provided advice and reviews on many applications. In addition, his community projects have led him to be the Executive Producer of a South Australian short film and also the senior engineer for the philanthropist company, Digital Intermediately; all this whilst maintaining his role within his own IT company.

Michael Santarcangelo: Internationally Acclaimed Author, Speaker, Educator, Leader in harnessing the human side of security, improving business by helping people effectively communicate value.
Michael Santarcangelo is the catalyst* called upon to deliver successful results when others have struggled and failed to harness the human side of security. Blending a degree in Human Ecology with over a decade of experience in information security, and recognition as a professional communicator uniquely positions Michael as the authority to speak, teach and consult on how to improve organizations by helping people effectively communicate value. Michael's ability to develop a platform-based ecosystem of effective communication that provides models, methods, and frameworks that explain and guide success come, in part, from his unique background. As the bridge between technology and the user experience, Michael focuses on and amplifies the good™, acknowledging the good work of individuals while revealing to them they have the power — and the responsibility — to protext information. Michael connects with people, shifts their thinking and creates natural situations that inspire behavior change. He then shapes, guides and supports change for maximum individual and organizational benefit.

Jerrard Gaertner International Leader in IT Security, Forensics, Governance, Auditing
Jerrard Gaertner is Director, Technology Assurance Services at a major accountancy and advisory firm. He is a graduate of MIT and a chartered accountant specializing in information technology and information systems auditing. Jerry is certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (ISACA), a Certified Information System Security Professional (ISC2), Certified Internal Auditor (IIA), Certified Forensic Investigator (ACFI) and Information Technology Certified Professional (CIPS), among other professional designations. He is also a trustee in bankruptcy and Officer of the Court in Ontario, Canada. Jerry has conducted engagements ranging from statutory computer audits and system certification to software quality reviews, computer fraud investigations and advising Boards of Directors on technology strategy, governance and risk management. In addition, his current practice encompasses advising and supporting a variety of technology startups. Jerry has testified as an expert in court and has performed litigation support work regarding the valuation of software. His clients have included governments, Crown corporations, public companies, professional firms, owner-managed businesses and non-profits. Jerry has co-authorized 3 books on business failure (Carswell Publishing). He serves on the Boards of Directors of the Association of Certified Forensic Investigators (Canada) and Canadian Information Processing Society (Ontario), where he is President. Jerry is also a member of the CICA IT specialist certification subcommittee.

Terry Coatta: Internationally Acclaimed Technology Executive and Platform Software Architext and Developer
Terry Coatta is currently the President of AssociCom, a Vancouver-based start-up that builds online communities for professional and trade associations. His expertise in software architexture and software development processes has allowed him to make significant contributions in all of his roles. As CTO for Vitrium Systems Inc., he led the development organization through the release of three new products and the customer base expanded from under 10 to over 200. From 2001 to 2005, he was the VP of Development at Silicon Chalk Inc. where he led a team developing a unique real-time collaboration tool for use at universities and colleges. Terry was also a founding partner in Network Software Group Inc. (acquired by Open Text Corporation, 1996) and Director of Software Development at GPS Industries Inc.

Robert Stroud: Vice-President CA, Chair INSIGHTS 2012 and Global Top Executive
Robert E. Stroud, CGEIT, CRISC, is a member of ISACA's Strategic Advisory Council, a past international Vice President of ISACA and Chair of ISACA's World Congress INSIGHTS 2012. He is also Vice President of Strategy and Innovation, and service management and governance evangelist at CA Technologies. Stroud spent more than 15 years in the finance industry successfully managing multiple initiatives in both the IT and retail banking sectors related to IT service management and process governance. Stroud also serves on the itSMF International Board as Treasurer and Director of Audit, Standards and Compliance and leads the itSMF ISO liaisons to multiple working groups.

Bashir Fancy CEO Award-winning International Leader in Risk Management, Security, Fraud, Audit, Governance
Mr. Fancy is now the Managing Director of Corporate Solutions & Services Inc. having recently left Deloitte & Touché LLP as a Senior Executive Advisor. Mr. Fancy has held senior management positions at Citibank, Air Canada, Supermarket Group (major retailer), after having started his accounting career at West Wake and Price, with the majority of the group becoming part of PWC. Bashir Fancy is a senior executive with extensive and progressive risk management, financial, operations, systems, customer service, product management, audit and governance experience globally. Mr. Fancy specializes in strategic planning and taking a pro-active, holistic approach in a fast paced financial, credit card and retail business. He has successfully managed development and implementation of large and small systems involving many countries. Mr. Fancy was responsible for developing both Issuer and Acquiring system ground up. He has had tremendous success in developing and implementing Fraud Prevention programs for Visa and their "member banks". He was a key player in the development of the "Account Information Security (AIS) standards", which has now come to be known as PCI-DSS standards. Mr. Fancy managed the payment division of SNS (3rd party processor) which provided point of sale and back office credit card processing for all major Canadian banks.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Pioneering World-Renowned Computer Scientist and Executive Leader, Shares her Early Career Years
Dr. Maria Klawe began her tenure in 2006 at Harvey Mudd College, as HMC's fifth president. Prior to joining HMC, she served as Dean of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. Maria joined Princeton from the University of British Columbia where she served as Dean of Science from 1998 to 2002, Vice President of Student and Academic Services from 1995 to 1998 and Head of the Department of Computer Science from 1988 to 1995. Prior to UBC, Maria spent eight years with IBM Research in California, and two years at the University of Toronto. Maria has made significant research contributions in several areas of mathematics and computer science including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, gender issues in information technology, and interactive-multimedia for mathematics education. Her current research focuses on the development and use of multi-modal applications to assist people with aphasia and other cognitive impairments. Maria is a past president of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) in New York, chair of the Board of Trustees of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology in Palo Alto, and a trustee of the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics in Los Angeles and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley. Maria is one of 10 members of the board of Microsoft Corporation, a newly elected member of the Broadcom board, a board member of the nonprofit Math for America, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and past chair of the board for the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology in Palo Alto, Calif. She was elected as a fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery in 1996 and as a founding fellow of the Canadian Information Processing Society in 2006.

Professor Bill Punch, International Top Researcher and Innovating Leader
Bill Punch received his B.S. in Biochemistry in 1979 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1989 from Ohio State University. He joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University where he is currently an Associate Professor. He has been the director of the High Performance Computing Center at Michigan State since 2006. His research interests are primarily the theory and application of evolutionary computation, but also does work in data mining, computational biology and security. He is co-director of the Genetic Algorithms Research and Application Group (GARAGe) and a founding member of the Center for Biological Modeling, now the Quantitative Biology Initiative, both at Michigan State. He is also on the executive committee of the new NSF Science and Technology Center known as BEACON at MSU, which has as its theme "Evolution in Action". He has published a book through Pearson with Rich Enbody titled "The Practice of Computing Using Python", used as a CS1 introduction to programming. A second version of the book (in Python 3) will be released in March 2012.

Brian Schwartz Acclaimed International Leader in Talent Management and Career Planning
Brian Schwartz has over 20 years organization development experience building participative management cultures in the USA and Europe. He is a visionary for 21st Century online tools to assess career fit and talent management strategies for individuals and organizations using CareerDNA, TalentdNA and TeamDNA products and services. Chairman of BenchmarkAsia Consulting Company, Brian provides employment readiness training and assessment to university and high school students as well as consulting, training, assessment and research services to companies and government agencies throughout China. Career assessment programs are based on his Six Factor Career Planning model. Currently Founder and CEO of SuccessDNA, LLC he is forming new partnerships in the USA and building consulting and career/talent management company in China, Malaysia and Singapore. Senior Advisor and Visiting Lecturer at Tsinghua University's Yangtze Delta Regional Institute and forming strategic brain trust for their education and training department.

Lee Simbeye, Imagine Cup Top Student Researcher Carleton University
Lee Simbeye ia currently in his fourth year studying Electrical Engineering at Carleton University. He is very interested in advancing simulation as a third paradigm of science and hence chose adding simulation to a mobile phone as his fourth year project. He and his project teammates have also decided to enter the Imagine Cup because they feel their project can help advance education for disadvantaged children around the world. Project teammates are: Milton Johane a fourth year student in Communications Engineering at Carleton University and Seyed Mohammad Etemad who is finishing his undergraduate degree in the Electrical Engineering Major at Carleton University.

Daniel Leblond, Award-Winning Imagine Cup Top Student Researcher Carleton University
Daniel Leblond is the team leader of one of Carleton University's entry teams in the Imagine Cup competition under the supervision of Professor Gabriel Wainer. Daniel is a 4th year Computer Systems Engineering (C.S.E.) student, with experience focusing in software development. His group's research topic focuses on providing services to community members to help take on some of the world's tougher challenges. Project teammates are: Joyce Alsayegh a fourth year C.S.E. student who has a longstanding passion for robotics, and Mana Zargar and Rohit Zijoo who are also fourth year C.S.E. students.

David Anderson, International Pioneering Top Authority in Agile, Lean, Kanban Methodology and CMMI
David Anderson is CEO of David J. Anderson & Associates, based in Seattle, Washington, a management consulting firm dedicated to improving leadership in the IT and software development sectors. David has been part of the agile and lean methodology movement since 1997 when he participated in the team that developed Feature Driven Development at United Overseas Bank in Singapore. As a pioneer in the agile software movement David has managed teams at Sprint, Motorola and Corbis delivering superior productivity and quality. At Microsoft in 2005, he developed the MSF for CMMI Process Improvement methodology - the first agile method to provide a comprehensive mapping to the Capability and Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). His first book, "Agile Management for Software Engineering ? Applying the Theory of Constraints for Business Results", published in 2003 by Prentice Hall, introduced many ideas from Lean and Theory of Constraints into software engineering. In David's more recent book, "Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business", he pioneers the Kanban Method for knowledge work. David is a popular and entertaining conference speaker. He has written or co-authored many articles and papers and is best known for his Agile Management blog. Most recently, David co-authored a Technical Note from the Software Engineering Institute titled, "CMMI and Agile: Why not embrace both!"

