








Network Professional Association -Persona

Advocate for the Ethical Network and IT Professional

Accomplished Academia and Professionals Persona

You are in the thick of things. Busy, busy, busy. So much to do to expand your career and demonstrate your IT professional experience. Whether the circles you move in are academic or business, you are leading and managing teams. You work to improve your message and build your communication skills. As you do the 7/24 dance you are looking to meet and link with like-minded professionals. You are ready to share and learn.

The Network Professional Association® (NPA) exists for the well-being of IT Professionals. Where this is important for you is our example of being ethical professionals. The NPA's international membership adheres to a code-of-ethics, continual demonstrated professional development, adherence and knowledge of the latest best practice standards, and strives for continual growth.

The NPA is vendor neutrality and self-regulating. A fundamental driver for the NPA is to Advocate for the Ethical Network and IT Professional - providing activities and opportunities to grow and prosper in their careers.

We welcome your interest in the NPA, our opinions and programs. We want you as a continuing member of the NPA. As a volunteer group we can provide opportunities to meet, greet and be involved. Most important for you, NPA can provide you a sounding board, a practice field, a HR resource, a public face/personality as an ethical professional.

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