








Newsroom: NPA News: November 2004

Members and friends of the Network Professional Association are asked to contribute to "SHOES FOR THE POOR"

NPA joins with San Diego Friends of the Poor to provide 1200 pairs of shoes to the school age children of the very poor in Tijuana, Mexico.

Friends of the Poor (San Diego, CA) each year creates holiday packages for 1200 very poor families in Tijuana, Mexico. These are gifts of necessity, typically a bag of rice, beans, other basics and ... a pair of shoes for one child in each family.

Why a pair of shoes? In Tijuana there is a requirement that to attend school, all children must wear shoes. Thus, a major problem for the very poor.

1200 pairs of shoes are needed, or rather the money for 1200 pairs of shoes, costing about $12 each. NPA and Friends of the Poor look to enabling the people, rather than giving to them. The money is used to purchase the shoes from the local cobblers, thus it provides for income and work in the community several times over. Shoes are on order — we need your donation to have them ready in time for the Christmas holiday.

Your significant contribution will enable an education for a child. It is through education that the poor can be enabled to raise themselves.

Your significant contribution will bolster the local economy as the money is recycled by merchants and employees over and over.

No part of this money is used for anything other than the shoes. Friends of the Poor is a 501(c3) non-profit and will provide a receipt for your tax exempt contribution. Please make your check payable to:

Friends of the Poor
417 Coast Blvd
La Jolla, CA 92037

In the memo field write - NPA Shoes

Questions or to volunteer in a greater way, contact Jim Belasco, 858 875-7002.

To learn more about Friends of the Poor, call (858) 454-7274

Thank you.

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