








NPA Continuing Education

MindEdge Learning Description and NPA Member Benefit

The Network Professional Association has partnered with MindEdge Learning to offer their full suite of online self-paced education classes. This coursework, which covers both IT and professional growth in a variety of IT and business spaces. NPA Members receive a 10% discount on all courses. This benefit is open to all Community and Professional members. Students may earn Certificates of Completion, and some courses are designed for certification exam prep.

To enjoy this NPA Member Benefit from MindEdge Learning, collect your discount code on your NPA Member Page.

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Join the NPA as a Community Member for just $40/yr, or as a Professional Member for $125/yr!

The following selected MindEdge courses apply to
Certified Network Professional (CNP) Continuing Education hours.
Each MindEdge credit is equal to 10 CNP continuing education hours
(partial credits are ignored, e.g. 1.2 credits => 10 CNP-hours).


The Agile program coursework teaches the principles of Agile Project Management leading to certification.

Business Analysis

The Business Analysis courses in this program help you develop solutions that address business needs and add value to your organization.

Business Communications

Sharpen your Communication skills with these self-paced courses in writing, grammar, public speaking, presentation, and business communication.

Creativity and Innovation

With Creativity and Innovation courses, learn to harness the power of your imagination and apply it to real-world scenarios, setting you apart in the professional workforce.


Cybersecurity is the protection of data and personally identifiable information from malicious attacks, theft, and destruction. The Cybersecurity program offers a range of introductory to advanced training for IT professionals.

Data Analytics

Modern business software produces mountains of data.Learn the profesional skills to examine it and draw meaningful conclusions.

Emerging Technologies

These coursework explores a range of emerging technologies —including artificial intelligence, robotics, and blockchain.


The Entrepreneurship coursework teaches those with an adventurous spirit how to navigate the waters of entrepreneurship, from ideology to business planning.



The Finance coursework guides learners to organize and interpret the financial health of a business: budgeting, the time value of money, risk, and ROI.

HR Management

Professionals are charged with supporting the success of their organizations in ways that are ethical and socially responsible. Apply the skills of an HR Professional to the management of people; care for their health and safety, manage their financial investment in the company, and fostering their growth within the organization and beyond.

International Trade

The International Trade coursework delves into the five realms of global trade: compliance, legal and regulatory, intercultural awareness, technology, and resources.


Learn how to transform your natural charisma and enthusiasm into leadership skills. Stand out as a leader among your peers.


Organizations have learned that the costs of unethical actions can be high, both legally, and from a public relations perspective. Our management coursework help you build the skills to develop an inclusive management style that fits your personality and goals.


The Marketing coursework will teach you the tips to run a successful marketing campaign. Includes teaching you the principles of marketing, and the technical elements of digital marketing including social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), marketing automation, and web analytics.

Nonprofit Management

The Nonprofit Managment coursework offers a comprehensive training program in topics from volunteer development and grant writing, to fundraising and budgeting.


The Operations coursework provides the knowledge needed to improve quality, boost customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and streamline operations.

Project Management

These Project Management courses and simulations will teach you the best practices for running a project and ensuring success. The courses cover the domains of project management and prepare you for high-stakes certification tests.

PM Skills™

As a project leader, completing the PM Skills™ courses and earning certification shows that you value, understand and can effectively practice the skills needed to generate and foster an environment conducive to project success - which is a key organizational goal.

Remote Work

The Remote Work courses will give you the tools you need to establish a work-life balance, maintain your health, and set up a proper workspace to prevent pesky technology issues.

Six Sigma & Lean

Six Sigma training and certification includes the three major levels of Six Sigma: yellow belt, green belt, and black belt. Break down the complexities so that you can master the concepts easily.

Small Business Management

Learn the critical skills for managing your small business's finances, human resource challenges, and marketing efforts. Identify your current and future goals, and thrive in your community.

Sustainable Management

The Sustainable Management courses deliver the tools and knowledge to make meaningful changes in your management approach toward sustainable business practices.

Web Design

The Web Design courses iintroduce you to the essentials you need for crafting a well-designed and responsive website. Learn about design principles, user experiences, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design.

Women in Business

The coursework is designed to uncover the various challenges that evidence suggests women in business are likely to face that are different (in kind or in scale) than those faced by men in business. Learn to address the challenges of business.

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