Brian Cameron, Professor and Executive Director Center for Enterprise Architexture, Founding President FEAPO
Brian Cameron is founding President of FEAPO, the Federation of Enterprise Architexture Professional Organizations. In addition, Brian is Professor of Practice and Executive Director of the Enterprise Architexture Initiative in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. His primary research and consulting interests include enterprise architexture, enterprise systems integration, information management and storage, and the use of simulations and gaming in education. The main focus areas for his teaching efforts are senior-level capstone enterprise integration, enterprise architexture, and information technology consulting & storage architexture courses. Dr. Cameron is currently developing new curricular materials for enterprise integration (through funding from NSF), including a textbook to be published by Wiley & Sons Publishing. Dr. Cameron currently leads corporately funded research efforts in the following areas: service-oriented architexture and business process modeling, risk analysis and management of enterprise systems integration projects, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation best practices, enterprise storage & information management architexture design, and performance measurement for Enterprise Architexture.

Don Crawley Acclaimed Author, Speaker, International Authority in Linux, Cisco
Don R. Crawley is president/chief technologist at, the Seattle-based I.T. training company. He holds certifications in Linux, Windows, and Cisco products. Don is also the author of five books on information systems and technology including the popular Accidental Administrator series of books for I.T. professionals. Don has spoken before audiences in all 50 U.S. states, Canada, the U.K. and Australia. A geek and nerdy kind of guy since sometime back in the 60's, he brings more than 35 years workplace technology experience to his books and training. His focus today is on improving the intersection of people and technology.

Jo Stewart-Rattray Award Winning Top Executive, International Security and Risk Management Authority and Vice President ISACA
Jo Stewart-Rattray has 24 years experience in the IT field, some of which were spent as CIO in the Utilities space, and 16 in the Information Security arena. She underpins her information technology and security background with her qualifications in education and management. She specializes in consulting in information security issues with a particular emphasis on governance in both the commercial and operational areas of businesses. Jo provides strategic advice to organizations across a number of industry sectors including banking and finance, utilities, automotive manufacturing, tertiary education, retail and government. Jo is the Chair of both ISACA's International Leadership Development Committee and its Security Culture Taskforce. She was appointed to CIGRE's international working group B5.38 and worked with the group to assess information security risks in power system operations within SCADA systems and the implementation of appropriate security controls.

Professor Tadao Saito, CTO Toyota, Global Top Pioneering Leader, Inventor, Researcher and Innovator
Prof. Tadao Saito received his PhD. in electronics from the University of Tokyo in 1968. Subsequently he served as lecturer, associate professor and professor of the University of Tokyo, where he is now a Professor Emeritus. Since April 2001, Saito is the Chief Scientist and CTO of Toyota InfoTechnology Center, where he studies future ubiquitous information services around automobiles. Professor Saito has worked in a variety of subjects related to digital communication and computer networks. His first patent from 1964 is on digital time division switching networks and he invented both Time-Space-Time and Space-Time-Space time division switches which are the core technology for time division (tdM) telephone switching systems globally used since 1975. Although voice switching is now shifting from tdM to IP, Tadao's switching principle is still the core technology in traditional voice switching systems generally used in the world. His research includes a variety of communication networks and its social applications such as ITS (Intelligent Transport System). Saito is also the chairman of New Generation IP Network Forum of Japan. Included in his past research from the 1970's, Saito was a member of the designing group for the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Traffic Signal Control System. This system was designed to control 7000 intersections under the Tokyo Police Authority. Tadao is also the Japanese representative for the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) General Assembly and Technical Committee 6 (Communication Systems). He is a life fellow of the IEEE and honorary member and life fellow of the IEICE.

Eileen Chen, Leading and Shaping the Future of ICT and Society
Eileen Chen is a junior studying within the College of Information Sciences and Technology at The Pennsylvania State University at University Park Main Campus. She is also in the Schreyer Honors College. She expects to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in May of 2013 with a major in the option of Integration and Application in Information Sciences and Technology and a minor in Supply Chain and Information Sciences and Technology. Eileen worked as a teaching intern for an introductory Java course during the Fall 2011 semester and a computer lab consultant for Penn State ITS Lab Consulting. She recently joined Dr. Brian H. Cameron, the Executive Director for the Center of Enterprise Architexture in the College of Information Sciences and Technology and the founding president of the Federation for Enterprise Architexture Professional Organizations (FEAPO), as a research assistant. She is currently working with FEAPO and the Communications Committee. She also assisted Dr. Cameron in preparing for the Center for EA at Penn State Meeting, which she attended in October 2011. While learning about the innovative subject of enterprise architexture, she is also gathering research for her honors thesis.

Dr. Gabriel Silberman, International Top Researcher and Innovating Senior Executive
Dr. Gabriel Silberman is Senior Vice President and Director of CA Labs. He is responsible for building CA Technologies research and innovation capacity across the business. Gabby joined CA Technologies and established CA Labs in 2005. His experience in academic and industrial research has contributed to the success of the collaborative model of exploration into emerging and disruptive technologies. Prior to joining CA Technologies, Gabby was program director for the IBM Centers for Advanced Studies (CAS), where he was responsible for developing and adapting the collaborative research model for IBM worldwide. Previously, Gabby was a manager and researcher at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center where he led exploratory and development efforts, including work in the Deep Blue chess project. Gabby began his career in academia as a faculty member in computer science at the Technion ? Israel Institute of Technology. He was a visiting professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and serves on academic advisory boards at several universities and research institutes around the world. Gabby was a Council Member-at-Large of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and serves on editorial boards as well as conference organizing and technical program committees. He is also a member of the International Federation of Information Processing Working Group 10.3 and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Computer Society.

Professor Gabriel Wainer, Multi-awarding Winning Top Researcher
Gabriel A. Wainer (SMSCS, SMIEEE) received M.Sc. (1993) and Ph.D. degrees (1998, with highest honors) from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina, and Université d'Aix-Marseille III, France. After being Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department of UBA, in July 2000 he joined the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, where he is now an Associate Professor. He has been a visiting scholar at ACIMS (The University of Arizona); LSIS/CNRS, University of Nice and INRIA (Sophia-Antipolis), France. He is the author of three books and over 240 research articles; he edited four other books, and helped organize over 110 conferences, including being one of the founders of SIMUTools and SimAUD. Professor Wainer is the Vice-President Publications, and was a member of the Board of Directors of the SCS. He is also the Chair of the Ottawa Center of The McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences. He is Special Issues Editor of SIMULATION, member of the Editorial Board of Wireless Networks (Elsevier), Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, and International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (Inderscience). He is the head of the Advanced Real-Time Simulation lab, located at Carleton University's Centre for advanced Simulation and Visualization (V-Sim). He has been the recipient of various awards, including the IBM Eclipse Innovation Award, SCS Leadership Award, and various Best Paper awards. He has been awarded Carleton University's Research Achievement Award (2005-2006), the First Bernard P. Zeigler DEVS Modeling and Simulation Award, and the SCS Outstanding Professional Award (2011).

Dr. Roy Want, International Much Awarded Top Researcher in Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Chair ACM SIGMOBILE and Chair [ACM] Mobility Tech Pack Committee
Dr. Roy Want is a highly respected research scientist at Google. Prior roles include Senior Principal Engineer at Intel, EIC at IEEE Pervasive Computing and Principal Scientist at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). For Want's significant contributions to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing he was awarded the status of IEEE and ACM Fellow in 2005. Some of his best known projects are: Active Badge, an in-building location system; ParcTab, the world's first context aware computer system; Personal Server, wireless mobile computer interaction through larger nearby infrastructure and computers; and Dynamic Composable Computing (DCC), sharing resources wirelessly to build a logical computer on the fly. With over 65 issued patents, Roy is a recognized top international authority with research interests in: mobile computing, ubiquitous & pervasive computing, hardware design, electronic commerce, smart cards, distributed systems, multimedia systems, location-based services, mobile user-interfaces, MEMS and electronic tagging (RFID). Roy is the ACM SIGMOBILE Chair and Chair [ACM] Mobility Tech Pack Committee.

Karna Gupta: ITAC President and CEO: Big Challenges and Opportunities in 2012
Karna Gupta is one of the most respected and well-seasoned executives in high technology with an exceptional track record. With more than 30 years of outstanding industry experience, his expertise and accomplishments span across North American and International business domains. Currently serving on several Corporate Boards (Public & Private), he is also on the Board of Regional Incubation Center - Venture Lab. In 2008, Mr. Gupta was named CEO and a member of the Board of Directors of Certicom Corp (TSX: CIC). He led the organization through a successful turn-around, led the company through a successful defense against a hostile bid, and then successfully sold to RIM with over 96% shareholder approval. Prior to his appointment at Certicom, Mr. Gupta held the role of President for the Real-Time Billing Division of Comverse Technologies from 2006 to 2008 (NASDAQ: CMVT). Prior to Comverse, he was President of Sitraka Mobility. Under his leadership, the company grew from a start-up venture to a strong industry contender in mobile application development. Mr. Gupta also served asChief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice President of Eftia OSS Solutions, a company focused in delivering OSS solutions to the carriers. Mr. Gupta held several executive positions with Bell Canada (TSX: BCE), including Vice President, Product Development and Management.

Roger Johnson: Chair IFIP IP3, Distinguished Scientist, Past Dean Birkbeck College/President CEPIS/President BCS/Honorary Secretary IFIP, International Top Leader and Innovator
Following 4 years spent as a software developer in a major UK software house, Roger Johnson FBCS CITP, CEng., moved to a career in academia and retired as Dean of the Faculty which included the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at Birkbeck College, University of London, in September 2010. In March 2010 he was made a Fellow of Birkbeck College. Roger has been a member of the BCS since 1969 and has served as a member of Council, as a Vice President and as President from 1992/93. He continues to take an active role in the Institute, currently sitting on the Membership Board where he is also a member of the Membership Board Policy Committee. Roger was Honorary Secretary of IFIP for 11 years to September 2010 and continues to represent IFIP on the IP3 Board which is the group implementing the IFIP Professionalism in IT Programme. Roger was elected to the role of IP3 Chair in 2011. He is also a past President of CEPIS and was a leading participant in creating of ECDL, "inventor" of EUCIP, BCS representative to Engineering Council UK, co-organiser of an international conference on Global IT Skills, participated in CEN/ISSS workshops on professional skills, and a BCS university accreditation panelist.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Pioneering World-Renowned Computer Scientist and Executive Leader, shares her early years
Harvey Mudd College is led by Maria Klawe, HMC's fifth president who began her tenure in 2006. A renowned computer scientist and scholar, President Klawe is the first woman to lead the college since its founding in 1955. Prior to joining HMC, she served as Dean of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. Maria joined Princeton from the University of British Columbia where she served as Dean of Science from 1998 to 2002, Vice President of Student and Academic Services from 1995 to 1998 and Head of the Department of Computer Science from 1988 to 1995. Prior to UBC, Maria spent eight years with IBM Research in California, and two years at the University of Toronto. Her current research focuses on the development and use of multi-modal applications to assist people with aphasia and other cognitive impairments. Maria is a past president of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) in New York, chair of the Board of Trustees of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology in Palo Alto, and a trustee of the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics in Los Angeles and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley. In the past Maria has held leadership positions with the American Mathematical Society, the Computing Research Association, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the Canadian Mathematical Society. Maria is one of the 10 members of the board of Microsoft Corporation, a newly elected member of the Broadcom board, a board member of the non-profit Math for America, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and past chair of the board for the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology in Palo Alto, Calif. She was elected as a fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery in 1996 and as a founding fellow of the Canadian Information Processing Society in 2006.

