








Chapters: Resources

NPA Chapter Officers Duties

Depending on the size, number of volunteers, and other factors, local chapter positions may vary somewhat. Chapter changes should be clearly documented and approved by the Executive Office.

For ease of identification, once the chapter leadership group is elected by the chapter membership it is referred to as the Chapter Executive Committee. Normally the core elected officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Many of the responsibilities listed under Appointed Chapter Leaders can be brought under these core positions, though it is often desirable to have other non-elected committee members to function in these capacities.

Executive Committee Appointed Chapter Leaders

Chapter Officers & Executive Committee

All officers must uphold and enforce the Association's Bylaws and Policies and Procedures.

Duties of the Chapter President

  • Responsible for scheduling monthly executive committee meetings.

  • Serve as chair of the Chapter Executive Committee and preside at all Executive Committee and chapter meetings.

  • President should try to hold one executive and one chapter meeting per month.

  • Have general charge and supervision of the affairs and business of the chapter.

  • Organize special committees and appoint committee members as authorized by the Chapter Executive Committee.

  • Report to the Chapter Presidents Council through the Regional Representative on all chapter matters as needed or required.

  • Participate in regional conference calls organized by the regional representative monthly.

  • Approve chapter expenses according to Association policies and review and sign all chapter expense reports.

  • Log on to the NPA electronic communication system at least once per week.

  • Perform all other duties prescribed by the Chapter Executive Committee.

  • Ensure that all duties vital to the functioning of the chapter are fulfilled (ie, combine Newsletter and Advertising positions if there are not enough volunteers to cover both positions)

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Past President
Duties of the Past President

  • When a Chapter President has completed his or her term of office, he or she remains on the Chapter Executive Committee for a year as the immediate Past President.

  • Pass on all materials and knowledge to the newly elected president and be available in an advisory role.

  • Responsible for external relations, such as involving the Chapter in civic improvement projects and sponsoring special conferences and workshops.

  • Serve as Chairperson of the Chapter Nominations Committee.

  • Preside over the elections for Chapter Executive Committee officers.

  • Coordinate chapter fund raising committee activities.

  • Perform any other duties prescribed by the Chapter Executive Committee.

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Vice President
Duties of the Chapter Vice President

  • Act for the president during absence or disability.

  • Responsible for scheduling monthly chapter meetings and other chapter meetings or seminars as the need may arise. If a vendor/sales coordinator does not exist within the chapter, the vice president is responsible for scheduling a vendor to present at chapter meetings.

  • Responsible for planning and organizing special conferences and workshops. If the chapter has an events coordinator, then this would be a liaison role only.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Duties of the Chapter Secretary

  • Prepare and distribute the monthly meeting agenda to Executive Committee and Newsletter Coordinator.

  • Keep a record of the proceedings of Chapter and Executive Committee meetings and submit to Chapter Executive Committee and Executive Office Chapter Relations Manager.

  • Keep accurate historical records of all chapter activities and significant events, including news releases, and accomplishments of the chapter and its members.

  • Perform duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Duties of the Treasurer

  • Encourage the members to pay their membership dues and assessments.

  • Ensure that all funds raised by the chapter are forwarded to the Association.

  • Ensure that all chapter funds are properly managed and disbursed in the best interest of the chapter's members.

  • Assist Chapter President in approving chapter expenses according to Association policies.

  • Ensure that the chapter files timely reports of expenditures with the Executive Office.

  • Advise the Executive Committee regarding the finances of the chapter.

  • Report on the financial condition of the chapter at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at other times when called upon by the President.

  • Oversee the preparation of an annual budget and any other special project budgets for the chapter.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Member Relations Coordinator

  • Responsible for new member recruitment activities and member retention.

  • Greet attendees at all chapter functions, manage the sign-in sheet, introduce new members to chapter leaders and volunteers, provide guests with member and chapter information, and issue and collect name badges at chapter functions.

  • Recommend members to serve on local and national committees.

  • Encourage NPA members to take advantage of the benefits and opportunities available to them.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Appointed Chapter Leaders (optional)

Events Coordinator

  • Assist Vendor/Sales Coordinator in recruiting speakers for presentations.

  • Coordinate with Chapter or non-NPA groups to ensure that the same presentation or speaker is not presenting to both groups and that meeting times do not conflict.

  • Arrange for meeting facilities, including access to the facility and parking; arrange for and coordinate all presentation equipment.

  • Assist the Treasurer with all billing and invoicing functions for the event.

  • Coordinate all special social events for chapter members (such as parties and picnics).

  • Assist the Technical Coordinator in planning and presenting special seminars and workshops to educate members.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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  • Responsible for maintaining a library of technical materials, software, training kits, etc for the chapter.

  • Work with vendors, training organizations, and other local institutions to obtain additional resources for the chapter library.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Electronic Communications Coordinator

  • Responsible for maintaining a local communications system as decided upon by the Chapter Executive Committee of the chapter. Some chapters use one or more of the following communication systems: Web, BBS, List Server, CIS, or other electronic communication system.

  • Use electronic communication systems to notify members of local and national opportunities, meetings, and events.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Education/Technical Coordinator

  • Responsible for helping members learn about new and existing technology.

  • Review all presentations to make sure they are technical in nature and serve an educational need rather than a marketing or sales need.

  • Coordinate with the Local Events Coordinator on special seminars and workshops to educate members.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Vendor/Sales Coordinator

  • Recruits speakers for presentations, workshops, and other activities.

  • Submits invoice requests to the executive office for billing of presentations and follows up with vendors to ensure timely payment. Works with the Treasurer to assess monetary needs of the chapter.

  • Maintains relationships with vendors and other institutions.

  • Coordinates any sales efforts needed by the chapter.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Newsletter/Chapter Announcements and Publicity Coordinator

  • Prepare a newsletter and other information on Chapter activities to send to Chapter members.

  • Keep the members informed about upcoming events.

  • Seek publicity opportunities for the chapter.

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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Advertising Coordinator

  • Works with the Vendor/Sales Coordinator and the Newsletter Coordinator to sell advertising space in the Newsletter/Chapter Announcement and other misc. sales

  • Perform such duties as are delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.

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