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This year, the Network Professional Association introduced the first edition of the enewsletter. The first issue included information relating to the Awards for Professionalism and NPA Membership Meeting in Las Vegas . Other highlights include: interview with the NPA Chairman, interviews with Rob Preston � editor in chief of Network Computing and various other interviews with top officials in the industry, all within 10 very informative pages.

NPA is broadening the enewsletter to add advertisements. Publicizing your company with the NPA enewsletter, circulates to members in the IT profession, getting the message out.

The enewsletter timetable and circulation is in March, June, September, December . Advertisements must be turned in one month prior to the month dispersed by email.

Special offers and pricing are always available. For instance, if you are President of an active NPA Chapter, you will receive one free ad in any issue you choose within the 2005 year. If you are an NPA Board Director, you are entitled to two free ads in any issue you choose within the 2005 year. As an added bonus, paid ads from a current active NPA member will be entered into a drawing to take place after each issue on the 15 th . When your name is drawn, you and/or your employer will receive one free advertisement (or, you can forward the prize onto another company).

The only way to share your news and information is to publish it in the NPA enewsletter. For questions, contact the NPA Business Office at 888-NPA-NPA0 (888-672-6720).



NPA Executive Director

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