Ryan Storgaard, Director of Technical Evangelism, Microsoft Canada
Presented by Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, Ryan Storgaard is a recipient of the prestigious Microsoft Chairman's Award. As Director of Technical Evangelism at Microsoft Canada, Ryan leads an amazing team of individuals focused on driving satisfaction and adoption of Microsoft technologies. A firm believer in embracing and driving positive change rather than being negatively impacted by it, Ryan's previous national roles at Microsoft Canada include creating and leading national and competitive strategies. As Director of Cloud Services Strategy, Ryan reported directly to Eric Gales, President of Microsoft Canada, and the Canadian Leadership Team as the company worked on incubating, developing, enhancing and releasing several strategic Cloud Services such as: Office 365, live@edu, Bing search, Windows Azure and Windows Live. Prior to his current role, Ryan was Director of Platform Strategy at Microsoft Canada where he led another exceptional team that worked with the top Canadian brands, websites and software companies in Canada across Windows Phone, Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 and Windows Azure. He also spent several amazing years leading Microsoft Canada's technical evangelism efforts with software companies from start-ups, to large enterprise systems, to competitive recruitment receiving the prestigious Microsoft Circle of Excellence award. Ryan has a strong background in systems engineering, programming and professional training. Before joining Microsoft, Ryan owned his own consulting company and worked as a Microsoft Certified Trainer and Linux Professional Instructor teaching various courses in Novell, Cisco and internet security.

Dr. Markus Jakobsson PayPal Principal Scientist Consumer Security, Author, Founder Security Startups RavenWhite and Fatskunk
Dr. Markus Jakobsson is a founder of the security startups RavenWhite and Fatskunk, and Principal Scientist of Consumer Security at PayPal. He has held positions as Principal Scientist at Palo Alto Research Center, Principal Research Scientist at RSA Security, Member of the Technical Staff at Bell Labs, Associate Professor at Indiana University and Adjunct Associate Professor at New York University. Dr. Jakobsson is a visiting research fellow of the Anti-Phishing Working Group, and serves on the technical advisory boards of Cellfony and Lifelock. His research is focused on socio-technical fraud; he has contributed to the knowledge of phishing, crimeware and efficient cryptographic protocols, and is currently focusing his efforts on mobile malware and mobile user authentication. He is an editor of "Phishing and Countermeasures" (Wiley, 2006) and "Crimeware: Understanding New Attacks and Defenses" (Symantec Press, 2008), and "The Death of the Internet" (Wiley, forthcoming).

Dharmesh Mehta interview: Director, Windows and Windows Live Division Microsoft Corp.
As director of product management and product marketing for the Windows Live business at Microsoft Corp., Dharmesh Mehta is responsible for driving business and product strategy, marketing campaigns, PR and evangelism for Windows Live, a suite of free software and services that help people communicate, share and keep their lives in sync. Dharmesh and his team are chartered with the goal of leading Windows Live as the world's most engaged community of people across the PC, web and mobile phone. They work across a worldwide business through a combination of global execution and local innovation. They drive the business strategy and the Windows Live value proposition including Hotmail, Messenger and SkyDrive. And they are responsible for the direct and indirect monetization for these experiences.

Jeff Kempiners VP Avanade, Founding Director IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council, Top-ranking IT and Business Executive reveals social media insights
Jeff Kempiners is the Vice President and acting Group Executive responsible for Avanade's business in the Southeastern USA. Jeff has held a variety of leadership roles within Avanade, including Group Executive for Central Canada, Canadian Chief Technology Officer, and Director of Consulting for the Canadian business. Jeff began his career with Avanade in 2000 based in the Chicago office, where he was a project lead and integration architext. Jeff's career spans over 10 years of delivery experience within both Accenture and Avanade, and an additional 7 years of leadership experience in the Avanade Americas business. Jeff is a nominated founding director of the IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council (GIC).

Bjoern Herrmann and Max Marmer: Silicon Valley Thought Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Founders Startup Genome Project
Bjoern Herrmann is a purpose driven entrepreneur. Bjoern is co-founder of blackbox, a next generation seed accelerator for technology startups located in the heart of Silicon Valley. Prior to his latest venture, Bjoern founded and led four companies in Germany, Bangladesh and the United States, as well as worked as an executive in Russia for one year. His personal passion is unleashing human potential, which he exercises in his free time by teaching entrepreneurship and advising numerous startups.

Max Marmer is driven by working on the biggest problems he can find. Max co-founded the Startup Genome Project to increase the success rate of startups by turning entrepreneurship into a science when he realized entrepreneurs would increasingly be the biggest drivers of societal progress. Max is constantly thinking about how to reinvent society?s antiquated structures for a 21st century that will be powered by information technology. Previously he was obsessed with reinventing the education system before realizing empowering entrepreneurs would have more impact.

Benoit Bertrand: Vice-President, Chief Technology Officer, Avanade
Benoit Bertrand is a Senior Executive at Avanade responsible for solutioning and managing large IT programs for anchor customers across Canada. Prior to this appointment, Benoit was the Director of the Avanade Montreal Delivery Center. The center specializes in delivering Microsoft based solutions for the enterprise in collaboration with Accenture and Microsoft. Benoit Bertrand is recognized for his pragmatic approach to program and project management and renowned for architexting and delivering complex mission critical solutions. Benoit has over 16 years of experience in IT consulting with Avanade and Accenture where he has held Solution Architext, Enterprise Architext, Manager, Senior Manager, Sr. Director and Vice-President roles and responsibilities over the years. Benoit Bertrand specializes in IT Program & Project Management, Enterprise Solution Architexture, Enterprise Data Architexture, Enterprise Integration, Expert/Custom System Delivery, Performance Testing and Tuning, Software Development Life Cycle, Application Management, Multi-Site Delivery.

Stephen Forte: Chief Strategy Officer, CTO, Scrum Master, Author, Serial Company Founder, Microsoft MVP, Keynote
Stephen Forte is the Chief Strategy Officer of Telerik, a leading vendor of developer and team productivity tools, automated testing and UI components. Stephen is also a certified Scrum Master. Involved in several startups, he was the co-founder of Triton Works, which was acquired by UBM in 2010 (London: UBM.L) and was the Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of Corzen, Inc., which was acquired by Wanted Technologies (TXV: WAN) in 2007. Stephen also speaks regularly at industry conferences around the world. He has written several books on application and database development including Programming SQL Server 2008 (MS Press). Prior to Corzen, Stephen served as the CTO of Zagat Survey in New York City and also was co-founder of the New York based software consulting firm The Aurora Development Group. He currently is a Microsoft MVP award recipient, INETA speaker, and is the co-moderator and founder of the NYC .NET Developer User Group.

Atul Varde: Senior VP and CIO Affinity Credit Union, Speaker World CIO Forum (WCF)
Atul Varde is currently Senior Vice-President and Chief Information Officer at Affinity Credit Union. With over 108,000 member-owners, 44 branches and an innovative governance structure that ensures grassroots connectedness, Affinity is one of the largest and fastest-growing co-operative financial institutions in Canada. Mr. Varde provides strategic technology management and innovation leadership to the organization, and is responsible for ensuring that IT investments possess an appropriate risk-return profile while being aligned with the overall business strategy. Due to his recognized leadership standing, Atul is an invited speaker at the World CIO Forum (WCF) November 1-4 2011. Prior to his current position, Atul founded and managed a successful IT company that specializes in financial data processing, software development and information systems consulting. In addition to financial services, his overall IT career has covered an eclectic mix of domains including nuclear engineering, post-secondary education and healthcare.

Stacey Cerniuk: Founder and CEO of Annex Consulting Group, Top Award Winning Entrepreneur, Innovating Executive, Business & Technology Authority
Stacey Cerniuk is the founder, President and CEO of Annex Consulting Group and has 23 years of IT industry experience as a business analyst, project manager, management consultant and entrepreneur. Stacey is actively involved in a number of IT industry associations and academic programs including: He is a member of the Project Management Institute, its Canadian West Coast Chapter and its Information Systems Community of Practice. He has been on the Advisory Council for the University of British Columbia's Certificate in Project Management program since its inception. He is also on the Advisory Council for UBC's Certificate in Business Analysis program. He is a mentor for S.U.C.C.E.S.S. helping new immigrants to Canada find work in the IT industry and adapt to Canadian culture. He is a Past President of CIPS [Vancouver section], one of the largest associations of IT professionals in Canada, and served on the Board for eight years. Stacey's company, Annex Consulting Group, is an IT consulting and recruitment company specializing in applications development, project management, network infrastructure, business analysis and management consulting services. Annex staffs its projects from the Annex Alliance, a membership of 8000 independent IT and business consultants in BC. Annex has completed 1,200 IT projects for 250 different clients since 1998 with an industry-leading 97% customer satisfaction rating.

