










Careers: Interviews
Divya Chander MD, PhD, Anesthesiologist; Neuroscientist; Researcher; Entrepreneur - who works at the intersection of health, data, technology, and data security

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Divya Chander.

Divya ChanderDivya Chander is an anesthesiologist (MD UCSD, residency UCSF) and neuroscientist (PhD UCSD) who also works at the intersection of health, data, technology, and data security. She is a practicing physician, Chair of Neuroscience and Faculty of Medicine at Singularity University, Visiting Scholar in Medicine at Stanford (formerly in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine for 8 years), and Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center.

She leads 2 companies co-founded during the pandemic � Lucidify, a remote brain monitoring platform for the detection of delirium, and Plexxus, a company building the world's connected global immune system.

Dr. Chander also served on a NASA task force for COVID19, and both co-chairs and directs the post-pandemic global health initiative for OneShared.World.

Her research interests center around mapping consciousness (using optogenetics in mice, EEG in the operating room in humans), how consciousness will be altered by human augmentation, and how mapping consciousness in humans may enable us to recognize it in non-human, intelligent beings (both on and off-planet, e.g. through initiatives like SETI, where she joins the newly formed SETI Complexity Group).

Dr. Chander also contributes to space life sciences and medicine. A finalist for astronaut selection and an alumnus of the International Space University, Dr. Chander has performed remote simulations of trauma rescues, anesthesia and surgery in Mars analogue settings. In addition, she has also been involved with a consortium that elaborated a road-map for studying the effect of microgravity and radiation on the nervous system, cardiovascular system, cognition and sleep. Her desire to alter her own Consciousness is to someday see the Earth rise from the surface of the moon.



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