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Network Professional Association


Network Professional Association Presents
the Awards for Professionalism at


NPA Honors Individuals for
Excellence in the Networking Industry

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - April 29, 2003. The Network Professional Association (NPA) today recognized four individuals as the Association hosted it's second annual Awards for Professionalism ceremony at NetWorld+ Interop 2003, which took place at 2pm, April 29, 2003 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The awards program, in cooperation with NetWorld+Interop, honors individuals for their outstanding achievements within the network computing industry. Each winner received a specially designed, personalized trophy.

According to the NPA chairman of the board, Jim Belasco, "These awards show our commitment to recognize those extraordinary individuals in the field of networking, true professionals." By teaming with NetWorld+Interop, the NPA is enhancing the prestige and visibility of award winners while continuing the awards as a standard ceremony at this definitive networking event.

An independent panel consisting of industry media representatives and senior networking professionals evaluated the entries. Barry Sellers of the NPA headed up the judging efforts this year, noting "Reviewing the submissions was an honor and the panel is thankful for the opportunity to recognize the professionals in our industry." Other panel members included seasoned representatives from Microsoft, Network Computing Magazine, and Network World. Several senior network professionals and long time members of the NPA contributed to the judging committee including Steve Hyzny and Simon Stickley.

John McHale was honored with the Best Networking Professional Career Achievement Award due to the contributions he has brought to the networking industry. Mr. McHale is a man full of innovation and determination, and he inspires and encourages those he comes in contact with. Mr. McHale has created some truly innovative networking technology. His technological contributions have been so valuable that Compaq purchased his first company, and his second company was purchased by Cisco. John McHale is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TippingPoint Technologies (, a leading provider of network-based intrusion prevention systems.

Emerson Chase was awarded the Most Innovative Networking Project or Implementation, Corporate Small Business. Mr. Chase was selected because of his ability to take a situation where there basically was no budget and produce an information technology infrastructure that is amazing. In his own words, "I understand that the technology we have may be small potatoes compared to others, but if you consider that 7 years ago we had to go down to the corner drugstore to place a fax, to what we have now, we have most certainly raised the "quality of life" for our residents." Emerson Chase is the Director of Technology for The Hickman (, non-profit assisted living facility located in West Chester Pennsylvania.

Gary Markin and Bill Perlowitz were selected for the Most Innovative Networking Project or Implementation, Government category, because of their work with the City Of Falls Church, Virginia. Mr. Markin and Mr. Perlowitz created a completely secure, integrated platform and directory with immediate return on investment that would evolve in a very short period of time to coordinate accounting within the City, integrate the applications required by all departments, enhance both City worker and citizen services, and be affordable to maintain. Gary Markin, COO, and Bill Perlowitz, CTO, are program/project management staff with Reliable Integration Services (, a network design, implementation, and management firm.

Culminating the awards presentation and in keeping with the professionalism themed event, after the awards ceremony the attendees heard how to "Kick It Up a Notch" in their professional and personal life from Natalie Forsyth of National Seminars. This high-energy presentation addressed seven areas of excellence for self-improvement with tools to achieve development ambitions.


About NetWorld+Interop

NetWorld+Interop is the definitive networking event of the year that brings high-level buyers interested in networking, security, wireless, VoIP, and network storage technologies together with industry leading companies and their products and services. For more than 17 years, NetWorld+Interop has provided top quality conferences, interactive show floors, the InteropNet, and a year round community. NetWorld+Interop serves more than 500,000 IT professionals around the world including The US, Japan, Canada, France and Brazil.

NetWorld+Interop is a Key3Media event. Key3Media Group, Inc., produces information technology tradeshows and conferences. Key3Media's products range from the IT industry's largest exhibitions such as COMDEX and NetWorld+Interop to highly focused events featuring renowned educational programs, custom seminars and specialized vendor marketing programs. For more information about Key3Media, visit

Key3Media, COMDEX, NetWorld, Interop, NetWorld+Interop, and associated design marks and logos are trademarks owned or used under license by Key3Media Events, Inc., and may be registered in the United States and other countries. Other names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners


About the NPA

The decade-old non-profit Network Professional Association (NPA) is the leading organization for network computing professionals worldwide. To be identified as true professionals, the NPA's international membership adheres to a code-of-ethics and strives for continual growth. The impartial strength of the NPA is a result of vendor neutrality and self-regulation. The Association's focus is to support and promote the role of the network professional. For more information, visit or call 714-573-4780.













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