Eugene Fiume: Renowned and Distinguished Computer Science Professor University of Toronto
Eugene Fiume is Professor and past Chair of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, where he co-directs the Dynamic Graphics Project and is Director of the Master of Science in Applied Computing Program. Eugene has been on many task forces and reviews of research institutes around the world. He has had a long association with the computer graphics and electronic media industries in Canada and the U.S., notably with Alias|Wavefront, where he was Director of Research and Usability Engineering while on leave from the university. He now works with several companies in an advisory capacity on both technological and business issues. He also works with venture capital companies on due diligence and strategy. Eugene's research interests include most aspects of realistic computer graphics, including computer animation, modeling natural phenomena, and illumination, as well as strong interests in internet based imaging, image repositories, software systems and parallel algorithms. He has written two books and co-authored over 120 papers on these topics. His industrial interests include technology transfer in the Information Technology area, internet-based applications, digital media, wireless and multimedia systems, web-based services, large-scale computation, and the interaction of information technology and business.

Pekka Viljakainen: Author No Fear: Business Leadership In the Age of Digital Cowboys; Globally Renowned Executive, Thought-Leader, Strategist, Entrepreneur
Mr. Pekka Viljakainen, born in Finland, is a past president (leaving in October 2010) of Tieto International, a team of 8400 advisors operating in 24 countries. He studied engineering at the University of Technology in Lappeenranta. Thanks to his technical background and passion for business, Mr. Viljakainen has for 20 years worked as an ambassador between business executives and technology teams. He started as an entrepreneur in 1986, by establishing Oy Visual Systems Ltd. He joined Tieto in 2000 through the acquisition of his company. Mr. Viljakainen's reputation and track record for handling very complex governance and political topics inside large international organizations and delivering results earned him the nickname "Bulldozer". At Tieto he was one of the leading architexts in building a more efficient information society. Mr. Viljakainen is heavily involved in promoting the necessary preparations for a true revolution of services and the deep strategically role of digitalization across Europe, Russia and China. As a true partner for organizations in most industries, Mr. Viljakainen has analyzed the fundamental change in consumer behaviour and its implications for the corporate strategies in all information intensive businesses. He is co-author of "No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of Digital Cowboys".

Mark Mueller-Eberstein: Best-Selling Author No Fear: Business Leadership In the Age of Digital Cowboys; Globally Top-Ranking CEO, COO, Speaker, Mentor, Coach, Strategist
MARK MUELLER-EBERSTEIN is founder and CEO of Adgetec Corporation, whose mission is to help organizations and their leaders realize value globally. Mueller-Eberstein is a recognized thought leader, speaker, mentor, and coach for topics such as: Leveraging IT for business success, Global consumerization of IT, Connecting people, Reducing ambiguity, Organizational culture for the next generation and Organizational leadership values. In addition to blogs, whitepapers and research papers, Mark Mueller-Eberstein is the author of "Agility - Competing and Winning in a Tech-Savvy Marketplace" and co-author of "No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of Digital Cowboys". Mueller-Eberstein's books are written based on his over fifteen years of global experience in the IT industry, working with companies and governments to choose, adopt, roll out, and measure the impact of new technologies.

Derek Corneil: Renowned and Esteemed Computer Science Professor Emeritus University of Toronto
Derek Corneil was one of the 7 initial graduate students of the Graduate Program in the Department of Computer Science (DCS) at the University of Toronto. After completing his Ph.D. in 1968, he undertook a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Technical University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands, and then returned to DCS as an Assistant Professor in January, 1970. Throughout his career at the University of Toronto, he held various administrative positions including Department Chair, Director of Research Initiatives of the Faculty of Arts and Science, and Acting Vice President of Research and International Relations. He was instrumental in the formation of the Information Technology Research Centre (ITRC) under the Province of Ontario Centre of Excellence program, and was the initial Academic Director of the Bell Emergis/University of Toronto Labs. His research area is algorithmic graph theory; in this regard, he has supervised (or co-supervised) 34 MSc and 25 Ph.D. theses and has published over 100 refereed scientific papers. He currently serves on 3 journal editorial boards and actively pursues his research as a Professor Emeritus at DCS.

Nova Spivack: World Renowned; Pioneering Global Technology Visionary, Innovator, Strategist, Entrepreneur, Investor interview with Nova Spivack conducted by Alex Lin (CEO of ChinaValue) and Stephen Ibaraki.
Nova Spivack is a technology futurist, serial Internet entrepreneur, and one of the leading voices on the next-generation of search, social media, and the Web. He works as a producer of emerging technology ventures including, Live Matrix, KloutBottlenose, The Daily Dot, StreamGlider, and a stealth-mode new energy company. In 1994 Nova co-founded one of the first Web startups, EarthWeb, which led to a record-breaking IPO in 1998, and a second IPO in 2007. Nova worked with Stanford Research International (SRI), to conceive and co-found their global business incubator nVention, and on the DARPA CALO program, the most ambitious artificial intelligence project in US history. He is a frequent speaker and blogger, and has written guest-articles for TechCrunch, GigaOM, and SiliconAngle. Nova has authored more than 30 granted and pending patents. In 1992, he attended the International Space University, a NASA-funded graduate-level professional school for the space industry.He is chairman of The Earth Dashboard initiative, a new non-profit initiative to build a shared online dashboard to visualize the real-time state of the planet, and he serves on the board of directors and advisory boards of numerous startups.

Hon. Naomi Yamamoto, BC Minister of Advanced Education
Naomi Yamamoto was elected as MLA for North Vancouver-Lonsdale in the 2009 general provincial election and was appointed Minister of Advanced Education in March, 2011. Prior to this, Naomi Yamamoto was appointed Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations in June 2009. On October, 2010, she was appointed as Minister of State for Building Code Renewal. She had been the president and owner of Tora Design Group in North Vancouver for 21 years. She also enjoyed working with the business community as the president and general manager of the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. She also served on the board of the North Shore Credit Union and the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and was President of the Gordon and Marion Smith Foundation. As well, she represented the North Vancouver Chamber on the North Shore 2010 Spirit Committee and Vancouver's North Shore Tourism Association Board. In 1997, Minister Yamamoto served as chair of the BC Chamber of Commerce. She completed a six-year term on the board of Capilano College, with the last three years as chair. She also enjoyed six years as a director of the North Shore Neighbourhood House.

Bojan Nenadic, Microsoft Career Factor Idol Winner – The Aspiring Microsoft Certified Master
Bojan was born in Belgrade, Serbia (then Yugoslavia). He learned to ski at age five and did his best to do it every year since (although latter years in Africa made that a bit difficult). At six, he started school, and two years after that got his first computer – the then awesome Sinclair ZX81. Thirty years later, skiing and computers are still his favorite hobbies. He moved with his family to Zimbabwe in 1990 to avoid the looming troubles that came as part of the violent break-up of Yugoslavia. In Zimbabwe over the next ten years, Bojan completed his Advanced Level General Certificate of Education, a degree in marketing, and his first Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) certification. Three of those ten years were spent in Cape Town, South Africa where he started work as a Microsoft Certified Trainer and consultant. After meeting his best friend in 1999 and marrying her a year later, they left for London, England in July 2000. Bojan has worked for about twenty clients in the UK, ranging from Internet start-ups to multi-national IT consultancies, covering most of the Microsoft Server products at one point or another. His career grew at a steady pace from support and administration to team leader roles, and finally into infrastructure and project lead architexture. Over time, Active Directory and Exchange came forward as his primary areas of expertise.

Frans Kaashoek: ACM-Infosys Foundation Award $150K Recipient, Internationally Renowned MIT Professor and Researcher, Innovating Entrepreneur Company Founder and Executive
A professor of Computer Science and Engineering in MIT's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Frans Kaashoek, is also a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and acknowledges the collaborative benefits of his colleagues and students. In 2011, Professor Kaashoek received the ACM-Infosys Foundation Award and the $150,000 Prize in the Computing Sciences for his contributions to the structuring, robustness, scalability, and security of software systems underlying many applications. Kaashoek was Chief Scientist and Co-founder of Sightpath, Inc. The company was acquired by Cisco Systems in 2000. He also helped found Mazu Networks, Inc. where Kaashoek served as a director of Mazu Networks until its acquisition by Riverbed Technology, Inc. in 2009. Kaashoek was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2006, and was named an ACM Fellow in 2004. In that year, he also received the William R. Bennett Prize Paper Award from the IEEE. He won the inaugural Mark Weiser Award from ACM?s Special Interest Group on Operating Systems in 2001.

Barry Sellers: CNP Torch Bearer Award Recipient
CNP Torch Bearer Award honors senior members of the computing profession who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the profession or the industry, by demonstrating that they embody the spirit of the CNP.
The first annual CNP Torch Bearer Award winner, Barry Sellers, is one of the many pioneers of the Network Professional Association; a Distinguished Fellow of the Network Professional Association (DFNPA). Barry was active in the formation of the Association and a guide to building the standards of NPA today. He was the founder and president of the Shreveport Chapter of the Network Professional Association (1993 - 1995). During the years 1995 through 2011, Barry Sellers served as a member of the NPA Board of Directors including tenure as chairman. Barry is a visionary of the Certified Network Professional program started in 1996.

Soumitra Sengupta, Awards for Professionalism: Top of the Mark – Volunteer Award Recipient
Top of the Mark – Volunteer Award honors the networking professional who has made the most effective combination of the ideals of professionalism and is a notable example of the best in giving back through selfless effort.
Top of the Mark – Volunteer Award winner, Soumitra Sengupta has been a Technology Community Leader for over 10 years. In 2002 he was awarded the Community Star by Microsoft India and started to participate in Microsoft News Groups in 2003. He was Awarded Microsoft's Most Valuable Professional Award (MVP) in 2003 and has continued to receive this award every year to date. He was awarded the Voice Of Community Hero Award in April, 2009. As an IT Pro Group Leader, GITCA, UG Lead Windows Support User Group, and also one of the administrators of, Soumitra is actively associated with Microsoft Answers and was one of the top contributors in help and troubleshooting in Microsoft News Group worldwide before its discontinuation. Soumitra has written sixty Microsoft KB Articles for Community Solutions. Soumitra took on the challenge to make the local people aware of latest technologies that were happening all around the world. He founded Windows Support UG, a local user group that organizes various events on Microsoft technologies and helps people both online and offline. This user group is GITCA associated and is the only user group in the entire North East India!

