








Network Professional Association -Persona

Advocate for the Ethical Network and IT Professional

Fellows of the IT Profession

NPA began many years ago, 1993. Ethics, sharing and mentoring were important then as now. You have many years invested in your IT profession(s). Some of us are at the brink of retirement. We all are well–connected seasoned Business & Academia IT leaders. We have learned the importance of mentors, education, and guidance for individuals in the rising work force and the results it imparts to business success.

This is your time to give to the development of others, amplify ethical professionalism as career direction. Now can be a time for you to publish and expand recognition of your accomplishments.

The Network Professional Association® (NPA) exists for the well-being of IT Professionals. Where this is important for you is our example of being ethical professionals. The NPA's international membership adheres to a code-of-ethics, continual demonstrated professional development, adherence and knowledge of the latest best practice standards, and strives for continual growth.

The NPA is vendor neutrality and self-regulating. A fundamental driver for the NPA is to Advocate for the Ethical Network and IT Professional - providing activities and opportunities to grow and prosper in their careers.

We welcome your interest in the NPA, our opinions and programs. We want you as a continuing IT leader involved in the NPA. As a volunteer group we can share the work, the fun and rewards of building NPA and mentoring its members.

Do you have an NPA success story?

  • I met XXX, that meeting brought me to a new IT career worth $thousands; bought/sold $$$ of services; got a qualified new employee.
  • I responded to a member need. I gained a customer valued at $hundreds-of-thousands.

NPA has IT professionals wanting to hear your Business success story and how you addressed, oh, so many, ethical issues.

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