Vivek Thangaswamy, Awards for Professionalism: Professional Excellence and Innovation Award Recipient
Professional Excellence and Innovation Award honors the network computing professional who has made the most effective combination of the ideals of professionalism and the innovative use of networking technology and/or products for a particular networking project and is awarded in several different categories.
Professional Excellence and Innovation Award: Corporate Small Business winner, Vivek Thangaswamy is currently a Senior SharePoint and .NET Solution Architext for TCS in India. He has extensive experience as an IT professional that began with a Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology and Management of Business Administration in Finance. Vivek has authored VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming, Packt Publishing and co-authored System Analysis and Design, Lambert Academic Publishing. He has been awarded Microsoft's Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in SharePoint in 2008 and 2009 and in ASP.NET in 2007. Presently working for Australia's prestigious airlines, Qantas; he has also done development work for DWP on a United Kingdom government project. Awarded 3 Gold rings for best academic performance, Vivek's certifications include MCP, MCAD, MCSD, MSPD-EA II and BrainBench Certification in ASP.NET, C#, SharePoint 2003 and Experts Exchange master certified in XML.

Brian Cameron, Awards for Professionalism: Career Achievement Award Recipient, Professor and Executive Director, Center for Enterprise Architexture, Founder FEAPO
The Best Networking Professional – Career Achievement Award is awarded to an individual who has demonstrated the highest levels of integrity, professionalism and ethics throughout their career.
The Career Achievement Award winner, Brian Cameron is Executive Director of the Center for Enterprise Architexture and Professor of Practice in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. Within the College of Information Sciences and Technology, he works with a wide portfolio of companies on a variety of consulting engagements, ranging from systems integration projects to enterprise architexture planning and design. Through his academic work, Cameron has consulted with organizations such as Avaya, AT&T Wireless, Raytheon, Accenture, Oracle, EMC Corp., NSA, U.S. Marine Corps, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and many others. His primary research and consulting interests include enterprise architexture, enterprise systems integration, information management and storage, and the use of simulations and gaming in education. The main focus areas for his teaching efforts are on senior-level capstone enterprise integration, enterprise architexture, and information technology consulting & storage architexture courses.

Dirk Schrader: Chief Technology Officer, Technology and CRM Authority
Dirk Schrader is currently the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at CRM Dynamics Ltd. Dirk has worked on over 50 large scale IT projects over the past 17 years including in Finance, Telecommunications, Distribution, Manufacturing, Not-For-Profit, Pharmaceuticals and Government sectors. He believes in realizing superior IT ROI through rigorous design and development process and technology innovation where appropriate. He has experience working with distributed development teams including offshore developers to help leverage IT budgets.

Caroline Weilinger, Microsoft Career Factor Idol Winner – The Office Competition Contender
Caroline is a student at SAIT Polytechnic in Calgary, enrolled in the Administrative Information Management (AIM) program. The AIM program is a part of the SAIT School of Business and structures its program around general business, computer technology, accounting, event management, and graphic design. She is in her final semester of the AIM program, and plans on pursuing a career in event management and design. Eventually she would like to combine these professional ambitions with her passion of equestrian show jumping to organize and manage horse shows.

Simon Davis, Microsoft Career Factor Idol Winner – The IT Manager
Simon Davis lives in the historic city of Chester in the northwest of England. He works as a Principal Software Engineer for Remsdaq Limited, a small company situated just across the England/Wales border in North Wales. Remsdaq specializes in products for security, utility, and emergency mobilization industries. Simon manages a team of 7 software engineers whose primary role is to develop the control center software for the security business unit on a Windows platform. Simon holds a Masters degree (MEng) in Software Engineering from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), during which he first began working at Remsdaq. In June 2008, Simon attained his Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) credential in Windows Development as part of the efforts to allow Remsdaq to obtain Gold Certified Partner status. Since November 2009, Simon has been an active participant in the European group of the Microsoft Learning IT Managers Advisory Council. Simon enjoys traveling, and his current role has given him the opportunity to travel around the world, meeting business partners and customers for project meetings and installation/commissioning works, stretching from prisons in the Far East to airports and military installations in Scandinavia.

Steve Molkentin, Microsoft Career Factor Idol Winner – The Job Seeker
Steve is a passionate IT professional who firmly believes that Information Technology is nothing without a grounding in excellent customer service. As a career Microsoft IT professional, Steve has been involved in designing and delivering deployments of all key server and OS products into the enterprise since NT4 and Windows 98, and is seeking to grow his skill and certify as a Microsoft Certified IT Professional on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 through the Career Factor program. He's also looking forward to sharing his experiences through social media and in speaking engagements during and afterwards. A motivated and dynamic leader, Steve is excited about developing a skill set that will benefit a future employer and allow him to offer significant benefit through his knowledge of best practices and the application to the enterprise. Living in Brisbane, Australia, Steve enjoys spending time with his family and encouraging the IT community within Australia and New Zealand as a core team member of – the largest online user group of IT Pros in the region.

Eddie Boles, Microsoft Career Factor Idol Winner – The DIY IT Professional
Born and raised in Harlem, NY, Eddie had never traveled west of Ephrata, PA, until he attended UC Berkeley in the winter of 1987. While there, he developed a love for acting while performing in a handful of student theatrical productions. This passion led him into a career in the entertainment industry. Eddie moved to Los Angeles in 1992, where he started as a Production Assistant on various video projects. During this time, he co-founded Black Coffee Entertainment, which managed the Black Eyed Peas from 1994 until 2000. Soon thereafter, he re-immersed himself into film and television at State Street Pictures as the assistant to director Tim Story, best known for the first "Barbershop" movie and the blockbuster hit franchise "Fantastic Four". Eddie worked his way up from Assistant Director to Co-Producing, Writing, and Directing and has most recently directed films that have made their way through the festival circuit. His latest film, "Results," was named Best Short at the Martha's Vineyard African-American Film Festival and at the San Francisco Black Film Festival. He also received the prestigious Melvin Van Peebles Maverick Award at the San Francisco Black Film Festival which honored him as "an emerging filmmaker with unique vision, singular style, and an uncompromising point of view." Although filmmaking will always remain a passion, he decided to pursue a career in Information Technology after being laid off from his Production Coordinator job in 2008 to develop his other passion: computers. Although it has been a difficult transition, he looks forward to excelling in his new field as he gains more experience and completes more training.

Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing - Kelly talks about his Lecture at the University of Toronto, his 90th birthday celebrations and reflecting back
Stephen continues his chats with computing pioneer, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD. (University of Toronto), D. Math. (Hon., University of Waterloo), D. Eng. (Hon., Technical University of Nova Scotia), Fellow CIPS (FCIPS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. Kelly talks about the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Kelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream and profession. Kelly talks about his lecture at the University of Toronto, his 90th birthday celebrations and reflecting back.

Dr. Balaji Venkataraman: Top Global Educational and ICT Authority and Visionary, Director Technology & Knowledge Management Commonwealth of Learning, World Technology Award Recipient, Director Global Industry Council
Dr. Balaji Venkataraman, a specialist in the area of Information and Communication Technology applied to rural development, joined COL on September 1, 2010. He has been active with his students and colleagues in the area of Learning Technology as well, for close to a decade. He received the World Technology Award in the Education category in 2001 ( In 2011, Dr. Venkataraman was elected to the IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council. He was on the staff of the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation in Chennai in India in various capacities, notably as the director of the informatics. At ICRISAT, which has laboratories and offices in seven countries in sub Saharan Africa and South Asia, Balaji served as the Global Leader for Knowledge Management and Sharing. In his recent work with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research he was associated with development of digitized UG course materials equivalent to about 10,000 hours of teaching, and in building the Agropedia, a platform that uses advanced web technologies and links web space to mobile telephony. He is also associated with a project to create a generic re-usable learning objects repository. Balaji has considerable international experience in project and IT management and in consulting. He has worked with the FAO, UNESCO, UNDP-GEF, IDRC (Canada) and with a host of international agricultural research organizations on over a dozen projects, and is associated with the University of Florida as the honorary manager for the joint education center with ICRISAT. He is a member of a number of professional societies such as the IEEE and the ACM, and serves as editor or reviewer for journals in knowledge management, ICT-for-development and Geomatics.

Neil Simon, Microsoft Career Factor Idol Winner in Cloud Computing – The Azure Developer, Chief Scientist and Senior Engineer, Keynote Session Speaker "24 Hours in the Cloud"
Neil Simon is a computer scientist and software engineer from Dublin, Ireland, who has used computers since he first laid hands on one in 1982. He started programming a few years later, and as a young adult earned his primary degree in Information Technology. Generally he is interested in supercomputing and solving very large computational problems, with a focus on making it all easier to do. He spent 7 years working as part of an exceptionally competent team of engineers on supercomputers and in the end, decided that to continue advancing his work he needed to move on. Around the same time, he realized that many of the problems which face users of very large computers were remarkably similar to those that would soon face an increasingly network-dependent consumer. He then started tackling those common problems. In 2007, he joined Trinity College Dublin's Computer Architexture Group and started working on his PhD. It became a quest to not only help users to get the most out of the resources that they already had, but to also enable new technologies. The solutions would help tackle aspects of technology that are advancing more slowly, and therefore better allow the use of those which were advancing at a more rapid pace.

Kevin Dicken: Microsoft Career Factor Idol Winner
Kevin is a college senior studying Management Information Systems at DBU in Dallas, TX. He grew up as a technology enthusiast and found his niche for helping those around him with their computer problems. As he moves towards graduation, he hopes to work as a business analyst for a large technology or security company. His ideal career would allow him to act as a liaison between tech staff and managers. Technology is just one of his interests. He also likes to work out, play sports, and be sociable. He also likes to work with his hands and build things, ranging from working on old cars to refurbishing used cell phones.

Rabeb Othmani, Microsoft Career Factor Idol Winner – Windows Phone 7 Developer, Imagine Cup Winner
Rabeb is a senior computer engineering student at The Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (FST). She specializes in User Experience Technologies including Silverlight, Windows Presentation Foundation, and Windows Phone 7, in addition to C# and .NET Technologies. Recently, she has been working at the Microsoft Innovation Center Tunisia where she coordinates programs such as DreamSpark and WebsiteSpark. She has been employed as an intern for Cyberesa.Net focusing on Windows Phone 7 applications development. She has been recognized as a Microsoft Student Partner (MSP) for the last two years (2009/2010 and 2010/2011). Additionally, she is a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) in .Net Framework 2.0, .Net Framework 3.5 and Windows Presentation Foundation. Rabeb excelled at the Microsoft-sponsored Imagine Cup 2010, where she won the local finals in Tunisia and participated in the international finals in Warsaw, Poland. She is passionate about new technologies and aims to improve her professional knowledge and communication skills throughout her professional career.

Leon Strous: President International Federation for Information Processing, Chair IAB World CIO Forum, Chair ISC WITFOR, Senior IT Auditor Netherlands Central Bank
Since 1993, Leon Strous has been with the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), which is the central (or national) bank of the Netherlands, in different positions as IT auditor in the internal audit department, and as overseer in the oversight department of the cash and payments division, focusing on the security of payment systems. His work also links to the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Currently his main jobs are advancing business continuity and crisis management arrangements with the key players in the payments and securities clearing and settlement processes in the financial sector in the Netherlands, and liaising between the financial sector and the government concerning critical infrastructure protextion programs. Leon is a member of a number of professional societies and has been active in many different positions in the Dutch Computer Society (NGI) since 1988, including member of the Board for five years, and in the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) since 1994, including a vice-presidency and in August 2009, he was honourably elected as president for the 2010-2013 term. Currently he is the chair of the WITFOR International Steering Committee and Chair of the WCF International Advisory Board.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Distinguished, Celebrated, World-Renowned Computer Scientist, President of HMC, Board Director Microsoft Corp, Speaker at the World CIO Forum
Harvey Mudd College is led by Maria Klawe, HMC's fifth president who began her tenure in 2006. A renowned computer scientist and scholar, President Klawe is the first woman to lead the college since its founding in 1955. Prior to joining HMC, she served as Dean of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. During her time at Princeton, Maria led the School of Engineering and Applied Science through a strategic planning exercise that created an exciting and widely embraced vision for the school. At Harvey Mudd College, she led a similarly ambitious strategic planning initiative, "HMC 2020: Envisioning the Future." Maria has made significant research contributions in several areas of mathematics and computer science including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, gender issues in information technology, and interactive-multimedia for mathematics education. Her current research focuses on the development and use of multi-modal applications to assist people with aphasia and other cognitive impairments. Maria is one of the 10 members of the board of Microsoft Corporation, a board member of the nonprofit Math for America, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and past chair of the board for the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology in Palo Alto, CA.

Graham Jones Chair, Ashwin Kini Chair-elect, GITCA – on "24 Hours in the Cloud" and the IFIP World CIO Forum 2011
Come and get your Cloud geek on!
On April 19th GITCA and Microsoft are running an event called "24 Hours in the Cloud". There will be 24 one hour sessions around the world covering a wide range of Cloud Computing topics. The presenters will be live on twitter to answer your questions. There is something for everybody, developer, IT pro and SQL enthusiast. There is no question that Cloud Computing is here to stay and this is a unique opportunity to be educated and gain an insight as to where Cloud Computing is going. Stay tuned for more details, such as how to join the "Cloud 24 hour party", as the event date approaches.

Kevin Shatzkamer: Author, Internationally Renowned Distinguished Systems Architext on the Evolution and Long-term Strategy of Mobile Networks
Kevin Shatzkamer, Cisco Distinguished Systems Architext, is responsible for long-term strategy and architextural evolution of Cisco mobile wireless networks. His experience ranges from 3G and LTE to security, video distribution, and QoS. He now works with both content providers and service providers to enhance the end-to-end digital media value chain for mobility. He has published two books with Cisco Press, the first one in 2009 called "IP Design for Mobile Networks" and in 2011, published a second book with Cisco Press called "Building the Mobile Internet".

Brian Cameron: Professor and Executive Director, Center for Enterprise Architexture, Penn State, Founder FEAPO ? Part 2 of 2 interview series
Brian Cameron is Executive Director of the Center for Enterprise Architexture and Professor of Practice in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. Within the College of Information Sciences and Technology, he works with a wide portfolio of companies on a variety of consulting engagements, ranging from systems integration projects to enterprise architexture planning and design. His primary research and consulting interests include enterprise architexture, enterprise systems integration, information management and storage, and the use of simulations and gaming in education. The main focus areas for his teaching efforts are on senior-level capstone enterprise integration, enterprise architexture, and information technology consulting & storage architexture courses. Dr. Cameron is currently developing new curricular materials for enterprise integration (through funding from NSF), including a textbook to be published by Wiley & Sons Publishing. He has also designed and taught executive education sessions for senior IT executives. Session topics include Service Oriented Architexture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM), Strategic Alignment of IT & Business Strategies, IT Governance, and IT Portfolio Management.

Brian Cameron: Professor and Executive Director, Center for Enterprise Architexture, Penn State, Founder FEAPO ? Part 1 of 2 interview series
Brian Cameron is Executive Director of the Center for Enterprise Architexture and Professor of Practice in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. Within the College of Information Sciences and Technology, he works with a wide portfolio of companies on a variety of consulting engagements, ranging from systems integration projects to enterprise architexture planning and design. Through his academic work, Cameron has consulted with organizations such as Avaya, AT&T Wireless, Raytheon, Accenture, Oracle, EMC Corp., NSA, U.S. Marine Corps, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and many others. His primary research and consulting interests include enterprise architexture, enterprise systems integration, information management and storage, and the use of simulations and gaming in education. The main focus areas for his teaching efforts are on senior-level capstone enterprise integration, enterprise architexture, and information technology consulting & storage architexture courses. Dr. Cameron is currently developing new curricular materials for enterprise integration (through funding from NSF), including a textbook to be published by Wiley & Sons Publishing. He has also designed and taught executive education sessions for senior IT executives. Session topics include Service Oriented Architexture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM), Strategic Alignment of IT & Business Strategies, IT Governance, and IT Portfolio Management.

Jo Surich, President PresiNET Systems, past CIO Province of BC and Partner Sierra Systems: Leading Entrepreneur, Innovator, Executive, Investor
Jo Surich is President of PresiNET Systems Corp. and PresiNET of its new affiliate, PresiNET Healthcare. PresiNET is a long-standing innovator in the network performance, security and compliance space. PresiNET Healthcare was founded to bring to market a new set of products based on the TOTAL VIEW ONE system installed by private and public enterprises around the globe. Jo has a long entrepreneurial history, launching the largest boutique management consulting firm in Victoria, BC after leaving a post as the CIO for the Province of British Columbia. At the same time, he provided leadership for the development of PresiNET Systems and its full line of products and corporate relationships. He sold Transformation Solutions to Sierra Systems in 2001. From 2001-2004 he provided corporate leadership for Sierra Systems' Enterprise Solutions Practice across North America. Jo brings a unique combination of information systems, human resources, and change management expertise to the entrepreneurial world. Jo serves as Director of several small technology companies, assisting them to emerge from the 'garage' and take their place as fully commercial enterprises.

David Black: Co-Founder Ruby Central, RubyConf, The Compleat Rubyist: International Top-ranking Ruby Programmer, Author, Trainer, Speaker, Event Organizer
David A. Black is an internationally recognized Ruby programmer, author, trainer, speaker and event organizer. A Rubyist since 2000, David is the author of "The Well-Grounded Rubyist" (Manning Publications, 2009), and a frequently invited speaker at technical conferences and users groups in the United States and abroad. In 2002 David co-founded Ruby Central, Inc, the parent organization of the International Ruby Conference (RubyConf); an event he has been involved in planning every year since 2001. David is currently a Senior Developer at Cyrus Innovation, Inc. He is also one of the three instructors, along with Gregory Brown and Jeremy McAnally, for the recurrent Ruby training event "The Compleat Rubyist."

Michael Zeng CEO Top Ranking Global Innovation, Research, and Business Leader and Paul Yen Managing Director Great-Idea Business Resources Co. Ltd.
Michael Zeng is Chief Editor of the Magazine of Global Outsourcing Resources, President and CEO of Great-Idea Business Resources Co. Ltd. (which is the professional outsourcing resources and consulting organization), and President and CEO of Great Idea Hong Kong International Business Resources Publishing Group Ltd. He is the partner and director of TZF International Group (a Nasdaq Public Corporation). Michael Zeng acts as Deputy Secretary-General of China Outsourcing Institute of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, Chief Executive Director of Great Idea Research and Development Center of Wuhan University, and Outsourcing expert of Asia Pacific CEO association (APCEO). He is committee expert of Appraise Committee of "China International Software and Information Service Outsourcing Contribution Award", of the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) and the committee expert of International Outsourcing Center. Since 2002, as one of the chief planners, Michael Zeng has organized a number of large-scale international outsourcing events in China. Michael Zeng was invited to be the consultant by the National Economic and Trade Committee, and to be project expert of "Build & Develop China Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Database" research project. He was also invited to be senior researcher and guest researcher by International Enterprise Research Institute of China Management Science Research Institute, and invited as the Member of Expert Committee of China Commerce Union. Michael Zeng has provided outsourcing marketing and training services for HP, IBM, EDS, Fuji Xerox, Unisys, Avaya, IDC, A.T. Kearney, Lucent, neoIT, P&G, NTT Data and other world top 500 companies, as well as Lenovo, NEUSOFT, Dalian Software Park, ERP, SinoCom Software Group Limited, Kingdee, Wicressoft, Chint Group, Galanz, Flextronics and other famous IT, ODM and EMS.
Paul Yen – Managing Director for Great-Idea Business Resources Co. Ltd. His extensive background includes these roles: Vice-President, General Manager, Northern China, CDP Group Ltd. CDP is a professional HR Total Solution Provider with HR Outsourcing (HRO), Shared Services (SS) and Transformation Services (TS). Chief Representative of Greater China, Certiport China. Certiport is the world leader in standards-based certification solutions that enable personal and professional advancement through globally portable credentials. Deputy General Manager, China Daily News. is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. Operations Director, Sales and Training Manager, Transamerican Insurance Company. The companies of Transamerica offer a wide array of innovative financial services and products. The Transamerica companies are members of the AEGON Group, a multinational insurance organization headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands. AEGON is one of the world's leading life insurance and financial services organizations.

Rick Cooper: Top Ranking Internationally Known Entrepreneur, Innovator, Executive, Investor
Rick Cooper has proven expertise in general management, business development, sales, marketing, R&D, and manufacturing, in four Cleantech and other hi-tech start-ups. Mr. Cooper began his career in 1983 as a chemist doing research on rechargeable lithium batteries for Ballard Power Systems in Canada. In the early 1990s, he started up two branch offices: first with Ransco which developed multi-million dollar automotive test facilities, and then with L&F Industries which designed and built the largest optical telescope in the Southern Hemisphere. He started up Ballard's US operations and advanced the state of the art in automotive fuel cell technology which supported the creation of Xcellsis, a joint venture with Daimler AG and the Ford Motor Company. Mr. Cooper was instrumental in the formation of the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CAFCP), a collaboration between the world's leading automotive OEMs, energy companies, government agencies and fuel cell technology suppliers. Technology developed by CAFCP members provided the foundation for President Bush's $1.8B program for a hydrogen and fuel cell economy featured in his 2003 State of the Union address. Today Mr. Cooper is an active member of the Tech Coast Angels where he invests in early stage start-ups and advises entrepreneurs. He is a Board Observer at IntraStage, a leading test data software company and his first angel investment. He is passionate about technologies and products that address today's environmental issues.

Neil Leslie, General Manager Microsoft Developer & Platform Evangelism Group (DPE), past Vice President of MSIT, Microsoft Corporation
Neil Leslie is currently a General Manager helping lead the Platform Evangelism and Partner teams who play a key role in leading Microsoft's Developer & Platform Evangelism (DPE) group. Neil and his team drive efforts to build a vibrant solutions ecosystem through evangelism, community engagement and deep relationships with Microsoft's Global Partners. Formerly, Neil Leslie was the Vice President of Microsoft Information Technology (MSIT) engineering organization at Microsoft. He was responsible for managing the company's IT architexture, application and support operations that span Microsoft's portfolio of IT internal and external systems worldwide. Day to day, the job responsibilities included the design, development, deployment and sustained operations of the IT systems Microsoft uses to run its business. In addition, Microsoft's IT engineering business is noted for being Microsoft's First and Best customer of Microsoft technologies. Through the early and often enterprise deployments of Microsoft technologies by some 3000 Developers, Architexts, Support and Program Management IT Professionals, MSIT Engineering provides invaluable insight into how Microsoft software is deployed to run the enterprise while also providing early feedback and requirements that improve both the value and quality of Microsoft products at release.

Sir John Daniel, President and CEO, Commonwealth of Learning, Globally Recognized Leader and Scholar in Education
Sir John Daniel joined the Commonwealth of Learning in 2004 after serving for three years as Assistant Director-General for Education at UNESCO. He began his career with an undergraduate degree from Oxford (First Class Honours) and a Doctorate in Science from the University of Paris, both in metallurgy. Inspired by the idealism, the scale, the technology and the focus on students that he found at the Open University, he decided to join the distance learning revolution. He spent four years helping to establish Québec's Télé-université, moved west to Alberta as Vice-President of Athabasca University, and then returned to Montreal as Vice-Rector of Concordia University. In 1984 he became President of Laurentian University, Ontario and moved to the UK as Vice-Chancellor of the Open University in 1990. Sir John has been active as a scholar and student throughout his career. The success of his book, "Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher Education" (Kogan Page, 1996), established his reputation in international university circles as a leading thinker about the role of technology in education and learning. His more recent book, "Mega-Schools, Technology & Teachers: Achieving Education for All", tackles the challenges providing secondary schooling to tens of millions of young people and training very large numbers of teachers. Sir John was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for services to higher education in 1994.

Niko Schlamberger, International ICT Executive and Top-Ranking ICT Authority for Business, Industry, Governments, Academia, Journals, Regional and Global Organizations
Niko Schlamberger's professional experience is in the field of information technology in programming, application development, consulting, project management, and general management in the IT industry, in business, and in government. His career experience includes positions: Head of Software Development in the major Slovenian bank, IT Consultant, Assistant to General Manager of the (now) ex-Yugoslavian Federal Clearing Agency, and head of Slovenian Government Information Technology Office. His last formal position was Secretary at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, in charge of special projects. He is the President of the National Computer Society - Slovenian Society INFORMATIKA (SSI), a member of the Language Chapter of SSI and a member of Board of Editors of, and a reviewer for, the Society's professional journal Uporabna Informatika (Applied Informatics). He is a reviewer for the journal of Information Technology and Control, published by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 2003 he was elected Vice-President of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) for a three year term. In 2006 he was elected again for the same office with a three-year mandate. Also in 2003 he was elected Honorary Secretary of Council of European Professional Societies (CEPIS), and in 2006 as CEPIS President Elect, to start the three-year presidential mandate in fall 2007. In 2004 he was a CEPIS candidate for a substitute board member of newly established European Network Information Security Agency (ENISA) and so appointed by the European Commission.

Yogan Rasanayakam, General Manager Westpac Banking Corporation, past co-chairman of Bankers Association for Finance and Trade (BAFT) Asia Pacific, Globally Recognized Banking Senior Executive
Yogan Rasanayakam is a senior executive with broad experience in the Asia Pacific Region, predominantly focused in the field of Finance and has extensive Mergers & Acquisitions and Asian banking experience acquired over two decades of Financial Sector reforms in the region. He is currently the General Manager Asia for Westpac Banking Corporation and leads the Asian consumer and institutional businesses in Australia, New Zealand and Asia. He was appointed to the role in August 2004 and is based in Singapore. Yogan is accountable for strategic direction and management of Asian business in Australia, New Zealand and Asia. This diverse business offers a full suite of products to both wholesale and retail clients via the Westpac. In this role, he has regional responsibility for Financial Markets, Capital Markets, Financing, Structured Finance, Corporate, Institutional and SME Relationship Banking, Risk Management, Asian Wealth, Retail and Private Banking.

Husin Ahmad Vice-President ACS (a Xerox Company): Profound Insights from an Internationally Renowned Innovator and Senior Executive
Husin Ahmad is a Vice President in the Human Resources Services group of ACS, a Xerox company. He acts as a single point of contact for any opportunity to add value to the current clients or potential clients with regards to their Human Resources needs. His role spans across Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia Pacific region. He is an integral part of a team that diligently spearheads the company?s Human Resources Outsourcing business within the above geographical areas. In the administrative domain, he holds responsibility as one of the company directors for the legacy ACS Malaysia entity. This role was not just limited to Malaysia as he had administrative oversights for Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan as well. Husin holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Technology Malaysia. He started his career in 1990 as a test and product engineer for Motorola Semiconductor Malaysia. After 5 years of successful experience in the engineering field, he took a challenge to be in a totally different domain by accepting a position in the Human Resources Department as a recruiter. He used his technical experience to bring technical talent into the organization. While enhancing the Engineering Rotation Program to build a pool of talented engineers, he initiated a Technician Placement Program to establish a pool of talented technicians to support the ever growing business needs.

Dr. Catherine Boivie, CEO Inventure Solutions, Senior VP Vancity, Founder CIO Association of Canada: Deep Insights from Renowned Innovator, ?Most Powerful? Senior Executive
Dr. Catherine Aczel Boivie is currently Chief Executive Officer of Inventure Solutions and Senior Vice-President of Information Technology at Vancity, Canada?s largest credit union. As the founding chair of the Chief Information Officers Association of Canada (CIOCAN), Dr. Boivie played an integral role in establishing and growing a network of Information Technology (IT) leaders. In recognition of her leadership work in IT, the Chief Information Officers Association of Canada, in collaboration with Ryerson University, announced the Dr. Catherine Aczel Boivie Scholarship. Dr. Boivie has been named one of Canada?s Most Powerful Women for 2009: Top 100 by the Women?s Executive Network. She received her award in the ?Trailblazers and Trendsetters? category, which recognizes women who are either the first in their fields or have made a major impact on them, and who have made a great contribution to Canadian society.

Jim Isaak President IEEE-CS: Compelling Insights from Renowned Innovator, Leader, Researcher, Educator

Dean Olmstead Senior Vice President Avanade Canada: Managing the Big Data Flood Prevalent in Business
Dean Olmstead is responsible for all of Avanade’s business in Canada. Prior to this role, Dean served as Vice President of Americas Market Development and Sales Strategy, overseeing Avanade Americas’ vertical solutions and alliance alignment with Accenture and Microsoft. Prior to joining Avanade, Dean spent over 18 years with Accenture where he was a Partner in the Communications & High Tech Industry group. Dean worked on delivering customer projects to the communications industry primarily focused on large custom development implementations in the Customer Care and Billing area. Dean also was responsible for one of Accenture’s mobility labs and helped drive the incubation of this technology in the enterprise.

Kumar R. Parakala, KPMG Head of IT Advisory EMA & India, Chief Operating Officer Advisory India: Unique Insights from Internationally Renowned Innovator, Senior Executive
Mr. Kumar Parakala is currently the Head of IT Advisory for KPMG in Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMA) and India. Apart from leading the IT Advisory business into the next growth phase, he has also been appointed as the Chief Operating Officer of KPMG Advisory business in India. Prior to his current role, Mr Parakala was the Global Chief Operating Officer for the Global IT Advisory practice for four years at KPMG. During his career in Australia for over 20 years, Mr. Parakala has worked in senior management roles within healthcare, professional services, manufacturing and the public sector. He held several public positions including the National Chairman of the Australian Computer Society and was the IT industry spokesperson for several years in Australia. Mr. Parakala has been a regular columnist for the “The Australian” and his views have been extensively covered across media in India, Australia and overseas. Mr. Parakala was bestowed with the ACS Honorary Life Membership Award recently; he became the 45th recipient of this award since the formation of the Society in 1966. He also received the Leadership Excellence Award from the Queensland Government and the SEARCC Outstanding Contribution Award. Mr. Parakala supports major global philanthropic initiatives such as Clinton Global Initiative (by President Bill Clinton) and Jet Li Foundation.

Ryan Waite: Partner Director of Development for Technical Computing, Past General Manager for Windows HPC Server, Microsoft Corp.
Ryan Waite is the partner director of development for Technical Computing at Microsoft Corp. He leads the software engineering team responsible for Windows HPC Server and the Parallel Computing Platform. He has been at Microsoft for 19 years and was most recently the general manager for Windows HPC Server. Previously he has worked in test, development and program management roles on a variety of server products, including Microsoft Exchange Server, Small Business Server, BackOffice Server, Windows Server and, for a change of pace, Windows Mobile for Smartphones. His passions involve simplifying complex tools for use by the general computing community; Small Business Server allowed small businesses to harness the same types of server technologies previously used solely by large corporations, and Windows HPC Server is bringing cluster-based supercomputing to scientists, researchers and engineers who would have before found setting up, programming and using a cluster a daunting task.

Professor K.K. Aggarwal, Founder Vice-Chancellor (1998-2008) G.G.S. Indraprastha University, SEARCC President (2008-2010), CSI President (2007-2009), President IETE (2002-2004)
Prof. K.K. Aggarwal currently serves on the Board of Governors, I.I.T. Patna, is a member of the UPSC Committee on restructuring I.A.S. (Preliminary) examination, and is also a member of the HRD Task Force on Faculty Availability in Higher Education Institutions and Performance Appraisal of Teachers. After having served at NIT, Kurukshetra, Prof. Aggarwal was appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor, Guru Jambheshwar University (Technical University of Haryana) and then was appointed as Founder Vice Chancellor of GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi (1998-2008). He has been President of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) 2002-2004)during which time this Institution witnessed an unprecedented growth and made a remarkable impact on society in general & IT professionals in particular. He also served as Sectional President (IT & CS Section) in the Indian Science Congress Association. He had been elected as President, Computer Society of India (2007-2009). Prof. Aggarwal had also been elected as Vice President of South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) for 2007-2008 and its President for the years 2008-10. Prof. Aggarwal has extensively worked in various fields of Electronics and Computer Engineering. He has published 300 papers in reputed journals - more than 130 of these in international journals. He has been invited to deliver lectures in several Universities in India and abroad. Prof. Aggarwal did not confine his contribution to the academic field alone and has made a very strong impact in the industrial world. Prof. Aggarwal has written several books and many of his articles have appeared in several books published by IEEE of USA. He has also authored a book on Reliability Engineering which is published by Kluwer Academic, Netherland/USA/UK. His latest book on Software Engineering published in 2001 has already seen several reprints.

Anthony Wong, ACS President, SEARCC President, CEO AGW Consulting, Past CIO, Leading Top-Ranking International Lawyer, Executive and Authority in Business and IT
Mr. Anthony Wong is the January 2010 newly elected President of the Australian Computer Society (ACS), and September 2010 newly elected President of the South-East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC). Mr. Wong is the Chief Executive of a multidisciplinary ICT, Intellectual Property Legal and Consulting Practice, AGW Consulting Pty Ltd and has served as Chairman of ACS NSW for the past four years. An ICT professional for more than two decades, Mr. Wong has held senior management roles in multinationals and government. A qualified lawyer, accredited IT Disputes Mediator and an ex-CIO, Mr. Wong assists organizations with information and technology strategies, eCommerce, IT governance and compliance, privacy, technology licensing and intellectual property matters. He was founding president of the NZ Society for Computers and Law and is a member of the International Technology Law Association and the NSW Law Society.

David Downs: International Top-ranking Services Director for Microsoft in South East Asia and Emerging Markets
David Downs is currently the Services Director for Microsoft in South East Asia and Emerging Markets (HQ'ed in Microsoft Singapore), where he balances leading a large team of technical, sales and operations staff, with ensuring customer satisfaction and profitability for the Services business in the 7 countries he is responsible for. These countries are Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. In David's outstanding Microsoft career, he has achieved much recognition including the Circle of Excellence award, the Chairman's award for Outstanding Achievement, Microsoft Platinum Club, election to the ExPo Program for High Potential Employees, and continual achievement in the '20%' category. As of 2010, David is in his 10th year with Microsoft, most of that spent managing the Services business in New Zealand, although he also spent time in marketing and customer satisfaction. While he has worked for over 15 years in the IT sector, he also worked in other industries, notably the entertainment industry as an actor and writer. In David's richly diverse history he opened and ran a bar/entertainment venue, wrote a number of books, succeeded as an award-winning radio producer, and worked on many TV shows and commercials.

George Phipps, Change-Mentorship-Project Expert, Career Coach on maximizing performance
George Phipps is a seasoned professional and founder of Phipps Training Services, a company dedicated to developing human capital. He is a graduate of Royal Roads University with a Masters Degree in Leadership (MA), a certified Project Manager (PMP) and a trained professional coach (ECPC). His expertise lies in the areas of coaching, professional development, group facilitation and team building. He also provides expertise in the areas of mentorship and succession planning programs, leadership development, strategic planning and project/change management. As well as being an independent consultant, George is also a registered tutor with the Department of Continuing Studies at the University of British Columbia where he teaches the Project Management Fundamentals Program. George's objectives are to assist individuals and organizations develop professionally. He offers a wealth of business acumen as well as superior communication, team building, training/facilitation, coaching and presentation skills.

Eliezer Manor: International Top-ranking Venture Capitalist, Business and Technology Leader, Industry-Leading Visionary Innovator, Global Executive
Eliezer Manor is a businessman engaged in hi-tech entrepreneurship and venture capital. His activities are carried out through his wholly-owned company - Shirat Enterprises Ltd., registered in Israel. In addition to being pro-active in part of its portfolio companies, Shirat carries out a broad program dedicated to establishment of joint ventures between Israeli hi-tech companies and Chinese industrial mature companies, as well as establishment and operation of technological incubators, venture capital funds and corporate venture capital in China and in other countries around the world. This program was supported and assisted by the Government of Israel and today is supported by several local authorities in major cities in China. Eliezer is a physicist specializing in electro-optics, and is member of the Advisory Editorial Board of Photonics Spectra - the international journal of electro-optical engineers. For several years, he was also a member of the international team of WJ Hopper investment bank. Eliezer is also engaged in venture philanthropy. He and his family established and are supporting Schools-On-Line, a NGO active among high-school children and teachers, dedicated to bridge between children from different sectors, usually under conflict.

Srikantan Moorthy: International Top-ranking Business and Technology Leader, Industry-Leading Visionary Innovator, Global Executive, Vice-President and Head of Research and Education, Infosys Technologies Ltd., Founding Director IP3 Global Industry Council
Srikantan Moorthy - known as Tan to friends and colleagues - is a Vice President and Head of Education & Research (E&R) with Infosys. Tan has more than 25 years of experience in the Information Technology based Professional Services Industry. He spent 12 of those years working in the US during which time he gained hands-on experience in strategy formulation, operations management and talent development. As head of Education and Research at Infosys, Tan's primary responsibility is talent development through competency building. In 2010 Tan was elected as a founding director to the Global Industry Council (IP3-GIC), and was invited to present at an IP3 panel forum at the World Computing Congress on computing professionalism and certification.

Fabio Banducci, President and CEO, Peer 1 Hosting shares his deep expertise
Fabio Banducci joined PEER 1 Hosting as its Executive Vice President in October 2005, reporting to the Company's co-founder and then CEO, Lance Tracey. In September of 2006 Fabio was appointed President and in September of 2007 he became President, and Chief Executive Officer of the company and its subsidiaries. Under Fabio's leadership, PEER 1 Hosting has emerged as one of the world's leading IT hosting providers as a result of an unrelenting focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience. During his tenure, PEER 1 Hosting has consistently grown profitably, expanded domestically and internationally and received numerous corporate awards.

Roger Hart: CEO and past Vice-Chair/CFO IFIP IP3; Leading International Thought Leader
Roger Hart, I.S.P., ITCP/IP3P, P.Eng. currently serves as Chief Executive Officer for IP3 and is a founding director of IP3 since 2007 in the roles as Vice-Chair and Chief Financial Officer. In July 2010, Roger Hart became a founding director of the IP3 Global Industry Council. Roger Hart's past roles include: Director of Professionalism for the CIPS National Executive and Pacific Regional Director on the CIPS National Board. He directed the professional portfolio for CIPS and represented the pacific region on the CIPS National Board. Roger Hart also served as Associate Partner in the consulting practice of one of the largest professional services firms worldwide. Before becoming a management consultant in 1985, Roger had a distinguished career in both the public and private sector holding such diverse positions as a tenured university professor, director of MIS, senior college administrator, and management consultant. Roger Hart was an early adopter of the Internet and one of the first people in North America to predict its immense business potential. He was instrumental in bringing the Freenet/Community Networking movement into Canada and was a founding Director of Telecommunities Canada.

Dharmesh Mehta interview: Director, Windows and Windows Live Division Microsoft Corp.
As director of product management for the Windows Live business at Microsoft Corp., Dharmesh Mehta is responsible for driving business and product strategy, marketing, business development and evangelism for Windows Live - a suite of free software and services that help people communicate, share, and keep their lives in sync. Dharmesh and his team are chartered with the goal of leading Windows Live as the world's most engaged community of people across the PC, web and mobile phone. Dharmesh has worked at Microsoft since 2005 in a variety of product management and strategy positions. Most recently, he oversaw product management for Windows Live Messenger, the world's most popular IM service. Prior to that, he drove the strategy behind Microsoft's entry into the enterprise hosted messaging and collaboration services industry as a part of Microsoft's Corporate Strategy Group.

Charles Hughes: International Strategist & Thought Leader, Chairman, Board Director, Master Information Technologists' Company, Founder eManagement Ltd., Founding Chair IP3, Past President British Computer Society, Recipient - Bill Gates Influencers Roundtable Award & IFIP Outstanding Service Award, Council Member UK Parliamentary IT Committee, Past Council Member of the Institute for the Management of Information Systems
Charles Hughes founded eManagement Ltd. in 1999 providing strategic and project services to government and the IT industry. His 43 year career in IT, following a mathematics degree at the University of Manchester, began with ICL where he held various director level appointments. As Project Director with Her Majesty's Government in the 1990's he developed and launched the Information Society Initiative. Charles is Past President of the British Computer Society. He led the team which developed the Professionalism in IT Program, which he championed and sponsored, and he has been deeply involved with the Society's governance and membership developments. On the international scene he promoted professionalism in IT and was the founder and first Chairman of the International Professional Partnership, IP3. Charles is Master of the Information Technologists' Company, the 100th livery company of the City of London, Council Member of the Parliamentary IT Committee, past Council Member of the Institute for the Management of Information Systems and past Chairman of the Real Time Club.


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